Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

My light level is 288 and it's getting really hard to find new items now.

It slowed to a crawl around 293-294 for me. I'm 296-297 on 3 characters and I haven't played the Raid yet. Most decode into the 260 range now.

1) Buy the Vanguard Ghost at 280
2) Play CoO and start them yourself to get better drops
3) Play Strikes(I usually do the 10 Heroic strikes in a rush for the Exotic Faction Class Items)
4) Farm 290 Exotics/Others with 3oC
5) Play them with your close to highest possible config for the non emblem drops
6) Do the Missions. You should get a 300 artifact and a weapon after the NF challenge.
7) Level up the Factions, Queen(Class Item) and Gunsmith
8) If you checkout the emblems in the Tower *definitely* use your highest config.
It slowed to a crawl around 293-294 for me. I'm 296-297 on 3 characters and I haven't played the Raid yet. Most decode into the 260 range now.

1) Buy the Vanguard Ghost at 280
2) Play CoO and start them yourself to get better drops
3) Play Strikes(I usually do the 10 Heroic strikes in a rush for the Exotic Faction Class Items)
4) Farm 290 Exotics/Others with 3oC
5) Play them with your close to highest possible config for the non emblem drops
6) Do the Missions. You should get a 300 artifact and a weapon after the NF challenge.
7) Level up the Factions, Queen(Class Item) and Gunsmith
8) If you checkout the emblems in the Tower *definitely* use your highest config.

You will reach a hump without raid. the real key is to hit 300 because then about 50% of your exotics (in my experience) decode into 310's. Then you can also use these 310 exotics to infuse besides keeping some of course. Lets say you infuse a extra 310 Alpha Lupi into a 300 legendary chest armor, it will be 308. You can see this lets you gain light (relatively, heh) quickly.

Without Raid 300 will be basically impossible to hit, you'll have to wait for RNG to give you 300 items in every single slot.
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Well my days as a scout guy may be numbered, it's a pulse meta. After Red Death I wanted to try some more legendary pulses so I can do a legendary primary/Truth loadout sometimes (never done well with them in past) and Suros PDX 45 (I think it is) is pretty nice as well. It';s not a two burst but from what I gather the 3 bursts can have more flexibility (IE kill more often in three bursts). It's no Red Death mind you, you really end up missing the heal perk, but it's pretty effective.

PDX 45 is the same ROF/Impact as the Hawksaw everybody keeps talking about except better. Cause that vendor hawksaw has crap perks, nothing for stability. My PDX has Rangefinder AND Rifled Barrel I think which at least gives it like twice the range stat of the vendor Hawksaw without giving up anything else (except maybe some semi-useless stat like reload).

Hung Jury is another gun I noticed everybody seems to overate cus firefly. Which I admit is nice for PVE, it's fun watching shit blow up to keep yourself entertained in PVE, but it's stability is like HALF my Suros DIS 43, I believe it's aim assist is lower, and it holds fewer rounds (same ROF/Impact). And really I consider firefly effectively a cosmetic perk, it pretty much will never save your life because it's only useful on non threatening trash anyway, it's just fun, I get that.

Personally I'm already rapidly running out of shit to buy with marks...which is kinda good it means I can stop doing the dailies chores.
I haven't tried Red Death yet, but I'm still loving apple of discord. It's a great weapon for both PVE and PVP IMO.

Hard raid comes out Oct. 23rd. Recommended light is 300-320 and raid gear drops between 310-320.
Trials of Osiris delayed with no date given. :(
Whoa hard raid news...

Well; I was all working to make 310 and now this makes it pointless. Well, I'm 304, and in a week should be higher, I'm ready.

But they're going to have to recalibrate exotics to sometimes drop at 320? I dunno, the 320 thing is weird...

Dunno why they delayed TOO for the unlimited Shadowshot nonsense, from what I saw it's not very good (you leave yourself vulnerable going into menu) and I have not run into it one single time in IB. Bungie was just utterly terrorized at the thought of Hunters getting anything good I guess. Meanwhile Sunbreaker is probably just normally three times as broken/OP as this Shadowshot glitch...

Skribb I bet you'd kill with RD, it's just better than everything else. You get a possible two shot kill, decent accuracy, solid range, and healing really helps. It means you can sometimes take on 2 or 3 at once, because if you kill one your health gets "reset" to continue battling the other, whereas with other guns the 2nd guy is likely going to kill you with low health.

Probably my only issue with it is it means I cant use 4 rocket Truth...which is a beast...few times I got 4 kills per heavy pickup with it tonight...8 kills in a match. And I dont have a particularly good backup plan. vendor Vertigo only picks up two. So far I go with a machine gun (raid or some high impact blues I have) with mixed results.

But my last ten IB matches=1.24 k/d...per which is a really cool site.
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1.24 is not bad at all. I see you saying that the competition probably sucks, but you're probably just getting better. ;)

That site you posted doesn't work for me for some reason (says player not found) but just looking at, my K/D is 1.55 in my last 10 matches, or ~1.6 in the last 20 with an average of ~19 kills per round.

It's ridiculous how bad the match making has been for us. Many times we either have a guy that's away, or 1 or more people leave, or our team just plain sucks. There have been at least a half dozen or so matches where the next closest guy that's not in our fireteam has less than half of the points of me, and I usually have been playing with only 1 or 2 people.

Yeah I'll probably buy Red Death at some point (assuming it doesn't drop for me). Health regen is nice, but I would lose range, stability and headseaker compared to my Apple of Discord (which I'm pretty sure can 2 shot as well). I'm just in no hurry because AoD has been good to me.
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Isn't Apple a hakke? I hate the hakke's because the four round burst means they have really heavy kick, while not actually doing more damage.

Yeah I definitely think Red Death is the agreed on meta king. And maybe Bad Juju.

I really get killed by a vast variety of primarys and dont see one overwhelming favorite, I dont see a ton of Red Death's either. Which is a good sign that things are more even between all primary types than before.

Yeah I'm definitely getting better. Just like last time I do really well in IB for whatever reason. I'm super inconsistent though, I still regularly post clunker matches with K/D's of like .6, mixed in with some of 1.5+.

I never knew you could look up your last matches on Anyway the site was, not .com
Experienced the Shadowshot spam cheat a few times on both sides. If the guy(s) know what they do the match is's never ending super as the others feed from it.

Check out the Villany PR. Have one with Eye of the Storm,Perfect Balance,Army Of One as my primary now with about 90% stability. Afaik the IB PR is the same archetype. It's a 3LW with the mid damage/faster model.

You can also "get" a Tunela SR4 to 100% stability with about MIDA range(compromise). It's more or less a Hung Jury clone with different stats. Can't recall if I got that from Gunsmith orders or Gunsmith leveling. It's my go to legendary SR with Firefly+Super Refill.

Last night I felt like testing a new IB game mode for Bungie. On Widow's Court a 3v3 from start to finish. It changed the whole type of Control about protecting between taking and running back between 2 spots all the time. I think I got over 10 control spots in the end. Was actually a lot fun with a Sunbreaker.

Has anybody here ever got some games where you clearly feel significantly slower than your opponents. I had a few of them even on a Hunter solo against some 6 man fire teams during the night(probably playing West Cost or Australia). Is that random micro lag or some DoS strategy.
man, the shadowshot unlimited super was SUPER FUN in PVE.... will be sad when they fixed it.

btw on PVP, how the heck do you shot people with shadow shot? i keep hitting doors, lamps, trees, ground. gonna back to flame hunter if i already maxed void hunter (dont remember the class name). im really bad at it on PVP.
it's very hard to hit anything with shadowshot in both pve and pvp. that super is awful.

IB Rank 5 been in the bag for a couple days now thanks to two 525 bounties stashed and waiting for monday when they will be worth like 3200XP...and I'm about 2/3 of the way to rank 4 now. I wasn't sure I could get the top scorer portion of that one bounty but completed that.

At first I wasn't gonna buy the Nirwen's Mercy but after seeing a video of it I will. It looks like a Red Death without the ability to two burst, but it also seems a good deal more stable to at least help make up for it. Might make another good legendary alternative to Red Death, besides the Suros PDX 45 that is my current go to legendary.

Weirdly the PDX 45 has a pretty poor time to kill, but when you actually play with the thing it mows (it's basically the hawksaw everybody raves about but IMO the PDX 45 has slightly better base stats). Not sure why. One thing is it really seems to make enemies flinch, not sure if that's a placebo effect though.

Th two things I wanted from IB are the cloak and Nirwens. And the ONE thing that's dropped is useless boots, naturally.

Oh well, even doing the bulk of playing early, with the 525 bounties played smartly it really requires very little grinding even to hit rank 5.
Guys, remember when im rambling about Destiny cut content, rushed major changes, etc from months ago? its now confirmed

Not only it confirms the informations, it also explains the horrible technicalities that hamper bungie's works: The engine is bloody slow, took half a day just to open a map and make small change.

so thats why the maps have lots of "holes" and bungie did not patch those out. Its just not worth the time.

good news for glitchers like me i guess :D
I dont believe a word of it really. Fits some pat narrative people want to be true abut Destiny, that's all,.

And actually I was always kind of amazed at how many locations they can put chests/resource nodes, since those specifically were pointed out. It seems like chests can spawn in practically any square inch sometimes. This is pretty much the opposite of how the article makes it out. If resource nodes were so hard to place, they wouldn't have so much variety of location, instead they would only spawn in 1 or 2 locations per zone.

Anyways got the Time To Kill...seems like another good pulse rifle alternative, with one of the barrels it does 33 and is a two burst mostly. The sights are crap though, and Red Death is likely still better due to healing.

Also got a 304 shell in the nightfall....not the 310 shell of my dreams, but it does put me to 305 light. I can probably be 306 in the next day or so since I'll get the exotic sword at 310.

Pretty much every slot is 310 or on a path to 310 except some trouble spots: boots, and the shell still I guess, and currently my best primary is only 300.

Damnit, the spiffy nightfall rewards now kind of make me wish I hadn't deleted my 3rd hunter again, so I could run it 3 times. But only kind of. Going through TTK quests yet again would be a nightmare.

The nightfall I ran all three of us got Ghost Shells. I guess Bungie is really singling them out...
have managed 299 after a raid and to days nightfall. WOuld have been 300 if Oryx hadn't dropped the same scout rifle two times. If it had been an armour piece...ha !
@Rangers the chest is actually looks "hard to move" by bungie. Look at their fix for chest farming exlploit.

instead of moving the chest away from zone transition gate, they add chest timer.

they painstakingly put the various chest location, people exploit it, they dont have time to move the chest, so they add chest timer.
That's pretty typical of Bungie's historical approach to game development. Read up on the history of Halo development. Not surprising at all really.

What I don't get is HTF the team can spend so much time creating content (story, missions, etc) only to have executive management pull the plug at the 11th hour. One would think they would stay up to date on what people are working on and the general direction.
@NRP that also happened with Uncharted 4 and mgsv. Just like destiny, U4 cut content and change stuff after staff/boss changes. But MGSV did not have boss change but it cut lots of stuff, including voice and music works.
Hard mode doesn't seem particularly hard. In a few hours beat through Golgoroth. If I had more time I imagine probably would have beat the whole hard raid tonight (the last group I was with were very coordinated, so had I stayed I think they would have beat it). This is mostly with mid-300's too and myself 305, imagine when everybody is much higher light. And I've only beat the raid once on normal as well, so I dont have a ton of experience either.

My haul was a 302 sniper, 310 sniper (at same checkpoint, so proving it's normal+hard rewards), a 313 Fusion (which I used to infuse my 308 stillpiercer to 313), and 315 boots at Golgy. Thank goodness for the boots, because without them I would have left the raid at the same 305 I came in. As is I managed to at least bump up to 307, because my prior best boots were a lowly 300.

This is where working weekends sucks, while everybody else can disect the raid, run it 3x etc the next 3 days, I'll be at work. ah well.

Bungie confirmed no more elemental primaries I guess. I guess it's good. I dont mind.

I guess achieving 320 will be a massive bear as currently constituted. Just have to have every individual item drop at 320 for you...

One nice tip I figured out (and I'm sure everybody else) for Hunter is equip your year 1 Bones of Eao on any jumping puzzles. It may drop your light quite a lot, but there's no enemies in these sections so it doesn't matter, and having 4X jump helps a lot, psychologically as much as anything, you know you have that much more backup safety.

Couple other things...I dont exactly know the numbers but it seems like Spindle is indispensable in the raid. Besides being incredibly hard hitting, the fact you dont have to stop to reload makes it's DPS unmatched by well, anything that I know of in this post gjallahorn world.

Also, Bungie fixing it to where engrams and glimmer drop like normal makes the raid feel a lot more rewarding. Great move. Now you come out of a long grueling raid besides your raid gear, but with about 30 engrams and 30 glimmer consumables. It's a little thing but it makes the raid feel a lot more lucrative.
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