Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

weird. im already "satisfied" with TTK gear/weapon.

basically since 290 light, the game does not feel any different anymore when i got to 300+. I also no longer have quest to accomplish*

*yes there's still a ton of hidden quest in Destiny but im not bothered to google around just to do a quest (e.g. class specific stuff, something2 weapon that was mentioned on reddit when we got gunsmith rank 6). Present the quest INSIDE THE GAME, mention clear reward (@RenegadeRocks did exotic quest just to get 280 light, ugh), then i'll do it.

theres also tons of exotic weapon but none of them have element, none of them feels exotic (except Tiesto). All the others feels like same old guns, heck Sleeper Sim feels like Queen's Wrecker fusion/sniper.
us thinking hard about how Quests communicate their availability.

"Our challenge is balancing between the secrecy that makes these hunts exciting, and transparency that could spoil the fun for the hunters. As long as the community is giving us feedback, we'll keep seeking the ideal balance."
great... it seems bungie has admitted that they are still clueless for the best way to deliver quest...
so this means, they will fix that in next DLC. and next DLC is VEX!!!!!!!!!!!!! hurray!
@orangpelupa DO u have any Court of Oryx runes to play? I ran out of mine but it seems thats the only place to get "above 290" stuff right now.
i think i hae a bunch of them. I never used any one of them since the begining of TTK.

thinking of doing boss battle at repeat did not excite me... combined with the low population... (pro-tip: have a team with tranner and his friends to get PATROL THAT FILLED WITH HUMAN)
That's the problem, my patrols are always empty :(.

Btw, just got another gauntlet exotic Engram....keep getting gauntlets. And they keep decrypting to 280 or 290, so no use at all. :-/
That's the problem, my patrols are always empty :(.

Btw, just got another gauntlet exotic Engram....keep getting gauntlets. And they keep decrypting to 280 or 290, so no use at all. :-/

me too.

it seems indian and asian guardians rarely hang out on Oryx Court. Play with US guardian, you get court full of ppl
That's the problem, my patrols are always empty :(.

Btw, just got another gauntlet exotic Engram....keep getting gauntlets. And they keep decrypting to 280 or 290, so no use at all. :-/

I dunno if you're just talking about court of oryx in which this advice doesn't apply (since you cant sparrow), but one thing I learned from reddit is dont speed across zone transitions on your sparrow too fast (either walk which is annoying or just drive your sparrow slow). It screws up matchmaking and you end up in an empty zone. This is why the divide (that you have to walk to) was always populated for me but the Rocketyard (that I always blitz sparrow to) was empty. This was helpful on those kill taken champions quests when if you're not in a fireteam you need to count on other zone randoms helping.

Sleeper Simulant...seems to suck. Mag too low...but I haven't used it on a boss yet. But already I dont see where a rocket launcher isn't better.

Truth has been a great buy for me, with rocket boots it holds 7, it has tracking (which is rare now without reforging, actually does it still even exist as a normal RL perk?), it's great in both PVE and PVP (less in PVP TBH, I'm not sure how to use a tracking launcher well, but the good thing is it picks up 4 rockets in PVP). It's kind of the new (less powerful) Gjallahorn for me, heh. Recommend anybody get that from the blueprints if they haven't.

In PVP I've been experimenting with many various scouts, I enjoy them best but Red Death is pretty clearly the most effective.

I got the DIS-47 roll with almost max stability perks this week, it's fun, not sure I love how many shots and how fast you have to pull the trigger though. I'm saving my other order hoping for Full Auto next week. I use about 5 different scouts, the DIS-43, the DIS 47, the Tuenela SR4, Not Like The Others, Last Extremity...

Not Like the Others and DIS-47 are pretty similar IIRC, VOC archetypes with high aim assist. My SR4 has max stability, it's a laser, but lower aim assist, that makes it interesting. Last Extremity for the best 3 shot currently available, I just dislike Omolon scouts...DIS 47 for the fast ROF archetype.

My k/d is stuck on .76 for ages, which means sadly that's about where it belongs. I know I could get it higher if I stuck to one loadout, Clash etc. And all the quests brings it down...still haven't done the 25 sword kills in PVP one, I feel like that's gonna really hurt...

I'm going to try playing without Knucklehead Radar/Third Eye. Maybe it's placebo effect but I feel like it's a crutch and maybe I play better without it. Since I feel like you have to focus more on the screen and less on the radar...
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I don't have any numbers but I like SS... it seems to do massive damage, much higher than a RL. Only problem is its slow charge time.

Got a full raid set on my Warlock now, just wish the chest piece held more sniper ammo vs shotgun ammo. Have him at light 309... gonna be hard to get him to 310.

Still no heavy weapon from the raid yet but I got a 310 Thunderlord from Oryx I believe.

Speaking of Oryx, it's getting pretty easy now when I thought it would take us ~2 hours even when we figure everything out. Our group can beat it in just over 1 hour with all of the chests (orangpelupa was there for one of them). I think that's a good length as it's much easier to schedule raids now.
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So, getting to 310, you just have to hope for a class item, boots, and Ghost Shell drop from the raid at 310 I guess. Cannot currently acquire these any other way.

Yeah, that's gonna be rough. Especially given from what I can tell raid items are a lot more likely to drop at 300 than 310. I guess I should be happy, I thought getting to the highest level should be difficult, and getting to 34 in HoW was definitely too easy.

Maybe some quests will come up for 310 stuff?

I dunno, feel like maybe I should just back off Destiny until the Vex expansion or something.

I wonder what tuesday's Iron Banner rewards will be. Bungie is just stingy. I'd be halfway surprised if it's even 300 armor. Even 300 armor will be fairly useless anyway, and there's no way I see them doling out any 310 stuff.

I also rather enjoyed grinding to level 4 in IB last time, now Bungie says they want the main method of rewards to be post match drops? Not sure I like that either.
btw guys...

you actually able manually tell destiny to "redo the matchmaking" when you are in patrol. I can make a guide but dunno it will be useful or not.

its really useful if yuo want patrolling with lots of people but always alone. I used this secret trick for quick Taken War killings.
btw guys...

you actually able manually tell destiny to "redo the matchmaking" when you are in patrol. I can make a guide but dunno it will be useful or not.

its really useful if yuo want patrolling with lots of people but always alone. I used this secret trick for quick Taken War killings.

BTW, did the raid uptill the Golgoroth, i mean did not beat golgoroth yet.Got a sniper from the WarPriest, but its at 304 :-/ ! WTH, why is the raid not dropping 310 weapons?
How often do you win your Crucible Control matches these days? I'm working on a 3rd Exotic Class Item atm and after 2.5h I've had only 2 wins which is extremely demotivating.

BTW, did the raid uptill the Golgoroth, i mean did not beat golgoroth yet.Got a sniper from the WarPriest, but its at 304 :-/ ! WTH, why is the raid not dropping 310 weapons?

make destiny got disconnected from bungie's main server for around 5-10 secs (until ATTENTION CONTACTING DESTINY SERVER) appears, then as soon as the screen goes BLACK, restore the connection.

the game will re-do the matchmaking on patrol :)

if you disconnect for too long, 3 things can happen:
1. kicked to orbit but the game will keep trying to reconnect. This is fine. its just taking too much time.
2. kicked to title screen
3. kicked to orbit and the game did not trying to reconnect.
I definitely do way better at Iron Banner than regular crucible. Not sure why, there seems to actually be way more newbs in IB than regular crucible (the opposite of what people say) Additionally, the fact I have good gear from PVE may give me a nice boost. Although, I dont really see it in the damage numbers much. My four matches so far today


And LOL, while I was speculating about 300 weapons, they're 280. Bungie is so stingy.

I guess some reports they "drop" at 290-300 at least.

Really probably wont do too much IB, it's fun, but there's nothing much I want at this point. I want the Covalance's Duty, because it's a high impact scout, but even that is tempered by mediocre aim assist. So maybe I'll just meander around to rank 3 and see if I get any good drops.

Edit: but evidently there's a badass looking hunters cape, sigh. Still best strat seems hit rank 2 and wait for drops rather than actually grind.
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Yea....even I Don't understand why I do better in IB over regular crucible. I mean, I am an absolute nobody in Crucible but I feature in average and above in IB. And its more fun anyway, again no idea why ! But it is, each match is much more fun than regular crucible.

I played some today and my Arminus Hakke AR I posted a few posts back performed superbly ! That gun is awesome ! Just have to make sure I keep aiming straight and the 72 round magazine with max fire rate gets the job done !

But I wonder if IB is worth spending time in over the Raid? Nothing has dropped till now and the purchase able stuff is locked too far away in high ranks :-/ ....and even then its just a pulse rifle.
Doe dthe gear have any advantage? Cos the fact that everything is 280, not even 290 is very off putting.
Today I had my "I'm stupid" moment. Felt overplayed in a lot games around 0.3-1.1K/D. Unless I got a lucky shot in or Super I usually lost because they shot better/faster and I could feel it at once during the "duel" that I had already lost before the fact.

Then I switched to Telesto which gave me at least a few good extra Special kills. If you haven't tried this one in PvP you should. Got a lot double kills and great for area control. I even think I made somebody switch to Telesto in the later mentioned Dungeon game:)

But still with a primary it was really painful and I changed a lot weapons to see some difference but I always had this nagging unsure feeling. Nothing felt right.

Then I disabled the freaking rumble mode to see if that makes a difference.

Suddenly all my frustrating problems were gone and stabilized around 1-2K/D. If I won 1on1 it wasn't luck anymore and when I lost I realized why.

On the Dungeon map I even managed a surreal 23 kills with 11.5K/D without any hiding/lmg sprees, just normal play. With rumble on I would have probably managed around 1 on a new map at the most on ideal conditions. I had a few high IB results in the past before but they felt different.
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