Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

The DLC drove me to quit the game.
Also **** the nonsense new materials. Commendations? Damn it. I'd saved up a huge stack of vanguard/crucible marks, and setup both to be close to a new level (as I'd read that faction level-up gave commendations... nope.). Ohh yay all my grinding is blocked by some arbitrary currency that I have no bloody clue how to get. What an amazing and rewarding experience.

Standard MMO fare. Game designers don't want players to stock up on items/faction for rewards to speed passage through new content, they want you to play it at their pace. I remember something a Blizzard person said which was new expansions are an opportunity for players who feel like they've been left behind to quickly catch up without having to re-grind a ton of previous end-game content to gear up.

In WoW players often used to trade or sell (rather than stockpile) end-game currency when a new expansion was imminent.
Also **** the nonsense new materials. Commendations? Damn it. I'd saved up a huge stack of vanguard/crucible marks, and setup both to be close to a new level (as I'd read that faction level-up gave commendations...

Huh? it does. At least vanguard level up does, dunno about crucible.
As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no reason to increase your Vanguard level beyond 3. In fact, Vanguard stuff is worthless when you start raiding. Also, there is no reason to increase your Cryptarch level either. My Master Rahaul dude is like lvl 31 or so, and I have never seen any advantage.

I have to agree with Graham. This game could have been so much more. About all it does right is the "second to second" combat experience, which is pretty much a direct copy of the Halo gameplay. Nothing new there.
the new thing here is the huge amount of copy-paste content. same enemy (just resized), same battles (the developer forgot that fallen can crawls on ceiling), etc.
I think the core mechanics are fine, and the odd leveling system and loot system wouldn't really matter if there was more content to play. I can't understand how Gearbox was able to make a game as big as Borderlands and add so much content rapidly while Bungie essentially puts out a long-enough but not particularly long game, and the DLC is downright anemic. I was exacting the DLC to offer a lot of content, especially for the price they're asking.

Only answer to me, is that there's some disfunction in the company, or in the way they work. They either can't produce content fast enough because they don't have the right tools or the right work environment.
Only answer to me, is that there's some disfunction in the company, or in the way they work. They either can't produce content fast enough because they don't have the right tools or the right work environment.
I only played the alpha and beta but it's hard to believe that the company who created Destiny is the same company who created Myth, Marathon and Halo. Something is definitely up.
I agree. I don't think it is the same company, at least in terms of creative vision and drive. It's like a big, soulless corporation who says "We gotta make something! And it has to be big! And full of hype!", but no one really understands what that is or what it should be, let alone how to make it.

Anyway, I just ran the CE raid with all three of my characters. I basically got shit. Energy, a few shards, and a couple of armor pieces I already have.
I only played the alpha and beta but it's hard to believe that the company who created Destiny is the same company who created Myth, Marathon and Halo. Something is definitely up.

Yeah, it's much better than those. Halo would be super boring after Destiny...I will be hyped for Halo 5 though, but I doubt I could stomach much else such as Master Chief Collection. With no progression, social aspects, or living breathing campaign in those games, it would quickly seem utterly pointless.

It is hard to believe Destiny came from the same creatively and artistically bankrupt company that made Halo 3...ugh.

I bought Advanced Warfare and I'm really having trouble even playing the campaign for 5 minutes, I just go back to Destiny. Granted COD campaigns are a huge step down from Halo.

Luckily I got it for 24 bucks after trading in BF4 for 360 and X1. Which themselves I got for like 20 bucks combined a few months ago. Got to love Cheapassgamer...
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As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no reason to increase your Vanguard level beyond 3. In fact, Vanguard stuff is worthless when you start raiding. Also, there is no reason to increase your Cryptarch level either. My Master Rahaul dude is like lvl 31 or so, and I have never seen any advantage.

Yeah, you get packages for doing those which can contain such things as motes, strange coins, commendations, and various engrams. One time I even got three legendary weapon engrams from the same vanguard (or cryptarch, dont remember) level up package. They are more like just a nice bonus from time to time for playing the game anyway. Oh and they give about 2500 XP IIRC, equivalent to a minor bounty. I sometimes wait to open mine along with several completed bounties at once so I can maximize telemetries (pop a telemetry right before opening a bunch of bounties and it's good to throw postmaster packages in too)
Iron Banner 4.0 or whatever they're up to is coming soon...I hope they let you get at least two pieces of 32 gear, like IB 2 did...I will do it then and it will be a nice change of pace.

Well, MAY do it, the real problem is not the gear it's shards. You will have to run the raid so many times to get enough shards, the gear is pretty much besides the point (you will get all gear several times over almost certainly by the time you have enough shards). so I hope that IB 4.0 gear would be 32 AND be level able with just ascendant shards. Probably too much to hope for though. If it's 32 gear and that gear still requires radiant shards, I probably wont bother.

I hope the new loot point for Ir Yut and/or hard raid introduces at least somewhat of an overall shards increase. But, I'm trying to remember but although it's "double loot" I dont seem to recall hard VoG giving more mats than normal VoG. Because that would require 4-6 mats per drop for double, and I dont remember ever getting that many, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

Assuming they do "double loot" again. Maybe they will just drop in primaries.

Still the biggest recent problem in the game is relegating radiant shards to raid only...once again I'm back to that point of the week of basically just doing bounties to level weapons and that is all. At least it feels relaxing to finally be 32.
As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no reason to increase your Vanguard level beyond 3. In fact, Vanguard stuff is worthless when you start raiding. Also, there is no reason to increase your Cryptarch level either. My Master Rahaul dude is like lvl 31 or so, and I have never seen any advantage.

I have to agree with Graham. This game could have been so much more. About all it does right is the "second to second" combat experience, which is pretty much a direct copy of the Halo gameplay. Nothing new there.

Not true. Lots of good legendary weapons come from Vanguard. It's definitely possible for a well rolled legendary to surpass raid/exotics. I have such a weapon myself.


I find this sniper rifle to be much more useful than Ice breaker/P&T/Black hammer/Praedyth's revenge when ammo isn't an issue. Imagine firing one shot to kill off an entire wave of enemies.

This weapon currently crits for 7000 on red 20s. It's damage output is in the realm of Ice breaker (which crits for about 7300 IIRC).
hmm i have LDR but i put it on vault after maxxed the XP. Just like its name, Long Distance Relationship.
i think im too acustomed to icebreaker and blackhammer (shoot without minding ammo).

about destiny..
it was rumored that bungie reset destiny's development too many times. dont know its right or not. but there is too many cut content on destiny that may suggest something happened in development process.

i cant imagine if bungie do release destiny on PC. people will tear the data apart like digging a gold mine.
I have a maxed out LDR5001 with void damage. It's cool and all, but really, when is ammo ever not an issue? It seems every time you need a weapon like this, it's either in a long raid or a Nightfall with the "Juggler" modifier, and goddamn ammo synths are on a 5 minute global timer (I hope you don't need heavy ammo too).

Yeah, I think I'd still take the Ice Breaker.

Now I've been told the only reason I want an IB so much is because I don't have one. That might be partly true, but I was told the same thing about Gjallarhorn, and after single-handedly making Scrota kneel with just two shots, I can tell you that the Ghorn is a game changer. I'm sure IB is too.
Hit level 20 today and used the gear Bungie gifted earlier this week to hit 22.
Wtf is this Light crap? >-<

What do I do to get the gear that the guys in the tower sell? They seem to require vanguard points or something. I donno what that is, I've been doing bounties and missions and they give me vanguard rep yet my vanguard point is 0, and I have no clue. Why does the game not explain these stuff? I don't even know what a vanguard is in this game, and I am level 22.

Also do weapons even have any visual indicator for the damage they do? I haven't noticed any.
Fire weapons i Borderlands would put the enemy on fire, ice would freeze them, slag would corrode them etc. The fuck is arc? and what does it do compared to fire and normal?
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Not true. Lots of good legendary weapons come from Vanguard. It's definitely possible for a well rolled legendary to surpass raid/exotics. I have such a weapon myself.

Got a Y-09 Longbow Synthesis with "better" specs.

5 Mag, less range, higher stability and reload.."same" impact/rate, armor piercing, unflinching and outlaw perk. Too bad only 12 shots.
Hit level 20 today and used the gear Bungie gifted earlier this week to hit 22.
Wtf is this Light crap? >-<

They decoupled experience from the progress after 20. Now you progress through the armor light/level factor.

What do I do to get the gear that the guys in the tower sell? They seem to require vanguard points or something. I donno what that is, I've been doing bounties and missions and they give me vanguard rep yet my vanguard point is 0, and I have no clue. Why does the game not explain these stuff? I don't even know what a vanguard is in this game, and I am level 22.

Play Public Events( helps and is easier at your level) and Vanguard Strike List to collect vanguard points. It's easy to reach your weekly 100 mark cap.

Also do weapons even have any visual indicator for the damage they do? I haven't noticed any.
Fire weapons i Borderlands would put the enemy on fire, ice would freeze them, slag would corrode them etc. The fuck is arc? and what does it do compared to fire and normal?

You see numbers on a hit+white/yellow(critical hit affair) color and the impact on the bar of the enemies.
buy the armor on the tower and instant level 31 is waitin g:D

btw a few parts dont need commendation while other parts needs commendation and Vanguard Rep.

wow imagine in real life to buy a bottle of water you need to pay the seller 1 dollar and two Euro. What the...
Hit level 20 today and used the gear Bungie gifted earlier this week to hit 22.
Wtf is this Light crap? >-<

What do I do to get the gear that the guys in the tower sell? They seem to require vanguard points or something. I donno what that is, I've been doing bounties and missions and they give me vanguard rep yet my vanguard point is 0, and I have no clue. Why does the game not explain these stuff? I don't even know what a vanguard is in this game, and I am level 22.

Also do weapons even have any visual indicator for the damage they do? I haven't noticed any.
Fire weapons i Borderlands would put the enemy on fire, ice would freeze them, slag would corrode them etc. The fuck is arc? and what does it do compared to fire and normal?

Vanguard marks. you can get them a few places, the weekly heroic strike, the nightfall strike (which is too high level for you) public events, the best place is the strike playlists.

You are capped at 100 per week per character, and an overall cap of 200.

I guess at your level you wont be able to get too many marks super fast though...which is good, because you can just buy your way to 31 with enough marks. And that's not fair cause I had to work for it.

Armor is cheap as hell, 75 marks I think, sometimes 60 IIRC.

Oh yeah, and you need a commendation to purchase some armor, which you'll get one at the postmaster with each vanguard level up, which you get by doing lots of bounties and daily missions etc. Any thing who's rewards include Vanguard rep.

Each elemental damage hurts the same color shield more, so a blue shield like on a captain, will be knocked off much faster with an arc weapon than a solar (fire/red), void (purple), or Kinetic weapon. The other purpose is the nightfall often has a "burn". So if it's solar burn, solar weapons will do like 3X damage (not sure the exact amount but it's a lot). On the flip side though, enemies hurling that type of damage will also hurt you 3X as much. So, you'll want good weapons of every elemental type eventually, so that you are prepared for any type of burn or shield. And one of the best things for a burn strike is to get a primary with correct elemental damage, since you are shooting your primary most of the times. Those only drop in raids.

Some of that stuff is too high level for you just yet.