Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Reddit has a funny thread up, the most interesting guardian in the world. A few I liked.

"I dont always play Destiny, but when I do, I use the No Land Beyond"

He got Gjallahorn from a green engram.

In the crucible, bladedancer hunters turn HIM invisible, so they dont have to see their death coming.

Crota stops regenerating health in HIS presence.
btw no land beyond is actually very deadly. I just put a transparent tape on my TV. Marked with permanent cross-hair.

works like a charm :D

make sure you draw the crosshair as CIRCLE. because NLB will give "red dot" when you gonna have headshot.
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Got some weird void LMG in a faction rank package. Seems like it has a ton of impact but, only a 26 mag? Thunderlord has only slightly less impact with a 60 mag...granted it's an exotic+field scout.

Probably would have been worth keeping if it had field scout, but probably gonna shard it. My Harms Way looks better for a void legendary, with a 54 mag at least.

As awful as the 26 mag is "Against All Odds" is effective against the Minotau at the top of the Nexus strike and the 2 before. I've tried Harm's Way there a few weeks before but it had no real stopping power which is a must if you do that on solo.
HM swordbearing question.

Am I doing it right if I enrage him in the 15th R2? For dome reason the three R2 in the following down still leaves him with a sliver of health, it has happened three times now. Also how are people able to use super with the sword ? The timer for sword is exactly the same as the time it takes for the super bar to fill up. Unless there are orbs lying around (not really possible unless you get titans to make bubble before thr fight, but if you fuck uo they're gone) there is no way I can do that panic split second super so that I don't get judged by my team for being a noob :p

Also Strange !! Teach me the secrets of HM swordbearing O sword lord.
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What level are you nightshade? 15 heavies should enrage him (although some say 14), 18 heavies should kill him. You must be missing a hit somewhere if you're 32 and he's not dying after 18 hits.

I believe you need orbs to charge your super. When Strange downed crota with 2 swords, he didn't even use his super though, he was just perfect with his timing and didn't miss a single hit (using R1, R1, R2; R1, R1, R2, R2 combo). Just watch his video that he posted a few pages back.
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32...I know I don't miss any hits because my 15th hit is when he enrages and that's how it's suppose to be. So why is it that the last three don't take him down? Maybe I miss a hit in the very last down. Is it possible to get 4 heavies in one down ?
Must be missing a hit after he enrages because 18 should definitely kill him.

Yes you can get 4 heavies in one down, but it's pretty tight. I find that holding the analog stick forward/left makes you slam a bit faster compared to just holding it forward.
HM swordbearing question.

Am I doing it right if I enrage him in the 15th R2? For dome reason the three R2 in the following down still leaves him with a sliver of health, it has happened three times now. Also how are people able to use super with the sword ? The timer for sword is exactly the same as the time it takes for the super bar to fill up. Unless there are orbs lying around (not really possible unless you get titans to make bubble before thr fight, but if you fuck uo they're gone) there is no way I can do that panic split second super so that I don't get judged by my team for being a noob :p

Also Strange !! Teach me the secrets of HM swordbearing O sword lord.

One source of confusion is supposedly the blink strike melee hunters do to go invisible on Crota, takes some of his health.

I've heard people even say 13 hits enrages him. Which made me mad at the guy saying that cause I just knew it was going to screw our run up.

Anyways none of that should matter I dont think though, after he is enraged it should be 3 hits no matter what I assume?
14~15th hit will enrage him. I tend to believe it's the 14th instead of the 15th.

Hitting him 18 times will kill him, but you have to watch if you really did get 3 hits every time if you are to 3 sword/6 kneel him.
What I often see is people thinking they've got three hits, when in fact their third hit didn't register because Crota's shield came back up.
It may not really be the swordbearer's fault for bad timing. I've seen times where Crota stands up prematurely.

When I hit crota I watch for the numbers/immune to ensure I've got the hits down. If there is an immune I know I will have to make up for it somewhere.

And no, Blink strike doesn't take away health because we always do it after Crota's shield red and is starting to stand up. (i.e. the invincible phase)
The general consensus seems to be the 15th heavy strike enrages him. I think what I will try from now on is to get 4 hits in the very first down and then use a super on the very last down after the last hit, to make it extra safe.

Getting 4 hits in first down means he'll enrage in the 2nd hit of the second to last down, still should give enough time. Once I am comfortable with this I can try to do the combos and three downs with first sword.
C for Crota!!!!! I chooooose you.... :p

btw have not done any crota hard raid for weeks now and i dont feel missing anything. Weird, on VoG i always have the urge to keep raiding.
Yea so I think I am comfortable with sword now atleast with bladedancer, I am still kind of not confident without bladedancer. (would sometimes get trapped in that little hole between the wall and the higher rock while hiding from crota) as well as the timing over when is it exactly that I should jump in with respect to rockets being fired so that I don't get shot to death. Escaping from Crota after hit is actually easy enough, it's the getting there on time that I find to be the most difficult without invisibility.

As for technique I think the most reliable one for me is 3 R2s first down, 4 R2 in second and 3R2s in every other down...this leaves for a margin of error in the last down.

I will now start to experiment with jumping from the middle instead of the sides as well as R1,R1,R2,R1,R1,R2,Slam....The slam is a bit tricky to get in though.
I have been pressed reluctantly into sword duty a couple times now due to being the only 32 hunter in the group. I sucked at it but at least now have the most basic of mechanics down.

Anyway I think I need to go back to normal mode if I was serious about practicing. Hard mode just has so little margin for error when you have NO prior experience. But then it still depends on if I actually get the chance to run sword if I did do normal, because someone else will probably be doing it. Catch 22.

It sucks there is no way at all to practice on your own that I can see. You can at least grab the sword in a blades of crota event to get a feel for it at least. But you cant practice Crota on your own.

Bungie weekly update is out...besides still hoping for the end of February for 1.1.1, they announce matchmaking for weekly strikes. Great change I think, it's a little pain to go to LFG for weekly, since it's easy. Something I've been calling for. We'll see how well it works. One bad thing imo is you can no longer solo weeklies. They should at least include that option imo, but they they seem to have a really hard time programming anything. Mostly because if they ever do matchmaking for nightfall, they will remove one of the most challenging activities in the game if there's no solo option.

But yeah, I bet there's just a buttload of people out there who never do nightfall, weekly, or raid just because they're unaware of sites like lfg, and have no groups. You have to make your game by default playable by everybody.

Edit: This hacker on reddit who apparently has insight into what Xur will sell says there will be heavy this week. Yay! I will buy at least 100, maybe 200!

He did not say what weapons or armor Xur will have this week. He only confirmed that Thunderlord and Hard Light are scheduled to be sold in the forseeable future.

Edit: Xur did have heavy. Bought 120. Item space destroyed...I guess I can offload a few stacks to my nightfall alt no problem though.

Speaking of nightfall, got Thunderlord from my 2nd. Bleh. So no Thunderlord for first 6 months of playing, two in last 3 weeks or whatever.
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Hmm, I dont see that much value in pursuing super high stat rolls, maybe I'm crazy.

Sure I dont want a low roll but as long as it's mid or better...

For a hunter, I want all Intellect, 2nd Disc, and strength is essentially useless AFAIK. Thus, it's pretty easy to go over the cap on Disc or Int (especially if you have a piece like Symbiot that is all one stat). And so, you end up with wasted points.

To top all that off it's kind of debatable how much help those stats are at all imo. You're talking an extremely fringe benefit. The difference between 0 intellect and 100 is arguably not that relevant, let alone a point or two.

My 3rd alt hunter that I just throw random gear on with no regard to such things as stats, isn't really handicapped versus others that I micromanage. Yes, everything equal you'd rather spec well, but the game is designed to be playable by any character.