Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

It helps to have a regular group of good players to raid with every time. We're pretty hardcore Destiny players.
You don't necessarily need a regular raid group, just a group of all good players. Just one or two weaker players can make it take much longer to complete.

Just a few weeks ago I did the raid with 3 people on my friends list, and two of them brought friends of theirs. We had never played together before, but there were just no weak players. We actually beat it quicker than my regular group.

When everyone is ~307 or higher, hard mode doesn't take much longer than normal mode.
It's possible it's just a big show from the marketing department.

Gamer is 'easy' to be fired up by relevant games in 'common' media or by 'common star'.

There have been some other famous Destiny players confirmed. Some basketball or football player I forget who...also both Adam Boyes and Phil Spencer are into the game, although not mainstream celebrities.

I think Destiny is appealing to older gamers like those for sure. It's progression and not just twitch pew pew, also of course heavily social.
A few times lately in crucible I'll notice something, I'll be dead to rights, pull of some crazy jumping twisting escape, and shotgun or nade the guy while doing a 360 in the air or something.

All the sudden I go wow, it's like I'm good. I must be making those kids feel helpless like I have so often.

But, I really dont give myself much credit because at this point I've played a lot of crucible, way more than average. I think I'm in the top 30% for raw number of assists or some goofy stat like that. Which is just because I've played a lot. My k/d is still like 76th percentile.

All these quests though really drag me down, since I'm not very good to start. Luckily I believe I'm nearing being done with most of them. For example if I need to win matches with 6+ scout rifle kills, I pretty much ignore my heavy and super, to make sure i get the 6 kills. And that takes a big toll on the k/d.

Also when I played some elimination a week or two ago (for some quest I'm sure) it was an eye opener. I guess everybody was practicing for trials because it was absolutely brutal. But, when I was done it felt like the other game modes were a lot easier since then by compare. I dont feel too bad though, as I can compete pretty well in every game type except elimination by now. Oh also the fact I never play in a fireteam probably has something to do with being so bad in elimination.

Also I cannot snipe for shit...even as I'm getting decently effective with shotgun. I really dont even bother trying to learn to snipe at this point. But in elimination that's a problem as it's all sniping.
@djskribbles gonna raid? have free spot?

i have not faced Hard Oryx even once, want to experience it first hand. (so i have no watched youtube and so i will be pretty dumb with the new mechanic,but i can Self-res most of the time)
If everyone makes it on, we will be full unfortunately. :(
Since King's Fall is longer than the other raids, we always schedule them with the group so we rarely have a spot open. With VoG/Crota we just did them whenever, sometimes finishing them off on reset so we didn't bother doing any scheduling.
Plus we have more than 6 guys that want to do the raid.
Man the last couple days of PVP really pissed me off. I finally got the crucible bounties (completed the quest to get the weekly Shaxx bounties), which was a horrible slog in itself. Then, doing the bounties itself, also a soul crushing slog.

Basically anytime the task is: "Win x matches of certain gametype" or "get X kills with non scout/pulse gun" I have a really hard time with it.

It's unbelievably frustrating. I would say in objective matches my side loses 90% of the time. I dont even understand how that is theoretically possible? I can spend HOURS trying for ONE win on Rift, for example.

Ok, I'm not the best, but even if I AFK'd every single match, statistics would say the other 5/6 payers ought to be able to win with no contribution from the 6th way more than 10% of the time. Let alone the fact I'm obviously not AFK.

Ok, I get that so far, I only ever play crucible as a lone wolf. So, I guess again statistics would say it's somewhat more likely the other side will be in a team. So, I get losing 60% of the time or something. But again, what about when 2-5 on my side are on a team? That should happen frequently as well, no?

Here's a typical run in lets say, Control/Rift/Clash/Skirmish. First match: Lose easily. Second match, lose easily. Third match getting pissed, team falls behind by 3-5000 points almost instantly. Quit out in frustration. WAIT for interminable matchmaking. Often get thrown back in the same match you just left, so more agonizing leaving/rematchmaking/wasting time. Get in another match, almost instantly down 3000-5000 points (the whole time thinking "how is this possible?? Statistically I should be on the winning side 50% of the time!"). Quit out again. Get in another match...ooh, we're doing ok..almost NEVER blowing the other team out like happens to me every single game, but at least around tied after the first minute, which is an incredible thing for my side not to be down thousands of points within 30 seconds. So I play it out, more often than not, crushing close lose where the other team comes back. Frustration peaking. Next match, INSTANTLY down HUGE with zero chance. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and sprinkle in all that a few more matches where matchmaking puts you in a ongoing match youre already down big in. You can see how winning ONE SINGLE control match can LITERALLY take HOURS. It's INSANE.

Then we have the "get kills with X" type. Hand Cannon or Auto. BRUTAL. Again, I get that I'm not that good, but it bothers me how I go from often pretty damn competent with a pulse or scout to soul crushingly AWFUL with a HC or AR. Routinely doing games of maybe 1-10 or 2-15. What does that say about my skill?

You combine the two, using a Hand Cannon/AR for one bounty as you play rift for another, losing match after match while putting up HORRIBLE k/'s just awful. I doubt Ill ever do the weekly crucible bounties again. May have taken like ten hours to complete, and got a crappy 299 party crasher. Was not even 300+.

The thing is again, clash/control/rumble with a pulse or even scout? I can (not always of course) put up games like 25-9, 20-5, etc my bad games are probably around 1:1 k/d....Rumble, I like to think because everybody else isn't on a team against me, I EASILY do top 3 almost every time. This is how I "cheese" any "win x games" bounty, a top 3 finish in rumble often counts as a win in those, and I go top 3 almost every game.

I honestly think everybody in crucible runs around in a team trying to pubstomp, and this is why I do far best in rumble. The one place they cant get an unfair advantage. Of course what they do in rumble half the time is "Oh hey, everybody is shooting me and ignoring each other, cool! LOL) Maybe I'm a bit bitter...

As I said, I think bounties are a no go for me, I dont want to be forced into using guns I dont want to, because everything but pulses are so bad it's not funny, and my side automatically loses at least 80% of all objective game types (often my side dont even bother trying for objectives)
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Help ya keep this thread alive Rangers. :)

Had a good weekend of ToO. I got an (adept) Doctrine of Passing (ToO auto rifle) as my first lighthouse chest reward in week 1 of ToO year 2 and was immediately disappointed (usually not a fan of the max fire-rate, very low impact ARs). Decided to try it out two weeks ago as I completed ToO on my 3 characters and wanted to play more for fun and experiment with other weapons. Gave this AR a shot and immediately fell in love with it. Don't listen to the reviews saying that it's mediocre. If you get one, try it out... it melts people in it's optimal range (close-mid range) and is a very good compliment to a sniper (not so much a shotgun/fusion rifle). If you get one with counterbalance even better, but I have no issues melting people without. As long as you can control the recoil and land most of your shots, not only is the TTK low, it causes them to flinch and miss their shots. This weapon will only get better in the next weapons tweak when they boost AR damage slightly.

Here's a little clip of me using it in ToO earlier today.

On the topic of crucible, just some random thoughts.
-Pulse rifles have definitely taken over handcannons as the definitive primary. Most of the other weapons just can't compete. There are only a small hand full of weapons in each other primary type that can. I'd say the best pulse rifles are Hawksaw/Suros PDX (almost the same), Nerwin's Mercy, Red Death or Bad Juju.
-Shotgun nerf is definitely felt. Even in ToO where I generally preferred high impact shotguns for the almost guaranteed 1-shot kill, I now prefer the faster firing ones because the faster followup shot is more important more times than not. It's a lot more difficult to 1-shot kill someone without being within melee range.
-Because of the above, I have almost switched to sniper entirely for all game modes. I have already got more sniper kills in ToO than shotgun kills in just a few weekends when I used shotguns A LOT in year 1. The only time that I use a shotgun now is if I play a team with aggressive blink shotgunners and I feel that my sniping ability is lacking on that particular day.
-Did I mention that Doctrine of Passing is very good?
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Some good stuff coming in Dec. Shotgun and pulse rifle nerfs, auto rifle buff. They are buffing two of my exotics and adding year two versions of three exotic weapons I have!
The Mida multi tool is coming back!!!!!!
I'm so hyped. It is my favorite Scout rifle in the game. I was top 1% of pve precision kills with the Kids in year one.

I'm also looking forward to the achlyophage symbiote (sorry for spelling) as well as the bones of Eao.

You know that in the bungie armory all year one exotic armor pieces have a year 2 version listed. It seems odd that they are only releasing a few.
They were talking about Doctrine of Passing on Planet Destiny podcast this week, they said it's already good, and could be really good with the upcoming AR buff.

My favorite is my Nerwins Mercy...thing just melts, it's a laser. After a lot of play, I give it the edge over the hawksaw archetypes, those have less stability. Probably over Red Death as well, again, stability.

I pretty much NEVER lose a fair gunbattle at 20-40 feet, pretty much never, with Nerwins. I can lose to other top tier pulses now and again, to hawkmoon up close, to an AR up close (but not that much) but all those are understandable edge cases.

Yeah the funny thing is Bungie is fixing to DESTROY shotguns and they're reacting to 2 months old complaining, snipers are ALREADY becoming dominant in the meta I feel like, how bad is it gonna be once they overreact and DESTROY shotguns?. Bungie is so behind and panders to whining. Oh except they still haven't nerfed Sunbreakers funny thing.

I've discovered sniping now, probably really for the first time where I "get it" instead of just floundering around. So fun! One of my best moments in IB was I was about 20 yards from a guy he was firing his primary on me, I was strafing trying to get a bead with my sniper before he kills me, with like one millimeter of health left bam! I explode his head. Sniper kills are so satisfying. I'm still not very good mind you, but getting better. I love firefly on the 1kys from quest. Just makes it so visceral.

All of the big PVP guys I see on twitch I only ever see them being sniper monsters. So yeah, there must be something too it, even as shotgun gets all the complaining.

I expect auto aim is the next big complaint, cause it's already rumbling but once they nerf shotty's...

And I'm so excited to get Mida back! Played a match with the 170 version in preparation, I dont think it's as good as Nerwins in the current meta, but it's still good. If pulses are nerfed bad enough, at least I'll have a solid backup plan in mida.

I also call dibs on this loadout after they nerf shotguns, Mida+sidearm! I bet it will be pretty popular...I'm going to play around with it before the Dec update. Once shotguns are crap and the they buff sidearm ready/stow speed, it's a natural. Also good range synergy (although a mida is still not a true sniper at long range obviously). I heard of Hovey playing with No Land Beyond and a sidearm...that's another cool all ranges covered idea.

I got 2 310 ghost shells, a 311 launcher, and a 318 Nerwins from my 2 IB rank 5 chars, woulda been pissed if I hadn't got the Nerwins as it was the only thing that upped my light. But it did and I'm now 312 and half. The raid is still a much more productive use of time for loot but heck, I just like IB better so I did it.

IB is much more lucrative now though. I also got two chests (one at 309 IIRC) the sleeves, two of the machine guns, etc just from drops. Dont really care about any of that but hey. I didn't buy anything.

As for raid, I still haven't beaten hard. Again i mostly used exotics to get to 310, so I never got proficient at normal raid, so it's double hard learning on the fly in hard mode. Of course the first 3 encounters are not too difficult, and at this point I'm comfortable with them, but I still have issues with the daughters, the 2nd jump puzzle, and heck I dont even really know how to run's slow going.
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They were talking about Doctrine of Passing on Planet Destiny podcast this week, they said it's already good, and could be really good with the upcoming AR buff.
Just listened to the podcast and the guy talking about his perfect roll said that it's garbage without counterbalance (which is in the only perk slot that can change on the ToO weapons, much like the raid weapons. Persistence and Braced frame are standard on the Doctrine). I disagree... the video I posted above is my Doctrine without counter balance (it had rangefinder) and it still shreds people. I did, however, receive a 319 Doctrine with counterbalance this week or last week. I feel like it might spoil my other ones without counter balance though. I tried it out a bit and counterbalance definitely makes it even better.
That 318 Nerwins Mercy I got from IB is nice in raid. It's awesome too because it has good PVE perks, casket mag and feeding frenzy. Ammo is king in PVE and casket mag takes it to 39 rounds (13 bursts) versus the normal 11 bursts.

I still prefer scouts for feel in PVE, but this seems more effective (I'm not sure if it being 318 vs my previous PVE primary Dis-43 being 310 has anything to do with it as well?), I seemed like I was melting with it in raid yesterday. Especially noticed a difference on Totems, I would just primary the knights, easier and with Nerwins it seems to be powerful enough to easily do it.

I'm currently doing this strategy of doing the first 3 bosses in raid on each character, then if I have time trying the last two since those are the hard ones/ones I'm not experienced/good at. And I need a lot of work on the 2nd jump puzzle but I feel like I'm making progress there (although I have made it twice now, I still needed to be walked through both times, no beuno). Honestly with Bones of Eao, you can pretty much jump for it, slide off, and still be ok, you will still have 2-3 jetpack bursts to get back on. It's quite nice. It's tough on raid jump puzzles because there's no pressure free way to practice on your own, no way to practice at all really.

Honestly I dont feel like I need yr2 bones. It'll still drop my light substantially, and currently I just use yr 1 version the only place I need it (raid jump puzzles) with no issues. Even if I do ever get yr2 bones up to 310+, I'll still likely be using another exotic in raid rather than Bones the whole way just for the puzzles.

Still haven't lucked into that lucky LFG group to carry me through hard mode Oryx. Still no hard mode emblem...too be fair I'm not exactly trying that hard though.

Got some 316 gloves yesterday, they took me to 313 light....
I feel so bad for my son. He got an exotic primary engram and was excited to get a possible new 310 gun (he is 300). It decodes to a gun he had and at 290. What shit from the RNG.
Hm, is there any problem to start Destiny now?

I am thinking about buying it in BF sales, the Taken King edition for 44€ seems ok to me.
Hm, is there any problem to start Destiny now?

You mean other than you would be feeding the Bungie money train and allow them to continue to make more of the same skinner box money extraction products?