it wll be awesome if bungie more transparent. they should say from the pre order expansion pass era that "stop complaining, you will be able to buy level 31 from vendor in DLC".
Can't see that 1h leveling even with telemetry(if weapon)+nightfall perk + some high level activity. I enabled about 170% circles in Armamentarium in about a hour with 2 PEs, PE War, 3 bounties and a few jobs. I did a little with Icebreaker+Thunderlord and that was crawling. Will take a lot time to enable them.
P.S. Got ATS/8 Arachnid, Helm of Inmost Light and Light before Nemesis for my Motes.
It's in Mars.err.. where is the undying mind strike located? i cant find itn Venus
What we did was have a person with icebreaker on each side of the start point to take out the knights that spawn in the upper sides of the map.
Do you guys think the new raid can be tackled at lvl 30, or should I wait until I'm lvl 31?
I'm basically out of shards, so I need to start raiding again. I guess I could run VoG again.
Haven't been able to try either of the weapons yet. But yeah, I'm pretty happy.You bastard Skribbles! Black Hammer! I want it And all that gear...
Who's the lucky guy now...
Yeah, I think having at least one sniper helps the sword wielder a lot. Once everyone has the system down, it's just a matter of executing it consistently. After days and several hours of falling a bit short in finishing Crota, last night me and my buddy were fortunate to find a good group of guys. We used the same system and we beat him on the third try, very cleanly. We finished him so quick, we ran through the whole thing right after. We kind of agreed that we should group up on a regular basis to do the raid because we all worked well together, which is rare with randoms.Hmm, what my first and so far only Crota group did was all sit in the middle bottom room. But, the swordbearer complained a lot about knights killing him. So, I started thinking today about what went wrong, why not put two guys on the sides to snipe Knights? because I realized slowly as the attempts went on, it did not take 5 of us to drop Crota's shields...
So I guess I'm just proud I actually thought of a good strategy independently for once.
Yeah, this is probably the biggest key... consistency and perfect timing every time. This was the issue we had with previous groups. Last night, we were all on the same page for the most part.More than that went wrong with our group though. the other major problem was poor timing by the swordbearer/us, Crota would be kneeling often too long before he got there. But I think that could be solved by aggressive callouts of when exactly to smash crota by the swordbearer, boom, our two big problems solved...
I do think it's a bit harder than VoG, but I agree... things will get easier once strategies become more common knowledge.People say this raid is really me it's obvious that it's probably not really hard, it will just take as few weeks for everybody to get it down. i doubt it's actually harder than VoG at all.