Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

I think the reason why the Queen didn't care for the Awoken player character is because she doesn't care for the Awoken born on Earth (which is what your player is). But it's more of a convenience around the fact that they just didn't bother doing the scenes differently for different races...and there are only three :p

Speaking of races, why do they even have playable races beside human? It does not serve any purpose in terms of story or gameplay. You do not get race specific traits and attributes unlike other RPGs.
the rumor is... Destiny do have different intro story for each race but it was wiped.

hmm. now i remember Xander 90-40 say "i have been wiped for 40 times" lol.
yea, supposedly there were different inro sequences for each race. The current one was for exo, hence the waking up from the dead, cos its a machine. The others never got done. The races must have been tied into the story which was all abandoned after the lead story writer left Bungie. Its a ghost of a game we are playing now. Apparently, all the factions were also part of the story , hence their appearance at the tower. But yes, i think from the first Bungie video, the races awere cosmetic, not about any special abilities. Remember Mr. Tiger :p, thatr was a race once too, they showed it for LOLs.
yup, mess it is. feels more so after the DLC. I just got the Hawkmoon !

Hell Yeah ! High Five the whole room ! Fall out of my chair ! My Dream has come true an tear leaves my eye : Hawkmoon ! ! !

But , no: Don't celebrte yet: Its PRe-DLC stats on the Hawkmoon :cry: ! Which means I will have to wit till Xur arrives with the Hawkmoon upgrade and I can give it back to him and upgrade it with an exotic shard ! Uptill then there is no p[pint using it as all my stat unlocks will be lost during the upgrade :mad: !

And so many currencies and very low ceiling for weekly earnings: I hope they sort it All out by the time Comet arrives.

You can still use it, it wont hurt anything. And it will only do 14% less damage. Lots of 300 guns are still very effective.

As far as losing your upgrades, I upgrade so much I dont really care. Basically I'm a bounty machine. Just especially pick up the easy ones everyday. There are several 5k bounties that take 2-5 minutes (kill 20 with fusion rifle, 10 hive/vex/cabal majors,etc). Stack these with telemetries and nightfall bonus for maximum damage,

Also your unupgraded 331 exotic will start at 302 attack, higher than your fully upgraded 300 one. But you do lose all the perks.

So basically I'd say just start using it if you want too.

Also didn't Xur have Hawkmoon this week?
You can still use it, it wont hurt anything. And it will only do 14% less damage. Lots of 300 guns are still very effective.

As far as losing your upgrades, I upgrade so much I dont really care. Basically I'm a bounty machine. Just especially pick up the easy ones everyday. There are several 5k bounties that take 2-5 minutes (kill 20 with fusion rifle, 10 hive/vex/cabal majors,etc). Stack these with telemetries and nightfall bonus for maximum damage,

Also your unupgraded 331 exotic will start at 302 attack, higher than your fully upgraded 300 one. But you do lose all the perks.

So basically I'd say just start using it if you want too.

Also didn't Xur have Hawkmoon this week?

Xur had The Last Word this week. I bought that before getting the Hawkmoon.
I have a question, why is it that even as a level 25 player I (on my own) can't kill a low level major/ultra that spawns in a public events where you have to kill a target ? I see their shields and use appropriate guns for that shield and yet I can barely even see any effect even after emptying my entire sniper rifle and my rocket launcher into this dude. I was trying to take on the guy in Mars who spawns at Rubicon Waste and then tries to run across the map.

Also something weird happened today that I've never seen before, I was in old Russia near the treasure cave trying to get some stuff. And I see two guys (level 28/30) running around and suddenly there are shit loads of hives and fallen with majors, wizards etc and they keep on coming and coming, it wasn't a public event instead it was something else. This went on for about 5 minutes and then when it was finished it displayed a message "The enemies are retreating" and I see the hive retreating. What exactly was this?

EDIT: Yet another complaint. If you select strikes from the map you can't do matchmaking, so you need to do that through vanguard and it will randomly select a strike (and up the level if needed). But if it's a weekly strike, or daily strike or Nightfall you can't match

Raids don't have matchmaking because of Bungie's stupid reasoning that it requires communication and random people don't communicate But why not allow matchmaking for strikes outside of vanguard ? Another thing that doesn't make sense, you complete 50 strikes and Titan Marks, Warlock Bonds, and Hunter Cloaks get added to loot table. FIFTY times, the game only has 6 strike missions (without DLC) and it's asking you to play then 50 times without matchmaking to just unlock cloaks and bonds. BUT the cherry on top is that the strikes you do through vanguard do not count even though they are the same thing !! wtf?

How am I suppose to play this game if it's so adamant about not letting me play with anyone but people in my friend list, who all happen to be far above my level and hence are doing completely different things.
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the level difference is normalized to max +3 min -3.

about huge amount of enemy.
its the mini public event. have the same timer as public event. no reward.

about douing different things.
isnt all activity the same except the weekly stuff?
For the public event targets?
The first time I did the event I had two level 28 guys mowing down that target while my bullets did fuck all to him >.< I want to run around wrecking havok and be untouchable but I guess that comes later.
for public events, its much easier to do the warsat and ship thing. Kill target is hard but if its Fallen captain then there's a trick

1. punch
2. crouch

It will make the target not teleport across map and you give awesome damage without taking damage from target (fallen captain cant punch down).
There is matchmaking for all strikes, is it not? it is, I am dead sure, cos whenever I go for strikes for bounties, I am always matchmade with ppl.
No matchmaking for strikes outside of vanguard, this means if you want to do weekly/daily strikes there is no matchmaking. I don't know about Nightfall but I suppose it's similar.

Also I haven't got a single legendary or exotic gear yet, the only legendary I have is the one shotgun Bungie gifted to everyone a week or two ago. Every drop I get is worse than what I have, except for the one piece of gauntlet and chest armour I got two days ago and I have played the game for over 10-12 hours since then. Forget getting +18 light stuff or more, I barely get stuff that cross +10. haha
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then suddenly bungie say its not OK, its not how we meant to be played.
That, IMO, is the antithesis of 'play'. You only need that level of control in sports. In games, if people find a way to have fun that you didn't intend, let them! The whole purpose of the game is to enable fun, and capping that should not happen. It's different in PvP where there are exploits that lead to overpowering advantages and eventually stalemates where everyone has to use the same solution, but in players vs the game, everything should be allowed and embraced.
I dislike it when a game does not allow you to get to a ledge, rock, roof, etc (and lets you stay there) despite the player character being capable of doing so ability wise. Basically having invisible walls, and forcing the player to stick to the battle area. In a PvE game where the important enemies are considerably more powerful (The boss and sub boss etc) it's fair for a player to exploit these things even if it means cheesing the fight. Then again these bosses usually have an insane amount of health, high damage plus minions with high damage and health, so it probably evens out.

Destiny's boss/sub boss encounters literally revolve around doing the same shit for 10 minutes, higher difficulty just means lower health and damage for you. If something worked at level 5, it will work at level 25. No change in tactic is needed ever, so spare the player if he or she decides to take it easy for a fight and cheese their way out.
I dislike it when a game does not allow you to get to a ledge, rock, roof, etc (and lets you stay there) despite the player character being capable of doing so ability wise. Basically having invisible walls, and forcing the player to stick to the battle area. In a PvE game where the important enemies are considerably more powerful (The boss and sub boss etc) it's fair for a player to exploit these things even if it means cheesing the fight. Then again these bosses usually have an insane amount of health, high damage plus minions with high damage and health, so it probably evens out.

Destiny's boss/sub boss encounters literally revolve around doing the same shit for 10 minutes, higher difficulty just means lower health and damage for you. If something worked at level 5, it will work at level 25. No change in tactic is needed ever, so spare the player if he or she decides to take it easy for a fight and cheese their way out.

Reducing a hard fight that involves relic usage and teamwork to pushing it off a cliff using one character (which is clearly unintended - and undoable with one of the classes) does not qualify as okay to me.

There are signs of "clearly okay" (like the various "cheesing" methods of The End in MGS3 - sniping him in another scene, changing time, which CLEARLY had developer input) and quite frankly, pushing bosses off the cliff isn't one of the methods that devs had in mind.

I agree though, that Bungie should come up with various "methods" to kill various bosses, but pushing them off a cliff should clearly not be a raid- something that requires teamwork. Quite frankly if they thought pushing bosses off a cliff is fun and allows it, Bungie would really put me off the game. I was already quite dissatisfied with the relatively slow patch, let alone not patching it at all.
if the boss was played by human then i agree. But the boss is played by AI.
bungie should let the player outsmart the AI. Use this experience and knowledge of player behavior to design the next raid.

heck, take that to a next level. Design one raid level around the concept of pushing stuff.

really... the only game that allow the player to be creative with the physics is only MGSV, BFBC2 and Valve games? (portal, half life.. maybe more but i forgot, they are so few).
By the way people gravitated toward disconnecting Crota, gamers always are looking for the easiest way out and that's quite frankly against the spirit of overcoming a challenge - which is one of the core parts of Destiny. Using cheese spots I think are fine. Keeping Crota kneeling and pushing Atheon/Templar off a cliff are not.
I don't really care if people glitch or not. But for me personally, raids are a lot more fun when you do them without glitching. Honestly beating Crota the way you're supposed to doesn't take much longer than glitching him. Sure it's easier if you can't find a good raid group, but you know they were gonna fix it eventually, so people better learn to beat him the way you're supposed to.

Now for difficult nightfalls, I won't hesitate to cheese whenever possible, because some are nearly impossible without using some sort of cheese spot.
guys, behind sepiks prime there's other gate/room. Maybe future mission like the crota's map that basically just pass through the Urn/Crystall room.