Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

killed crota hard and only got low-impact handgun with shader while i already have lots of weapons and shaders. but seriously.. only 2 drop from a BOSS on hard mode. ugh.
People probably know this by now but yeah, if you wait til the mission end screen (which takes exactly 5 minutes) you can get an exotic from Crotas End on that screen.

Triple confirmed now because I just got (another) Patience and Time from it.
the drop in VoG is much more generous after CE DLC comes. But before CE comes, VoG is annoying. shard and energies all the way.
People probably know this by now but yeah, if you wait til the mission end screen (which takes exactly 5 minutes) you can get an exotic from Crotas End on that screen.

Triple confirmed now because I just got (another) Patience and Time from it.
Damn, didn't know that was true.

Anyway, beat crota hard on all 3 of my characters and I already got all of the raid weapons (except the crux of crota). Also got a 4th raid helmet, but only my second with the perk that replenishes your health with orbs (which is obviously important for hard mode). The only things I need from the crota raid now are the sparrow, ships and the crux of crota.

Having a Titan and/or hunter is pretty much essential for hard mode. And the best strategy IMO is to do it from the middle ledge outside of the windows.
Also for ogres, you can take them out in like 10 seconds if you go to the room below the right tower. Jump up above the doorways, kill the first ogre as soon as he spawns, have a titan throw up a bubble if possible, then take out the other ogre.
Yeah. I have not beat hard yet but I did not play much this week. But I did get with a good group for about a half hour on Crota in hard this morning, it was pretty enlightening, takes military precision. We had him down to the last half of the last sword about twice, then the group disbanded (apparently) they had already been trying for a while.

You go middle, you need a hunter to use the sword with his invisibility, you need a lot of hunter bubbles at key moments (good to throw one down even before you take out the ogres), it's very precise.

I just watched a strategy on youtube where you dont need a hunter for sword, you can send a titan out left, have him throw bubble and distract the knights. The knights mostly wont bother swordcarrier.

So far I got the stupid pulse rifle. Bleh.

Does hunter have raid helmet with super orbs health perk?? I need it! I have the raid helm, but I dont think it has that perk.

My current plan is to just use my old 300 Suros, which I never bothered to upgrade, once i level it enough to where the healing perk is activated. But thinking, I stayed alive fairly well in the half hour I just talked about, so I'm not really sure it's worth the loadout compromises. That or switch back and forth with it whenever theres an opportunity to take out some trash mobs.

I'm 90% sure I sharded a Third Man at one point, which I think has a pick up orb=health perk too.

What an awful week for shards. SIX so far. Pretty much the worst possible with hard mode. Hell last week I pulled 21 or something on normal. Oh well, it doesn't really matter. I have ages to get get my 2nd to 32.

BTW, you know what makes me mad? All the damn people of too low a level trying to run raids. All these 31's trying to run hard. There's a certain arrogance to it.

I shouldn't be mad, I used to try to run hard VOG at 29. But I guess, once I discovered it was too hard I quickly stopped.

I mean one, maybe two below level guys are OK, but I hate getting in these ridiculous groups with 3 or 4 31's. Like, what are you doing?

Edit: Just looking at reddit learned two things...hunter has hungering blade for health regen (not sure how useful it would actually be) and, you can shoot crota himself to regen health with suros/red death. Also apparently different helms can have the orbs=health perk.

And yeah, I'm sure I did have a Third Man and sharded it...thinking, I will never use it...
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@djskribbles when bungie patched the door and ledges, the classic strategy of shooting ogre from middle room seems will be ok. as long as 1 person keep playing merry-go-round with gatekeeper :p

usually the only one getting hit is the sword-man. so i think helm with orb-health is much more useful. Other people is relatively safe as long as not blindly run or slipped. To be extra safe, one shot of gjalahorn to boomer also make them "stop shooting" for a while.
People probably know this by now but yeah, if you wait til the mission end screen (which takes exactly 5 minutes) you can get an exotic from Crotas End on that screen.

Triple confirmed now because I just got (another) Patience and Time from it.
Still gives it to you if you jump out. There's only room for 4 items on the right, so you won't see the yellow drops if you received more.
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@djskribbles when bungie patched the door and ledges, the classic strategy of shooting ogre from middle room seems will be ok. as long as 1 person keep playing merry-go-round with gatekeeper :p
I don't think bungie will patch the strategies I explained above... there's no glitching or cheesing involved and they are completely fair game IMO.
People probably know this by now but yeah, if you wait til the mission end screen (which takes exactly 5 minutes) you can get an exotic from Crotas End on that screen.

Triple confirmed now because I just got (another) Patience and Time from it.
Seems to me that it's because if you get an exotic from Crota you don't get it until you go to Orbit and waiting until end screen does the same thing.
I finished Crota on hard today without even breaking a sweat with two level 30s (myself included) and rest being a mix of 31 and 32, it's easily doable. The swordbearer for us was a Warlock, we had two snipers (I was one) to take care of the knight boomers so that they never even take a single shot, and the other three people were there to clean the house/hit Crota while our Swordbearer waited to go after the sword. Managed to kill Crota with two swords, didn't even need to kill the Ogres. The last part is the easiest bit of the raid, the first part can be done solo with a hunter (using invisibility and even better if you have Don't touch me).

Honestly Crota's End is easy except for the second part with the Gatekeeper, which could probably be cheesed still if you are having a lot of trouble. Now Vault of Glass on the other hand is something else. You will have issues finishing it even with everyone being level 31 or above.

Does hunter have raid helmet with super orbs health perk?? I need it! I have the raid helm, but I dont think it has that perk.

Does hunter have raid helmet with super orbs health perk?? I need it! I have the raid helm, but I dont think it has that perk.
You get that in an exotic Helmet for Hunter called Mask of the Third Man. I got that from Xur on Friday with my second exotic engram purchase. The first engram gave me a Titan helmet i.e. An Insurmountable Skullfort.
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thats the reverse for me. VoG is easy and consistently quick to finish as long as the game not bugged. While CE depends on the luck with sword-man AND lag. Its risky to kill crota in 2 sword with only 2 people shooting gjalarhorn in lag. But when there's 3 people, lag is still fine.
Well it tells you something about which one's more difficult when you see that Crota can be solo-ed entirely but VOG can't. :p (This is ofcourse at normal mode but still)
I tried Hard today with three 32s and the rest 31s and it was a bitch. We didn't end up beating Scrota, so I'm going to try again tomorrow from the Scrota checkpoint. I got the pulse rifle, energy, and shards so far.

I was pissed to learn that beating the Deathsinger on Hard doesn't give you anything if you've already beaten it on Normal. That was way too hard of a fight to get nothing for. It ended up just being me and another 32 Warlock (everyone else got decimated). This is a situation where Gjallarhorn and Ice Breaker prove their worth. I can't believe how effective Ghorn is on high level Wizards, Shriekers, and Knights. That thing is a godsend.
:D yeah if considering the amounts of solo can be done on CE, yeah its easier.

deadsinger reward it seems just the abyss chest moved. so it only works once for both difficulty levels. heck, i suspect they simply put a chest somewhere on deadthsinger map and auto-open it for the checkpoint lol.
I finished Crota on hard today without even breaking a sweat with two level 30s (myself included) and rest being a mix of 31 and 32, it's easily doable. The swordbearer for us was a Warlock, we had two snipers (I was one) to take care of the knight boomers so that they never even take a single shot, and the other three people were there to clean the house/hit Crota while our Swordbearer waited to go after the sword. Managed to kill Crota with two swords, didn't even need to kill the Ogres. The last part is the easiest bit of the raid, the first part can be done solo with a hunter (using invisibility and even better if you have Don't touch me).

Honestly Crota's End is easy except for the second part with the Gatekeeper, which could probably be cheesed still if you are having a lot of trouble. Now Vault of Glass on the other hand is something else. You will have issues finishing it even with everyone being level 31 or above.

Does hunter have raid helmet with super orbs health perk?? I need it! I have the raid helm, but I dont think it has that perk.

You get that in an exotic Helmet for Hunter called Mask of the Third Man. I got that from Xur on Friday with my second exotic engram purchase. The first engram gave me a Titan helmet i.e. An Insurmountable Skullfort.

What you described sounds like normal Crota. If your PSNID is what you put in your B3D profile, it looks like you cleared normal too.

very little people allow 31s to hard mode let alone 30s. If your warlock can 2 sword crota, either he will have to 3 kneel him every time, or he has absolute perfect timing (R1R1R2R1R1R2R2 combo), both of which I have tried (and proven that they're doable) and can say is quite difficult to do. (but very easy in normal mode)

That's with 7 HM clears under my belt now.
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my experience, its less risky and more success to 3 kneel crota than doing many hit with the sword

And in hard mode, there's the enrage timer that forces you to make your runs perfect.
There's no half-assing part of it so that you are left with 1~10% after the second sword.

If the team knows how to safely dispatch the Ogres (and there are multiple strategies so far), it's much better to simply defer killing him to 3rd sword.

I know for a fact that 18 R2s kill him, so I defer it to 6 kneels, 3 R2 smashes each. It's a walk in a park with lots of room for error if I do it with 3 swords.
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@orangelupa: sorry for that lousy run, it was rag tag group formed on the fly with no one having any idea of what the other was upto. Me and HarshadB started the raid to check out th efirst part and well, people started joining and it turned into a mess soon :p ! But Thanx, I was really hoping to clear that part in that run but Destiny just booted everyone from the game after you left and then it was all over.

The people went into super coll slow-motion before it happened though ! Was fun to watch, I recorded a video too :D !

In other news, I have decided to delete Destiny, it is wrecking havoc on my weekends :runaway: ! I want a social life too :oops:. Guess,l will re install sometime later but it has to stop once !