Man the last couple days of PVP really pissed me off. I finally got the crucible bounties (completed the quest to get the weekly Shaxx bounties), which was a horrible slog in itself. Then, doing the bounties itself, also a soul crushing slog.
Basically anytime the task is: "Win x matches of certain gametype" or "get X kills with non scout/pulse gun" I have a really hard time with it.
It's unbelievably frustrating. I would say in objective matches my side loses 90% of the time. I dont even understand how that is theoretically possible? I can spend HOURS trying for ONE win on Rift, for example.
Ok, I'm not the best, but even if I AFK'd every single match, statistics would say the other 5/6 payers ought to be able to win with no contribution from the 6th way more than 10% of the time. Let alone the fact I'm obviously not AFK.
Ok, I get that so far, I only ever play crucible as a lone wolf. So, I guess again statistics would say it's somewhat more likely the other side will be in a team. So, I get losing 60% of the time or something. But again, what about when 2-5 on my side are on a team? That should happen frequently as well, no?
Here's a typical run in lets say, Control/Rift/Clash/Skirmish. First match: Lose easily. Second match, lose easily. Third match getting pissed, team falls behind by 3-5000 points almost instantly. Quit out in frustration. WAIT for interminable matchmaking. Often get thrown back in the same match you just left, so more agonizing leaving/rematchmaking/wasting time. Get in another match, almost instantly down 3000-5000 points (the whole time thinking "how is this possible?? Statistically I should be on the winning side 50% of the time!"). Quit out again. Get in another match...ooh, we're doing ok..almost NEVER blowing the other team out like happens to me every single game, but at least around tied after the first minute, which is an incredible thing for my side not to be down thousands of points within 30 seconds. So I play it out, more often than not, crushing close lose where the other team comes back. Frustration peaking. Next match, INSTANTLY down HUGE with zero chance. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and sprinkle in all that a few more matches where matchmaking puts you in a ongoing match youre already down big in. You can see how winning ONE SINGLE control match can LITERALLY take HOURS. It's INSANE.
Then we have the "get kills with X" type. Hand Cannon or Auto. BRUTAL. Again, I get that I'm not that good, but it bothers me how I go from often pretty damn competent with a pulse or scout to soul crushingly AWFUL with a HC or AR. Routinely doing games of maybe 1-10 or 2-15. What does that say about my skill?
You combine the two, using a Hand Cannon/AR for one bounty as you play rift for another, losing match after match while putting up HORRIBLE k/'s just awful. I doubt Ill ever do the weekly crucible bounties again. May have taken like ten hours to complete, and got a crappy 299 party crasher. Was not even 300+.
The thing is again, clash/control/rumble with a pulse or even scout? I can (not always of course) put up games like 25-9, 20-5, etc my bad games are probably around 1:1 k/d....Rumble, I like to think because everybody else isn't on a team against me, I EASILY do top 3 almost every time. This is how I "cheese" any "win x games" bounty, a top 3 finish in rumble often counts as a win in those, and I go top 3 almost every game.
I honestly think everybody in crucible runs around in a team trying to pubstomp, and this is why I do far best in rumble. The one place they cant get an unfair advantage. Of course what they do in rumble half the time is "Oh hey, everybody is shooting me and ignoring each other, cool! LOL) Maybe I'm a bit bitter...
As I said, I think bounties are a no go for me, I dont want to be forced into using guns I dont want to, because everything but pulses are so bad it's not funny, and my side automatically loses at least 80% of all objective game types (often my side dont even bother trying for objectives)