Yeah...gonna try that pdx, my other char has it on order. Got the DIS 47 with full auto this week but I dont think I'm gonna like it that much. Stability is somewhat low, and full auto is a perk I'm not sure I like just because you have to learn/unlearn it.
Since I started using Nerwin's a lot though, to my mind it's just better than PDX/Hawksaw. Those jump around no matter how high the stability, they're jitterbugs. Definitely top tier, just a cut below Nerwins in my current thinking.
Finally got around to finishing Chaperone quest.
I'm still pretty confused on how the light levels work now. I had a decent understanding pre TTK. Like I dont know on 310 rated raid content, is a 312 gun going to less damage than 315? Or is it capped after 310? Let alone the incoming damage I take. And how does the enemy level like 40, 41 fit in now?
And heh, yes the advantages of having multiples of the same class...even with my scaled back playtime I coulda probably beat you to 320 if I still had 3 Hunters instead of only two.
I'm still struggling with hard raid, and I feel most people are, as very few are rocking the hard mode complete emblems, so I really dont want even more painfully difficult content right now. Besides, I'm a forever PUG-lone. Yeah it would probably be fun to do crazy hard content if I had a full time, good, raid team...
I never felt like Kings Fall is super hard, it's just there's so many possible fail points, one is probably going to trip you up. You can do 19 right and the 20th might get you. None of the 20 really stick out as harder than the others, but it's just a matter of attrition, you have to execute 20/20.That's the nature of hard raid but from what I can see Kings Fall hard is a bit harder than past hard.
Well, I say that, but I blow through up to beating Golgy with most PUG's now, with ease. I've probably just had bad luck past that,
Anyways I'm sure it will be more difficult on other bosses, I'm glad they gave us an easy challenge this week.
Editz: yes dat PDX roll this week is a beast in crucible. Man I was mowing, 18-9 and led my team to a comeback victory, mowed down the last two guys in a doorway, me and them, for the win, with them like at 9950 points and us at 9800. I knew those two couldn't beat that PDX one on one. The sniper is so nice once you get used to it, doing things like winning firefights at 20 yards instead of using your primary, dominating territory...
One nice trick I use is use sniper ammo boots and sniper ammo chest. You will spawn with 12 shots instead of six, HUGE leg up.