Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

Are you talking about the game or the game world ? If it's the game then the game has lots of special stuff and the raid mode is just something else, easily the most satisfying and fun thing from a game released last year.

The maps are not ginormous but they are white big in that they lead to many indoor, sub sections seamlessly with no loading once the game has loaded (most of the time, sometimes it will have small mini loading ala Mass Effect 1 when playing strikes).

Seems to me MS throes in cloud everywhere and every time they have to promote something. They are surely doing it less than they did it earlier but still.

I played the game since beta, so i have a pretty good idea what the game is about, and there is absolutely nothing in that game that makes any special use of any kind of cloud that i have not seen before. As i said in my post, "On the contrary, the maps are small compared to most other mmo games and the streaming is obviously limited by the 512mb consoles and storage tech." The way that for example the Earth is split up and you have to travel through certain parts of the map to get somewhere must be because of the limits set by the old consoles. And by todays standards the invisible walls, death by misfortunes etc is pretty disappointing.
True, which is sad because when they first revealed Destiny, it seemed like they were doing a "You can go to that mountain you see" thing. There is still some loading sometimes though, especially when you play a long strike or a raid like VoG that has you go to a lot of areas.
Oh bugger its titanfall oops ;)

Same goes for that game, nothing special imho. Again, on the contrary, their reluctance to let players pick servers and matches and see which servers were full and relying on the "cloud" was a shot in the foot.
True, which is sad because when they first revealed Destiny, it seemed like they were doing a "You can go to that mountain you see" thing. There is still some loading sometimes though, especially when you play a long strike or a raid like VoG that has you go to a lot of areas.

Well Destiny 2 might get rid of the old consoles.. :)
I am having fun, this weeks nightfall with burn x 3 is great :)
Burn X3, I guess I will just go with Solar weaponry since that's Ghorn and Ice Breaker.

Arc works better this week since knights and captains and omnigul herself are all arc shields. the only solar shields are probably the shanks. I regard black hammer > Ice breaker actually.

Just did a near perfect 2 sword run yesterday. I think this as many sword hits as I can muster. Managed to take off 70% of his health in one sword.
Might have to ask people to fire the first round a bit earlier if I were to increase the third kneel hits.

finished my 3 runs for this week. No Crux :(

Honestly I dont have too many objectives left, I only really want to beat hard Crota just to have done it and get the shader. After that I probably wont go back to hard raid as it's too difficult to be fun really. In not too long both my main characters will have 32 armor so I wont need shards. Ready for House of Wolves already.

I believe I need 27 shards this week to finish out my 32 armor for my 2nd. Actually, he still lacks the boots too. Had them but sharded em back then because I needed every last shard to hit 3 on one character.

Kinda dreading that apparent 6 months no new content gap coming after HOW. Although OTOH, it will give a lot more time to just screw around at max level and with everything done, which is kind of the funnest part of the game, just screwing around doing bounties with no pressure.

BTW I read on Planet Destiny the new HoW weapons cap will be 365. About what you'd figure but there, a hard number.

Switching to Suros Regime (just to level it) has been super fun. It's amazing how much fun the different weapons in this game are. I get tired of one weapon too much, which is usually scout, so it's nice. I still need 331 Suros though, so I hope I either get it in a drop or Xur has the upgrade this week.
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@Strange, nice sword work. Gave me some tips for the semi-regular group I raid with where we have a hunter sword wielder.

Beat crota hard 7 times (4x this week), no crux either. :(

Your buddy YumaruChii got the crux orangpelupa. Actually did crota hard with him earlier today. We beat it with 4 inexperienced hard mode players, 2 of which were 31. I was just helping some of my buddies through the first 2 parts of hard mode and YumaruChii joined and we ended up finishing it. Went a lot smoother than I thought it would. Probably could have taken him out with 2 swords, but we played it safe. YumaruChii is a good sword wielder.

I want to try using the sword in hard mode, but Warlock isn't the greatest class to do so. I've only beat crota on normal as the sword wielder. There's a lot of pressure, but it's fun.

I've gotten all of the weapons in the first week, and I just got the ship yesterday. I just need the sparrow and the crux and I'll have everything from crota. I want a third scout rifle and hunger of crota though. And I still need Praetorian Foil from VoG too.
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This game is good.jpeg. Sometimes it helps to remind.

Going for the Pocket Infinity bounty still, Vex Mythoclast makes it really easy. Got about 80 fusion rifle kills in one nightfall run just using it as primary (it's a beast anyway). And with Solar burn on it's even morseo. That was in a three man team. By myself when I go back the kills are just gonna pile up. Could probably get 40-60 just off the thralls part.

I have gotten all 331 LDR's of every element (well along with Black Hammer), have 331 legendary fusion's of every element. Have 331 rocket launchers of every element, and so on.

Kinda funny I still dont have a hard mode Crota kill, but in my defense I kinda have not been playing a ton the last couple weeks, and dont have a lot of attempts on him. I know last week I had the team to do it, they were good, all 32's, we had him on the last half of the last sword twice and the swordbearer inexplicably died both times. Then they disbanded after only like a half hour. But I can feel it coming this week. I'm already through the first 3/4 of the raid on my first char, so it's just a matter of farming Crota checkpoint.

Xur better be selling heavy, I'm getting low. I have 118 coins plus both weeklies outstanding so 18 more there. Gonna buy at least 80 synth if he sells them, plus at least ten of every telemetry, plus any weapons he has I want (seems sometimes it's better to buy them than upgrade them). About telemetry I used to be wary to buy them because I wanted to conserve more item slots, but I've changed my tune. From now on I'm gonna pop appropriate telemetries every time I turn in bounties. So I'll need at least ten of each.

I got the Radiant Dance Machines in the nightfall, searched some reviews and they seem pretty useless. They might be fun to stack with an agility bladedancer plus mida or other +2 agility primary, for a super quick build that would be fun to do patrols with.

I'm glad Hunter is getting a lot of love this raid, the invisibility perk finally makes me feel like I have something fun and valuable, and it's fun to learn all new strategies and tactics with still seems like Titans and Warlocks have superior abilities in PVE to me, but at least Hunters feel useful now. The constantly discovering new depth to this game surprises me.
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I finished Crota on hard today with a bunch of Neogaf members and got the (Crota's) poo shader :p

I'm not sure how I'll do the lamp part without a hunter, cause so far mt technique is just turn invisible by using a blink and run and use a super to turn invisible for the last bit if I can't get to it in time. I can see myself doing it with a Warlock with the Sunsinger class with the grenade super and resurrection but not with anything else.
Yeah I'm kinda enjoying the new strikes/missions now, after some initial criticism. The basic gameplay is so fun that enemy-spam levels, which is kind of what the Dark Below levels seem to be, can be a lot of fun. Slaughtering waves of baddies is still fun and a little different theme to the prior stuff.

I still have trouble with that Rasputin mission whenever it comes up as the level 30 daily mission, although last time I think I started to figure it out. Use Gallahorn to take out the wizards that spawn, quickly, so the puddles of goo wont be a mounting problem. Once again Gallahorn is the solution.
Datto had some interesting thoughts on light level system and the problems with it:

Overall as usual I have conflicting thoughts, but I dont have a huge problem with it. Yes, it puts final progression at the hands of RNG, but again there, to me, it's just a matter of putting the odds in your favor. So, run the hard raid 3 times, and you've maximized your odds, and in my experience despite the complaints otherwise, there's pretty much no way you wont get the required outcome in a relatively short period of time. That and, I think a part of Destiny's very appeal is likely RNG. Again, getting back to the idea that humans when offered a choice between predictable rewards to work towards, and a lottery, are wired to choose the lottery every time. Although again it's not really a lottery in Destiny, grind enough, roll the dice enough times, and RNG WILL favor you, it's just a matter of time window.

But I do agree with a lot of what he says, the idea of auxiliary progression seems good, earned cool cosmetic rewards might be a good way to do it. Datto also advocates ending the large jump in light levels, aka, a 31.5 character would be much better than a 31, but worse than a 32, in his world. Which I'm unsure about personally.
If there really was no issue with it then go u wouldn't have people make three characters of same class just so they can play nightfall/weekly/raid again.

Last week was shard week for me and despite wanting to level up a different class and enjoy a new play style I am pretty much at a disadvantage if I don't make a second hunter to play the weeklies twice.

If you can't have real progression then at least have auxiliary progression with cosmetics until you get something real. Not having anything just pulls you out of the game, I have a friend right now who is giving up on the game because he simply doesn't have this level of tolerance for slow progression and the need to grind more just kills it for him. It's because nothing...absolutely nothing in this game depends on how to play. Oh you 3.0 KDR in TDM? Well here's a stupid 18+ light gauntlet that is co pletely unnecessary. Oh what's that? You got killed by everyone ? Here have a legendary. Point is reward for work done is good, and this is why Crota is less RNG dependent than Vault of Glass.

The 31.5 level doing more damage than 31 but less than 32 is a good idea. The reason for that I'd because the game makes anyone who is lower than 1 level below the enemy absolutely useless in the game because they can barely do any damage, the enemies have shield so it becomes zero damage and the player dies in one hit. And none of it makes sense when you consider that the game allows you to play a raid even if the player is 3 levels below the level of the raid. Why allow players to do something if they can't even play it ? Doing less damage and taking more damage is one thing because a skilled player can even it out to some extent, but being completely useless despite the skulls is another. The damage penalty due to level is quite severe within the three levels that are allowed to play a raid.
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It's because nothing...absolutely nothing in this game depends on how to play. Oh you 3.0 KDR in TDM? Well here's a stupid 18+ light gauntlet that is co pletely unnecessary. Oh what's that? You got killed by everyone ? Here have a legendary.

Thar's completely exaggerated if not false in PVE... maybe in PVP.

But if you change it, then you are just going to have only the PVP badasses, and people who just live in PVP, getting all the loot and everybody else, who isn't as good or even just spend less time in PVP, is screwed.

As somebody who sucks at PVP, I like how Bungie does it, which is essentially for the most part just reward participation. Although I never do PVP, at least I'm not completely shut out of say, Iron Banner, with this "reward for participation" system.

But that's all for PVP anyway. I dont use PVP to progress.

Perhaps they could do a hybrid system. Maybe the good players get say, 30% more loot, would be ok IMO.
Finally got my first Crota hard kill! After a fair bit of trying with other groups since hard raid came out, he went down on like the first of this group, which was only 5 and one was 31. And I dont feel like they were particularly good either.

In the 2nd week people have already made vast improvement handling Crota. It's pretty remarkable how people adapt. The first week everybody thought it was too hard, I expect soon it'll be just loot farmed like hard VoG.

All I really wanted was the shader, but I did get my second raid helmet. But it doesn't have the orbs=health perk which I understand is possible.

Edit: Oh btw Bungie said they're finally gonna fix the Heavy bug. As I expected, they said it's a tricky fix. The only downside is they say the ETA for fix is by the end of February, so it could be up to another month.

That would be nice, but they also really need to fix their damn confusing restart-resume a level system/bugs.
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I still have trouble with that Rasputin mission whenever it comes up as the level 30 daily mission, although last time I think I started to figure it out. Use Gallahorn to take out the wizards that spawn, quickly, so the puddles of goo wont be a mounting problem. Once again Gallahorn is the solution.

That mission gets uglier the longer the wizards survive. When you're at the terminal and the thing starts kill the first thralls for some easy ammo and then jump on one of the blocks at the wall behind the terminal. You're save from the thralls and some shots from some angle and have time to deal with the wizards. If you sit right/wrong your shots from there seem to be muted somewhat like shots hitting you.
I really don't like the TDB missions as they don't really allow any room for a real strategy or I missed one. It's all about killing the opponent as fast as possible and hope for survival. Wrong configured weapon and you're pretty much screwed.
Thar's completely exaggerated if not false in PVE... maybe in PVP.

But if you change it, then you are just going to have only the PVP badasses, and people who just live in PVP, getting all the loot and everybody else, who isn't as good or even just spend less time in PVP, is screwed.

As somebody who sucks at PVP, I like how Bungie does it, which is essentially for the most part just reward participation. Although I never do PVP, at least I'm not completely shut out of say, Iron Banner, with this "reward for participation" system.

But that's all for PVP anyway. I dont use PVP to progress.

Perhaps they could do a hybrid system. Maybe the good players get say, 30% more loot, would be ok IMO.
Please do tell how being good in the game rewards you more in PvE in comparison to the other players playing with you. Finishing a raid or a strike without dying, doing more stuff, handling the relics etc won't provides you with better chances than others who don't. Unless you are talking about obtaining stuff from accomplishing something like the one chest you get by preventing the Templar from teleporting or the chest you get in CE by running through thrallway or the bounties that require you to not die which are different things altogether. I am saying that it doesn't matter how good you are in PvE, because your drop rates would be unaffected by your gameplay.

And when it comes to PvP why should it be ok to limit it to participation reward mostly because you suck at it ? especially when on the other hand you want all the advantages of having superior gear when Iron Banner's running. I just think people who are good at PvP should have a better chance at getting better gear than others who aren't. Similarly people who are good in PvE and players who handle more responsibility such as relic holder in VoG, person who doesn't dies or the person with highest kills or assists have a higher chance of getting better equipment than those who don't. (I am not saying bad players get zero chance, just less than the better ones)

I also do not understand why people who spend more time should get rewarded but people who are more skilled don't, it's limiting to these better players. You might say that if they do it'll result in worse players leaving the game as they feel the ceiling's too high, which is true. But I say it'll result in better players being frustrated and leave the game if they don't. There needs to be a balance between the two. For instance, if it took someone 10 days to do a Thorn bounty and it took me 1 day then I am already getting the advantage of owning a gun faster than other people, but if they limited me to earning just 50 points a day for the 500 void points that I have to make in crucible, then that's artificially limiting the game and the game seems to do that sort of thing a lot. If only the other things could be done in a similar way as the Thorn bounty then that'd be great, I don't necessarily mean as hard (because I know it was tough for many) but I mean in the similar veins where a better player can get access to the equipment earlier.
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Destiny already rewards non lifers more than people with a real life. Play 3 characters and max out vanguard and crucible marks, and do every hc daily along with nightfall? Ehmm no, I would rather have the players leave that does that and complain about lack of stuff to do than see bungie starting to reward those "skilled" players even more. There are plenty of games that provides all the time sinks in the world and rewards skilled/none lifers heavily and just makes it even less interesting to be a part of those games as a filthy casual.

And it's simply wrong that being skilled (such a forced term in a game like destiny) sorry, good at destiny doesn't help with rewards . Bounties are easily done, more content can be soloed and raids and strikes doesn't eat to much time.