Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Been playing with the Coiled Hiss pulse rifle I got from a drop in prep for the pulse rifle buff, it's surprisingly effective right out of the box. I'd say it seems already better than your average throwaway high ROF legendary auto rifle (which as a archetype are terrible, and Bungie is nerfing this further?). I'm a bit surprised as I had just been of the mindset pulse=trash.

Then once it goes from 272-331, and another ten percent for the buff. Should end up 40-45% stronger than it is as I use it now. Although I just upped it to 283.

Main drawback is the clip is quite limited at 30 rounds. That's only ten bursts. One of these with field scout post-buff might be pretty nice.

Xur no heavy synth or third man again, ugh.

I usually use a lot of glimmer because I am an upgrading monster, always upgrading things and that's why I have a crazy amount of guns at 331. Then throw in in the last few weeks there have been two heavy drains on glimmer, the 7k upgrades, and heavy synth because Xur wont sell it. At least I dont see needing anymore 7k upgrades, I think I've upgraded all the exotics I care too. Anything else I'll just wait to drop at 331 or buy.

I may have to farm up about 25k glimmer to buy more synths. I'm at 14. Although I guess that will last me through one more raid easily which is all I have slated at most this week.

I think one thing they need to do is make the exotics upgrade equal to a legendary. The legendaries upgrade in a reasonable time frame, the exotic guns just take to long. I really dont even want to bother leveling my 2nd Ice Breaker for example.
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I think Oversoal Edict is gonna be a beast. It's already not bad for a pulse rifle IMO.

Maxed out my 3 Fangs but gonna save my energies until the update before I upgrade my other primaries.
I cant decide if I want to loadout each of my two mains separate, or do like now and trade them all the like, 20 best weapons? What's you other heavy players like Skribbles opinion?

The downside to the way I do it now is it's like a big deal to switch characters. I trade everything over from one to the other mid week and vault space is getting really squeezed especially on guns mainly.

The plus side is faster leveling of the current guns. Like lets say I want to level Thunderlord, as I am currently (and of course others but lets say thats priority). It will be getting all my XP. Whereas if I left it on one char, it would be missing out on ~half the XP i am earning. By trading Thunderlord to each char I am leveling it faster.

Another plus is having the best weapons for every situation for maximum flexibility (limited only by character slots, I carry up to 7 of each type at once, I like to leave at least 3 slots in each type for loot). This may be a somewhat minor thing, but it ensures I am playing at maximum effectiveness at all times. Lets say I'm at a level where I happen to be sniping a few Pratorians. I can pull out my void LDR and shoot them, then put it away for the rest of the mission. I have 331 snipers and rocket launchers and fusions of every elemental. Now I dont have two void snipers, in fact I sharded Praedyth's revenge some time ago. So if I equip both characters independently of course I lose a little effectiveness.

So yeah, not sure what to do. You have to trade off a few things anyway, well like currently heavy synth (although in the future I could buy enough from Xur to have separate stocks). And for another example, I have a 331 Gally and a 302 Gally. Really dont feel like going through the painful exotic leveling process to get the other Gally at least it's wolfpack rounds etc...

But it sure would be super nice to have two independent characters...convenience wise. I have them armor independent which is itself nice.

I guess I will stick with trading off. There are too many exotics I only have one of (because I sharded others) or only one at 331. Two examples are Suros and Vex, two very valuable guns and Suros is almost necessary for the raid. But again, it sure is tempting to try to make my characters independent. Another issue in my mind is if Bungie suddenly gives us a way to easily trade between chars, or just way more vault space, suddenly every gun you have two of (and spend a lot of time leveling BOTH) may be redundant, and that would be a huge wasted effort.
Hmm I got pressed into sword duty a little more with a group...I still suck but getting a little better. It's fun but, I have a feeling hard mode isnt the place to learn.

But yeah if i keep doing enough snippets one day I might be competent.
I cant decide if I want to loadout each of my two mains separate, or do like now and trade them all the like, 20 best weapons? What's you other heavy players like Skribbles opinion?

The downside to the way I do it now is it's like a big deal to switch characters. I trade everything over from one to the other mid week and vault space is getting really squeezed especially on guns mainly.

The plus side is faster leveling of the current guns. Like lets say I want to level Thunderlord, as I am currently (and of course others but lets say thats priority). It will be getting all my XP. Whereas if I left it on one char, it would be missing out on ~half the XP i am earning. By trading Thunderlord to each char I am leveling it faster.

Another plus is having the best weapons for every situation for maximum flexibility (limited only by character slots, I carry up to 7 of each type at once, I like to leave at least 3 slots in each type for loot). This may be a somewhat minor thing, but it ensures I am playing at maximum effectiveness at all times. Lets say I'm at a level where I happen to be sniping a few Pratorians. I can pull out my void LDR and shoot them, then put it away for the rest of the mission. I have 331 snipers and rocket launchers and fusions of every elemental. Now I dont have two void snipers, in fact I sharded Praedyth's revenge some time ago. So if I equip both characters independently of course I lose a little effectiveness.

So yeah, not sure what to do. You have to trade off a few things anyway, well like currently heavy synth (although in the future I could buy enough from Xur to have separate stocks). And for another example, I have a 331 Gally and a 302 Gally. Really dont feel like going through the painful exotic leveling process to get the other Gally at least it's wolfpack rounds etc...

But it sure would be super nice to have two independent characters...convenience wise. I have them armor independent which is itself nice.

I guess I will stick with trading off. There are too many exotics I only have one of (because I sharded others) or only one at 331. Two examples are Suros and Vex, two very valuable guns and Suros is almost necessary for the raid. But again, it sure is tempting to try to make my characters independent. Another issue in my mind is if Bungie suddenly gives us a way to easily trade between chars, or just way more vault space, suddenly every gun you have two of (and spend a lot of time leveling BOTH) may be redundant, and that would be a huge wasted effort.

I have three of each of the following on all of my characters. The main reason for doing this is to allow yourself to have a larger arsenal with you at all times by bringing down the number of weapons that you HAVE to move around.

AE (yes, for VoG)
Word of Crota
Fang (if I get my third)

Pocket Infinity (for surplus perk)
Ice Breaker
Patience and Time
Murmur (for switching between characters)
Praedyth's Revenge + Praetorian Foil (but usually goes into vault when the character is in use.)

Hezen Vengeance(same as PR and PF)

The list that I move around is

Red Death (Crota)
Any Exotic that I feel like using (Vex, Suros, Thorn, bad Juju, anything useful that I like. Right now it's nechrochasm)
AD(will become standard stash when I get more)

Black hammer (will become standard stash when I get more)
an Arc LDR 5001 with AP rounds, Firefly, and spray and play
Legendary Fusion rifles of each element, all with a fast charge perk.

Hunger of Crota (will become standard stash when I get more)
Corrective Measure - for Surplus perk
Arc tracker Rocket launcher (300)
Surplus Void Rocket Launcher (300)
Arc Rocket launcher with cluster bomb (331)

So you see, I effectively have at least 28 weapons that are standard issue for any character by only having 20 vault space.
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Hmm, I just realized it probably is good to keep those old VoG weapons for running VoG again. I was just thinking about sharding Corrective Measure cause I just got a 331 void Harm's Way from an engram. But so far I tend to try to keep the classics like Vision and Fatebringer just because (Still pretty effective as well). Anyways I am glad I finally got something kind of worthwhile from a drop for the first time in seems like a while. It was one of the 2 vendor weapons I was considering buying too, so kinda saved me 150 marks. Although soon I think I will be overloaded on marks too. Oh well can never stack enough resources I guess.

I must have sharded about 6 Atheon's Epilogue's over the weeks, but now I only have one and wish i had a 2nd.

I would like more legendary launchers with tracking. It's my most wished thing besides Mask Of Third Man or a raid helm with orb health perk. And Red Death. Although, Red Death will present the same problem as Suros, it prevents Gallahorn loadout in CE. At least Death seems better/more consistent than Suros for regenning health though so I'd like to have it.

Beat Crota hard 3rd time tonight, must be getting easier. Sword guy was kinda a dick but at least he backed it up with skill. He was bragging he has 50+ Crota hard kills. I will never get to that number cause there's no point. I kind of just do it out duty or something now. Although I guess I can now have a goal to get my third alt 32, shouldn't take long even with me sharding any raid gear on site that isn't at least intellect/discipline. I think I just lack boots for him really.

Saw some new Bridge cheeses too. Dudes was sailing across with the sword even though it was supposedly patched. Saw two different guys do it in different ways. And even beyond that when the first guy got killed by accident when he was on the other side, another guy was talking about dont wipe he knew another way to cheese it, but he didn't want to do it in case we told about it and Bungie patched it, so he was debating when the second dude just sailed over his way (just to some rocks on the side of that cliff then jump up). But yeah, the fact that there are evidently multiple new cheeses is just funny. And the out of map exploits on that Spire too keep growing.

I hate to say it but those cheeses do kind of take some of the fun out of the raid. But I'd still do them for ease.

If Wolves is really not coming until May that's going to be a long time to prepare and have everything perfect. I like that in a way.

One guy was talking about starting 20 days before DLC, stacking 20 PE packages at the postmaster, one per day, ready for DLC day. Interesting at least I guess, though I havent thought through all the advantages. Just marks and XP I guess?

I guess this time though there should be PLENTY of time for crazy Wolves prep when they drop the date.
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I'm lazy so I have weapons and armor for all my characters too. My third character is a bit lacking because I've dismantled some stuff thinking I was gonna just roll with 2 characters. But my two main characters have almost identical loadouts, and my third character is just missing Hunger of Crota, Oversoal Edict and Black Hammer. I dismantled my third BH because I thought I was gonna roll with 2 characters, and my OE I dismantled because I didn't think I would like a pulse rifle. I STILL don't have a single gjallarhorn... would obviously want even ONE of those.

My loadout for my main 2 characters is:

VoC, Word of Crota, Vex, Fatebringer, Fang of Ir Yut, Abyss Defiant, Oversoal Edict

Black Hammer, Icebreaker, P&T, Praedyth's Revenge, Plug.One (void), Light of the Abyss

Hunger of Crota, Song of Ir Yut, Corrective Measure, and some form of void rocket launcher.

I'm probably missing 1 or 2 weapons, but that's what I use for the most part.

I also have Red Death that I have on my third character, which is a hunter that I just leveled up (deleted one of my warlocks) and he doesn't have a helmet that regens health.
Dang Skribbles all that time and no Gallahorn?

I have two, I honestly cant remember if I got my first in a VoG drop or bought it...

Hmm, on googling it seems Xur sold Gally in week 2? I strongly doubt I had enough coins by then anyway. So probably VoG, seems like I remember it.

Anyways I played a long time before getting my 2nd. it was maybe 4-6 weeks ago I think, not too long after normal CE came out, I got another one from that first chest in the Abyss.
Yup, still no gjallarhorn. =/
Out of the dozens of people I regularly play with, only 1-2 people don't have it. I know many people that have more than 1.
I've been playing since launch and have 150-200 raid clears, who knows how many nightfalls/weeklies and legendary engrams... none.
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Dang Skribbles all that time and no Gallahorn?

I have two, I honestly cant remember if I got my first in a VoG drop or bought it...

Hmm, on googling it seems Xur sold Gally in week 2? I strongly doubt I had enough coins by then anyway. So probably VoG, seems like I remember it.

Anyways I played a long time before getting my 2nd. it was maybe 4-6 weeks ago I think, not too long after normal CE came out, I got another one from that first chest in the Abyss.

Yup, I was one of the guys that said f**k it and bought one regardless of how shitty people thought it was and how some thought that people are idiots for equipping an exotic Rocket Launcher:yep2:

At the time people rated Truth >>>>>>>>Gjallarhorn. I bought it because I was a collector freak.
Turned out to be the best purchase I ever made.

I did manage to get my other Gjallarhorns by week 5 or so.
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Similar to when I first bought Ice Breaker, I was just getting high level, had few to no exotics etc, but I loved snipers, and I had the coins saved up, I think the first time I had enough to buy any weapon. Looked at it and was like solar damage and regenerating ammo? Looks good! I just grabbed it before I had any idea how great it was...I would have probably bought any exotic gun for sale that week. I didn't know what was good, to me, back then, exotic=good.
So I got some things.
Stuff I got 2 days ago:

1) Dragon's Breath
2) Second Icebreaker.

Stuff I got today:

1) Mida Multi Tool
2) Monte Carlo
3) The 4th Horseman
4) Obsidian mind
5) Bad Juju Bounty

All exotics ! and all this from 2 Nightfall (with 2 characters) and 1 NM Crota full
Yeah sometimes Destiny will give you those great loot days...I remember a few.

Pretty much impossible for me nowdays though since there's literally (mostly) like only 4 things I want. You're at an earlier stage.

Red Death
Mask of the Third Man
Raid helm with orb health regen (this one and MOTM kind of cancel each other out, but sure, ideally I'd have both).
A legendary Rocket Launcher with tracking (sharded my hunger).

And hey after I wrote this list I thought of another thing I want that isn't really a reward, glimmer. I am currently at like 400 glimmer after another spate of weapon and armor upgrading. So I just had the idea that like you can get 12 energy, etc from a nightfall, one possible nightfall reward should be 25k glimmer. Or since Bungie is stingy as hell, then at least 12k or 6k. That'd be kinda cool.

Was gonna do Iron Banner but, there's not good enough rewards. At least the gear is 32 again. The two weapons on sale are supposedly beasts for PVP but I dont PVP so...

Plus IB remains a theoretical problem because the XP bonuses stack by far the most on the weekend when I cant play much :/ I wonder if there's a way Bungie could address this for people with a problematic schedule.

I need boots on my 3rd, but it's hardly any rush and they'll drop in a raid (which I'll be doing anyway) soon enough.
First nightfall reward...12 completely useless ascendant shards. Facepalm.

The no burn nightfall is fairly annoying. We didn't die but it's a lot more time consuming than a normal nightfall.

Got some weird void LMG in a faction rank package. Seems like it has a ton of impact but, only a 26 mag? Thunderlord has only slightly less impact with a 60 mag...granted it's an exotic+field scout.

Probably would have been worth keeping if it had field scout, but probably gonna shard it. My Harms Way looks better for a void legendary, with a 54 mag at least.