Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

New awesome gun, got it from the Gunsmith it's Suros DIS-43. Besides being from my favorites Suros. Thing is a tack driver. Even has a distinctive "stapler" sound, a bit like the legendary Mida.

I have a DIS-47(*Fitted Stock/Feather Mag,Zen Moment,Snapshot/*Hand-Laid Stock, 20 shots close to max balance, low damage/range, good for dynamic play, a fun weapon) and 2 DIS-43, std Gundealer and one
with *Perfect Balance/Oiled Frame,Counter Balance,*Speed Reload/Reinforced Barrel:)

You should look for the Boolean Gemini Exotic SR which has a little more damage than the DIS-43 but then you have to choose between range/balance. I usually switch to this when dealing with Taken Champions and helped me solo'ing the one in the Rocketyard.
Marks are at a premium now but eventually I'll have all the vendor stuff I want and they'll be fairly useless and I wont mind infusing with them.

The only thing I bought from a Vendor yet was the Vanguard Ghost. Yesterday I spent 150 upgrading Thunderlord to y2 instead of getting the same Ghost for my other characters. I have too many new weapons and the 280 gear isn't that helpful atm to crawl over 294. Haven't tried the Raid yet as there was so many other things to do.
Here's our Golgoroth boss battle from my other buddy's perspective from last week. At this point I think we had a level 260, 3 290s and 2 280s.

At the end, the hit markers were glitching and it wasn't showing any damage for anyone... had us worried but we obviously ended up finishing him anyway.

It is possible orang because we beat Oryx with 5 290s and 1 270. Perhaps your weapons weren't strong enough. Having a few hunters with Celestial helps, too.

The weapon is the strongest though. More than 290.

My team never able to get oryx to stagger. We now considering to use weapons of light but the titan got his house burned due to electricity error. (Dunno how bad the burn is, he's offline)
After you buy the package from the arms dealer, when do you turn them back in? I think I read you can order the guns up to Tues, then get the order on Wednesday? That right?

What level is the gun, a random number related to your light level?
Xur would sell a weapon and it's...HAWKMOON...which I've only gotten FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY SEVEN times already in the Taken King. And next week he'll probably be back to a boring armor engram too boot...

Haven't tried the Raid yet as there was so many other things to do.

I have not been feeling much urge to raid either really. Just puttering around, finishing up quests and stuff. Week two of TTK is effectively almost done for me and not even sure I'll try to raid this evening, meaning wont be till next week if so that I really delve into it. I do feel like I'm getting to the point of most new TTK content is done, so raid is looming.

I did get randomly invited to Sunsinger part of the raid yesterday, although we failed it (mostly cause the group broke up fairly quickly) it doesn't seem particularly hard by raid standards, so that's good. Somehow I had this image like past the warpriest the whole raid is super hard. Well I know warpriest isn't super hard and now sunsingers...

Went to buy Red Death after getting up 150 marks and...for like the third time didn't end up doing Truth instead. I've been hankering for a tracking launcher with a decent ammo count in PVE, and Truth's a beast in PVP too and I dont have a suitable PVP launcher in TTK, so kills two birds with one stone. I guess the negative is if I find a TTK exotic primary I like then Truth will be pretty useless in PVP, but for now I dont use any exotic in PVP anyway.

Been doing good in PVP today for a change in Taken King, had a couple matches well over 1 k/d. Even thought I was going to accidentally win a rumble match (still didn't though). Probably noobs in it since it was the daily.
After you buy the package from the arms dealer, when do you turn them back in? I think I read you can order the guns up to Tues, then get the order on Wednesday? That right?

What level is the gun, a random number related to your light level?

Wednesday, afaik you can order only until Xur leaves. IMHO the whole thing is screwed up with wasting a precious slot and not explaining the procedure to the players. I got 280 weapons but by then I was already above 280. I always get weapons+cryptarch decoding with my max layout and move the best weapons+ghost to the next character. IMHO also always decode weapons on your highest character.
My raid group are mostly 300s now, with the exception of two. It was MUCH easier this time around... almost too easy. Once you're high enough level, it's all about teamwork and executing your strategy. We were able to stagger Oryx with just 4-5 people doing DPS, compared to struggling to stagger him with all 6.

Even with minimal wipes, it still took us ~3.5 hours, but we went for all of the hidden chests which we did for the first time. That said, a clean run of the new raid would still probably take us ~2.5 hours, MAYBE 2 hours. Compare that to Crota and VoG which we can beat in like 40min or less.

In my last completion, I got the sniper, gloves and boots. Really wanted the chest piece. Also completed the King's fall quest for the 310 artifact so I can be Light 304 if I wanted to.

We also did the level 3 court of oryx and it's basically the crota boss battle, but I actually found it to be more fun than the raid boss battle because of the setting and Crota is more mobile but seems less aggressive.
Got the Jade Rabbit from a legendary engram ! Destiny gods have finally acknowledged my existence in the world ! :p

Light is 291 now, but that has almost hit a block. Everything u can beg, borrow, steal or buy is lower level than what I already have. Rarely, very rrarely, something drops that like 1 damage value above what I already have.

Its an exotic hunt for me till I get the Zhalo Supercell, I guess. Raid is not within my reach. This ended much much sooner than the vanilla destiny where it took a long time to hit the cap.
bloody stupid quest reward in destiny

i already LL 290+, already got 290+ 1000m stares sniper. Then a quest gave me 250 1000m sniper... useless.. useless quest reward.

same with Xur, it only sell 280 stuff. USELESS. Where is my engrams?
Yup, same here, just finished some quest and got a 240 rocket make matters worse I already had like a 280 version of that exact same launcher from a drop. It was that "high value targets" quest too so it took a lot of work. Least I got 25 marks as well. This was one of the last TTK quests I finished up I assume.

Once I got a 300 shotgun from a quest, that was by far the best one I recall. 280 Still Piercer also very good.

Had a 15-3 game in crucible, I bet that 5.0 was my best ever k/d. Daily rift again, bunch of noobs LOL.

Just switching from nightstalkers and it's crap super to Blader, and then getting Truth, probably can easy make a difference of 4-7 kills per match for me. With Truth I can easily rack up 2-3 kills with heavy ammo many times, with my old 292 MG, not so much. Right now Truth drops 3 rockets on heavy, but I assume once I get RL ammo boots that'll go to 4. With BD super I can often get 2-4 kills as well, versus a struggle to get 1-2 with shadowshot.

I ordered like 4 scouts for amrsday lol. Just going to try them all out, try to get better rolls on DIS 43, etc.
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Just some random crucible thoughts.
-Stormcaller is deadly on close range maps or when people are grouped together (and is amazing for clearing groups of ads in PVE)
-Nightstalker is meh in crucible IMO, but very good for PVE
-Sunbreaker, although I haven't leveled my Titan yet, is incredibly OP and needs a major nerf. It's like golden gun and sunsinger put into one. So much armor wit healing, one hit kill hammers with a lot of hammers to throw per super... it's ridiculous how Bungie didn't know that this would be OP.
-After weeks of the weapon balancing, I still see far less hand cannons used... it's great to see it a lot more balanced now.
-After experimenting with various weapons, I think the medium fire-rate scout rifles and pulse rifles, Hawkmoon and Suros are all weapons that I found to be great in PVP. I tried the Apple of Discord pulse rifle in crucible this morning and absolutely love it... might be my go-to unless I find a decent scout rifle with full auto (raid one is meh for PVP). It's the one you can purchase straight from the vanguard quartermaster. It has a bit of kick, but it's managable with hand-laid stock.
-The shotgun nerf is noticeable and were nerfed just enough IMO. I now have to be within ~10ft to 1 shot someone.

td:dr weapons are now a lot more balanced, sunbreaker is incredibly OP and needs a nerf, the Apple of Discord pulse rifle may be my go-to PVP weapon for now (specifically the vanguard quartermaster roll).
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I heard on a podcast they were worried that once people get a lot of DPS they'll blow through the raid. Some team already did it in 43 minutes.

I might try that Apple of Discord although I usually try pulses but then cant stick with them. I guess I just cant control my aiming well enough.

I read on reddit Bungie nerfed Pilgrim because they found it dominated their testing of 2.0. That tells me they will make sure there's never another super stable two burst kill pulse.

Also read where Luke Smith said by far the most used guns in 2.0 are Last Word and Suros, and the vanguard AR I believe. TLW though is because of the quest at least partly. Suros I think is just dumb kids who love auto rifles, and everybody trying AR's in 2.0.

Honestly I feel like no new meta has emerged primary-wise, at least yet, and that seems good. It could be just what it is, no class is way above. I still love scouts though.

And yeah Bungie knew what they were doing with giving Warlocks and Titans ridiculous OP supers and Hunters diddly squat. They hate hunters.

I still think arc blade is up there with Hammer and stormcaller though. And at least I feel like Titans deserved it for being crap in crucible for so long. Not like those rotten Warlocks.

I have like, 4 scouts on order from the gunsmith, all just to play with in PVP. I want to try how I do with a full auto scout in PVP, never had one before. VOC actually is though isn't it? Never used VOC in crucible.

Gunsmith does have a Badger archetype scout in the database, it's an omolon though which I hate the size, scopes, and weird energy bullets of, haven't liked my other omolon scout. But it has 40 aim assist which is as much as I've ever seen Bungie give the 3 hit scouts and as much as Badger, so I definitely have some hopes for it.
Wow, hats off to the team who beat it in 43min. Must have been a speed run. Even if we rushed through everything, I think it would still take us 1.5-2 hours.

Hunters were already great for PVP. What they somewhat lacked was a good PVE subclass and they've added that with Nightstalker.

I agree, arc blade is comparable to stormcaller in terms of effectiveness in PVP. While stormcaller is REALLY good close range and when enemies are grouped together, the damage reduction isn't nearly as high as Sunbreaker... it seems to be more comparable to arc blade in that regard. And the speed/agility of the warlock in this subclass is on the low side, even with ionic blink, so you're still vulnerable when rushing into groups of enemies. So I don't really think stormcaller is that OP, but I think Sunbreaker is.

I've never used VoC in PVP either, but after the update I gave it shot and really liked it. Scout rifles in general are not for the aggressive player type, but more for the 'support' type who likes to hang back, get good sight lines and pick off enemies. So I can see scout rifles being especially great for 3v3 match types.

As for Apple of Discord, like I said, it still does have some kick, even with hand-laid stock. But if you can control it, it seems to hit fairly hard and the TTK for me anyway has been up there with the best weapons I've experimented with so far. Seems to be a love it or hate it weapon.
I've really been doing much better in Crucible lately...had a bad spell there right around TTK dropping. Maybe it was just losing all my comfort zone gear and finding new ones.

Yeah I just LOVE playing with scouts. You learn range is your friend. I might get owned up close but I have the edge if you try to trade shots at a distance with me (unless you're also using a scout). It's all about trying to keep things on your terms.

Also I dont know if it's me liking the conspiracy theory, for whatever reason, a lot better than Party Crasher or what, but I feel like my shotgun game has gotten a lot better lately too. I've been picking off a few kills at close range. Sidearms are pretty useless imo. Snipers as well kind of, depending on map I guess but I suck with snipers.

TTK on all the two burst scouts is .67 I think, which is best in the game or close...the tradeoff is they all kick a lot now imo, so it's hard to land all the burst with them at ranges.
The problem with "support" style is that it doesn't really match most new maps. For me Crucible is definitely less fun. I even tried a Suros AR today with extreme high balance but almost no range and surprisingly I didn't do bad personally. But in general I can't really find a weapon type I'm comfortable with in PvP at the moment.
The Jade Rabbit is really good, sometimes I totally don't have to reload at all !!! and in any case with the automatic fast reload on empty mag I have stopped manual reloading completely.

In other news, I jus keep getting duplicate legendary armours again and again and mostly with lower stats. The game is grinding to a halt unless I switch to another character and just do the same routine again.
Yes, once you hit the 290's progress will be slow by design unless you raid.

i also rarely get a drop that improves my light anymore, VERY rarely.

I guess I'm to the point as well where once I master the raid (granted a biggie, since I've barely played it yet) I'll say TTK content is mostly done.

But then we'll have Iron Banner etc soon I'm sure...if it's 300 (or higher) gear, could be pretty worth it.
Man Titan super is OP. The thing is it's almost impossible to even damage. Unlike my arc blade which, blow a feather at me and I die...

Bungie are dumb if they didn't know they'd have to nerf this.
So got into Destiny a bit again after the release of TTK, its fun again, the raid was cool, got all the way to oryx, but was not able to beat him. But still fun, not sure it will last as long as year 1 stuff. But it was refresher at least.

Ohhh Dinklebot everything is forgiven, please return. I do not like the new ghost direction they went with the ghost at all