Hit level 20 today and used the gear Bungie gifted earlier this week to hit 22.
Wtf is this Light crap? >-<
What do I do to get the gear that the guys in the tower sell? They seem to require vanguard points or something. I donno what that is, I've been doing bounties and missions and they give me vanguard rep yet my vanguard point is 0, and I have no clue. Why does the game not explain these stuff? I don't even know what a vanguard is in this game, and I am level 22.
Also do weapons even have any visual indicator for the damage they do? I haven't noticed any.
Fire weapons i Borderlands would put the enemy on fire, ice would freeze them, slag would corrode them etc. The fuck is arc? and what does it do compared to fire and normal?
Vanguard marks. you can get them a few places, the weekly heroic strike, the nightfall strike (which is too high level for you) public events, the best place is the strike playlists.
You are capped at 100 per week per character, and an overall cap of 200.
I guess at your level you wont be able to get too many marks super fast though...which is good, because you can just buy your way to 31 with enough marks. And that's not fair cause I had to work for it.
Armor is cheap as hell, 75 marks I think, sometimes 60 IIRC.
Oh yeah, and you need a commendation to purchase some armor, which you'll get one at the postmaster with each vanguard level up, which you get by doing lots of bounties and daily missions etc. Any thing who's rewards include Vanguard rep.
Each elemental damage hurts the same color shield more, so a blue shield like on a captain, will be knocked off much faster with an arc weapon than a solar (fire/red), void (purple), or Kinetic weapon. The other purpose is the nightfall often has a "burn". So if it's solar burn, solar weapons will do like 3X damage (not sure the exact amount but it's a lot). On the flip side though, enemies hurling that type of damage will also hurt you 3X as much. So, you'll want good weapons of every elemental type eventually, so that you are prepared for any type of burn or shield. And one of the best things for a burn strike is to get a primary with correct elemental damage, since you are shooting your primary most of the times. Those only drop in raids.
Some of that stuff is too high level for you just yet.