Strength is a
stat that reduces the cooldown of your
Melee Abilities.
When you have no strength and thus 0% cooldown reduction bonus to your melee abilities, your melee ability recharges in 1 minute and 9 seconds.
When you have enough strength to have 100% cooldown reduction bonus to your melee abilities, your melee ability recharges in 31 seconds (45% of original recharge).
To reach 100% cooldown reduction bonus, players will need 272 points in Strength.
- If you have more than 272 points in Strength, the extra points are wasted.
Discipline is a
stat that lowers the cooldown of
When you have no Discipline and thus 0% cooldown reduction bonus to your grenades, your grenade ability recharges in 1 minute.
When you have enough discipline to have 100% cooldown reduction bonus to your grenades, your grenade ability recharges in 27 seconds (45% of original recharge).
To reach 100% cooldown reduction bonus, players will need 272 points in Discipline.
- If you have more than 272 points in Discipline, the extra points are wasted.
Intellect is a
stat that reduces the cooldown of your
When you have no intellect and thus 0% cooldown reduction bonus to your super, your super recharges in 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
When you have enough intellect to have 100% cooldown reduction bonus to your super, your super recharges in 3 minutes and 55 seconds (71% of original recharge). Additionally, your kills earn you twice amount of super meter.
To reach 100% cooldown reduction bonus, players will need 272 points in Intellect.\
- If you have more than 272 points in Intellect, the extra points are wasted.
So ~100 DIS/STR will give you around 20% reduction in CD for your grenades and melee.
and ~100 INT will reduce around 10% of Super CD and ~40% increase in kill super meters.