Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

What you described sounds like normal Crota. If your PSNID is what you put in your B3D profile, it looks like you cleared normal too.

very little people allow 31s to hard mode let alone 30s. If your warlock can 2 sword crota, either he will have to 3 kneel him every time, or he has absolute perfect timing (R1R1R2R1R1R2R2 combo), both of which I have tried (and proven that they're doable) and can say is quite difficult to do. (but very easy in normal mode)

That's with 7 HM clears under my belt now.
Does the stats on tell you what difficulty you were playing on?

And I did play on hard, though the guys I was playing with they had perfect co ordination, infact it was quite amazing to see them play together. Being lower leveled, I was more on a ride lol. This is the first time I've managed to beat Crota with my PSN id, the only other times I did was two other raids with a friend's PSN id but on normal.
Does the stats on tell you what difficulty you were playing on?

And I did play on hard, though the guys I was playing with they had perfect co ordination, infact it was quite amazing to see them play together. Being lower leveled, I was more on a ride lol. This is the first time I've managed to beat Crota with my PSN id, the only other times I did was two other raids with a friend's PSN id but on normal.

Crota’s End
Level: 30

Games: 1
Time Played: 1h 29m 10s
Kills: 35
Assists:: 46

Crota’s End

Level: 33
Games: 0
Time Played: 25m 51s
Kills: 12
Assists:: 13

With all respect it really doesn't look like you've cleared hard.

the Games stat indicate the number you've cleared the mode. I've cleared it 7 times (and joined in like 20+ times) so I'm sure you have to kill Crota to get a 1 tick.

If you want to prove yourself you can SS your Glowhoo shader (which looks as if crota threw up all over us) and I'll be convinced that these trackers went bonkers and you really had a world class team to do it with several 30s in the team.
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Yeah 30's will be doing almost no damage as they are three levels down, It would be like 3-manning it.

I must say, Dont Touch Me gauntlets are really nice for at least the first two sections of the raid. Any thrall hit=invisible.
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Crota’s End
Level: 30

Games: 1
Time Played: 1h 29m 10s
Kills: 35
Assists:: 46

Crota’s End

Level: 33
Games: 0
Time Played: 25m 51s
Kills: 12
Assists:: 13

With all respect it really doesn't look like you've cleared hard.

the Games stat indicate the number you've cleared the mode. I've cleared it 7 times (and joined in like 20+ times) so I'm sure you have to kill Crota to get a 1 tick.

If you want to prove yourself you can SS your Glowhoo shader (which looks as if crota threw up all over us) and I'll be convinced that these trackers went bonkers and you really had a world class team to do it with several 30s in the team.
Seems to me what happened was that I played the thing twice.
First on normal and finished it, and second on hard but only cleared the first two stages. It got a bit confusing.
Oh yeah, the hard raid is not too hard EXCEPT for Crota himself.

I mean I just cleared Bridge and Sunsingers on hard with a group including 3 31's. It's Crota himself on hard that's a bear.

Suros works well for re genning health on Crota. I assumed the health perk was only going to give back an inch of health or something. No, it replenishes your whole bar when it kicks in, so it's nice. Now i just need the 331 version.

As for loadout compromises, for Crota really not much DPS is needed provided you have enough DPS to take down Crota himself. It isn't really like you need Gjallahorn or anything. From what I recall Suros really wasn't doing much to crota himself though, compared to my Badger. Likely a range issue. Getting it at 331 would help too, mine is only 279 (it's only 300 version since all those times Xur offered upgrade I passed).
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I have maxed Suros, BH, IB, and GH (all 331). My typical approach for normal CE is a 331 Badger primary and either BH/GH or IB/(random 331 legendary RL). In light of this, and the fact that Hard has no Chalice, what loadout would you pros recommend? I guess I need to figure out how to get Suros in the mix somehow.

Man, I really need the raid RL. Tracking is so helpful when trying to down Scrota while getting your ass shot off.
Oh yeah, the hard raid is not too hard EXCEPT for Crota himself.

I mean I just cleared Bridge and Sunsingers on hard with a group including 3 31's. It's Crota himself on hard that's a bear.

Suros works well for re genning health on Crota. I assumed the health perk was only going to give back an inch of health or something. No, it replenishes your whole bar when it kicks in, so it's nice. Now i just need the 331 version.

As for loadout compromises, for Crota really not much DPS is needed provided you have enough DPS to take down Crota himself. It isn't really like you need Gjallahorn or anything. From what I recall Suros really wasn't doing much to crota himself though, compared to my Badger. Likely a range issue. Getting it at 331 would help too, mine is only 279 (it's only 300 version since all those times Xur offered upgrade I passed).
?? Suros has a health perk ?

Edit: Just saw, it says has a chance to return health. I've never noticed it before, then again I don't use it at all cause I keep ice breaker most the time and for times I don't, I keep Truth. My primary is The Saterienne Rapier, but without firefly perk, which is decent enough if I can't use the Suros (due to IB/Truth)..
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Luke Smith posted this non Neogaf

Nothing specific to announce at this time, but the mistakes we made with the DLC1 reward economy will not be repeated:

Mistakes like:
  • Vendor gear invalidating the effort of VOG Raiders
  • Upgrading an Exotic reseting its talents

Our philosophy about rewards/loot continue to evolve as we see how players play and react.

We will continue to improve acquisition stories and frequency (My understanding of the perception is that Crota's End drop rates are much improved vs. Vault of Glass: footnote below), lessen the grind and get players to the fun parts of their arsenal faster.

On CE drop rates vs. VOG:
The Forever 29 meme was a killer for us.

We sat down and talked about the rewards for VoG and the rates vs. CE and ended up with the following:
  • increase drop rates globally in CE: we wanted dedicated players to be around 32 or real close by the time Hard mode came out.
  • increase the variability of perks that a given piece can roll.
    the goal here: players would reach 32 easier than 30, but would have more customization and options to build the perfect set (in terms of stats, perks, weapon affinities)
The part where this didn't work as well as we'd hoped is with the Shard economy. Shards are a are a barrier between you and equipping a sweet new piece of gear.

We want fewer barriers to equipping upgrades. The shard economies erect these barriers between players and the new piece of gear they just got.

We're not intending to adjust the shard economy for this Tier -- we don't want to invalidate player effort (again). But removing the barrier between that new drop you're excited to get and actually being able to equip it as a member of your arsenal are something we will do going forward.

I dunno, sounds ok,but I hope they dont just eventually turn this into "easy mode the RPG" :/
^ listening too much to fans turns every game into one. But I am happy if they make sure old Raids don't turn meaningless. I have deleted Destiny and I am taking a break till House of Wolves arrives. I am 31+, got the Chest piece in my last game, but then I let go.

Lets hope that one has exciting new content. My guess is the game will get a revamp oly with comet and that is the real team who made the main game. Usually, there is always a separate team for DLCs and I am guessing its the same with Bungie and th emain team is working on Comet.
ALso, will Comet include everything from Crota and Wolves? How will they segregate players with so many different packages? What if I skip WOlves and dive straight into Comet?
thats the reverse for me. VoG is easy and consistently quick to finish as long as the game not bugged. While CE depends on the luck with sword-man AND lag. Its risky to kill crota in 2 sword with only 2 people shooting gjalarhorn in lag. But when there's 3 people, lag is still fine.
The reason why I find VoG harder is because it has far more complicated mechanics than Crota. Especially with the portals, teleporting and oracles for the boss fight, none of it is particularly hard it itself but due to the amount of things that needs to be taken care of at once and the limitation of time, it becomes hard. With Crota the swordbearer can be made sure to be the same guy everytime, here the relic holder would be different based on who get teleported so atleast 4 players should know how to handle the relic to make sure someone knows what they are doing everytime regardless. And this is quite difficult to do when you are playing in a mix of intermediate/beginners, even if you have one experienced.

The oracles also take quite some bullets so it needs to be a powerful weapon (My fully upgraded Sateriane Rapier scout is useless here, so I have to bring out Icebreaker and my rocket launcher for backup) because your screen goes black very quick and if the relic bearer is even slightly late with cleansing it could cause total failure as it'd be too late to kill oracles by the time the screen clears. As I said previously It's not that it's hard particularly, but that it's hard to do it consistently for 3-4 times with a team like the one I had. I think I'll start playing with more experienced guys now. Plus the fact that VoG pretty much has two boss fights, equally lengthy compared to Crota's one.

Also I do not understand why some people love Gjallahorn so much even for VoG where there is a void damage modifier, Truth is clearly better here despite the lower based damage from lacking the cluster perk. Ghallahorn is better than Truth in most cases but there are some cases where Truth should be the superior choice (missions with void burn like VoG/Nightfall and PvP due to its aggressive tracking and proximity explosion pretty much making it a guaranteed kill everytime it is fired).
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The reason why I find VoG harder is because it has far more complicated mechanics than Crota. Especially with the portals, teleporting and oracles for the boss fight, none of it is particularly hard it itself but due to the amount of things that needs to be taken care of at once and the limitation of time, it becomes hard. With Crota the swordbearer can be made sure to be the same guy everytime, here the relic holder would be different based on who get teleported so atleast 4 players should know how to handle the relic to make sure someone knows what they are doing everytime regardless. And this is quite difficult to do when you are playing in a mix of intermediate/beginners, even if you have one experienced.

The oracles also take quite some bullets so it needs to be a powerful weapon (My fully upgraded Sateriane Rapier scout is useless here, so I have to bring out Icebreaker and my rocket launcher for backup) because your screen goes black very quick and if the relic bearer is even slightly late with cleansing it could cause total failure as it'd be too late to kill oracles by the time the screen clears. As I said previously It's not that it's hard particularly, but that it's hard to do it consistently for 3-4 times with a team like the one I had. I think I'll start playing with more experienced guys now. Plus the fact that VoG pretty much has two boss fights, equally lengthy compared to Crota's one.

Also I do not understand why some people love Gjallahorn so much even for VoG where there is a void damage modifier, Truth is clearly better here despite the lower based damage from lacking the cluster perk. Ghallahorn is better than Truth in most cases but there are some cases where Truth should be the superior choice (missions with void burn like VoG/Nightfall and PvP due to its aggressive tracking and proximity explosion pretty much making it a guaranteed kill everytime it is fired).

There used to be a dedicated relic holder/teleport team too until they randomized teleporting.

Once upon a time there also was the "in team" (which consisted of people who know what they're doing) and the "out team (which consisted of lesser players).

Gjallarhorn does ~5800 damage to a single target. Truth does 3200. There's a reason for all the love for Gjallarhorn.
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There used to be a dedicated relic holder/teleport team too until they randomized teleporting.

Once upon a time there also was the "in team" (which consisted of people who know what they're doing) and the "out team (which consisted of lesser players).

Gjallarhorn does ~5800 damage to a single target. Truth does 3200. There's a reason for all the love for Gjallarhorn.
Yea they used to teleport the furthest 3 players.

And about Gjallarhorn, I know that but what I am saying is that in missions with void burn (nightfall) Truth should do higher damage. And in PvP Truth works better because of the higher blast radius, more aggressive damade and proximity explosion, the wolfpack rounds become less effective in PvP compared to the those. You can also use the truth without zooming in and it will still track all the time, basically it's incredibly hard to miss with truth in PvP.
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Yeah, nobody would dispute Truth is better in void burn and in PVP, those two facts are well known. I'm sure Strange wasn't trying to dispute that.

BTW, is an elemental burn actually exactly 3x damage? I've never actually run the numbers or heard them, but for some reason 3x is in my head.

Which if so and using Strange's numbers, then Truth would do 9600 in a void burn vs Ghorn's 5800.

Ghorn is so good there's exceptions though, EVEN on a burn strike. It's better for taking out the blue shielded Captains on the Devil's Lair with arc burn than my random legendary arc RL, and it's better for the wizards on summoning pits. Two very tough parts of those levels that I had struggled with.

I think it may have to do with the wizards fire shields in the latter case. Even though I read a post a long time ago on reddit that lets say, an arc RL will hurt say, arc shields in a void burn strike, about the same amount as a void RL. But I'm note sure it's true, it seems to me it's best to match the elemental to the shield first. In other words if you are in a void burn strike and come across an arc shielded enemy, it's better to hit him with arc (at least until his shield is down) than void.

For the Captains, it may have to do with the wolfpack rounds. The initial strike takes out the shield, then the WP rounds kill the captain. It seems to work better than all the same damage in one blow, although that doesn't really make sense.
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I got the Blackhammer today !
I can now keep the Icebreaker aside and free up the exotic slot for Suros now, except for some situations.

I've become the greaseman with my Hunter and invisibility hah !
Ms are heavily promoting this on british tv and stating its only possible because of the power of the cloud is that right ?
Ms are heavily promoting this on british tv and stating its only possible because of the power of the cloud is that right ?
Ehmm no?
It's a run of the mill mp game, nothing whatsoever special about it. On the contrary, the maps are small compared to most other mmo games and the streaming is obviously limited by the 512mb consoles and storage tech.

The social hub is small the number of other players in the same instance is also pretty small.
Uh..strange that MS is promoting Destiny when Sony has a deal with Activision for this game. And I have not noticed any adverts yet on Tele, then again I have pretty much stopped watching TV recently for some reason.

Ehmm no?
It's a run of the mill mp game, nothing whatsoever special about it. On the contrary, the maps are small compared to most other mmo games and the streaming is obviously limited by the 512mb consoles and storage tech.

The social hub is small the number of other players in the same instance is also pretty small.
Are you talking about the game or the game world ? If it's the game then the game has lots of special stuff and the raid mode is just something else, easily the most satisfying and fun thing from a game released last year.

The maps are not ginormous but they are white big in that they lead to many indoor, sub sections seamlessly with no loading once the game has loaded (most of the time, sometimes it will have small mini loading ala Mass Effect 1 when playing strikes).

Seems to me MS throes in cloud everywhere and every time they have to promote something. They are surely doing it less than they did it earlier but still.
Ms are heavily promoting this on british tv and stating its only possible because of the power of the cloud is that right ?

In the US Microsoft has commercials for their Cloud services called Azure where they focus on TitanFall saying it's powered by Azure. Are you certain it was Destiny and not TitanFall?