Destiny [PS3,X360,PS4,XO]

On Destinylfg I kerp seeing all thes posts about "looking to cheese Crota" or whatever, already. Took me a while to even figure out what the hell they are talking about.

This obsession with cheesing for the sake of it gets on my nerves. From what I can tell the "cheese" is just the warlock res thing where you dont have to use the chalice. It's really not that much help, and it wastes so much time on every wipe, that as far as I can tell it's not worth doing at all.

I'm tired of people's single minded obsession with wasting time with "cheeses". Sometimes people get similarly annoyingly obsessed with chests too, finding every chest or looking for new chests or wasting a lot of time going back for a chest. As if a single chest that's gonna give a couple shards is more important to them than the actual raid. It makes no sense.

Cheeses are only cool when they make sense. The templar cheese in VoG for example, or the bridge cheese in CE. Those are very helpful.

My vendor scout is maxed and it does noticeably more damage in CE.

Do you have any numbers, say for crit hits, on that?

As I said, if it's something like 10% more damage to me that's probably offset by the magazine size deficiency vs VoC.

I dont see much else worth buying from the vendor though so I probably will. I cant recall though but I think he may have a arc LMG. As much insane time as I've spent playing this game, two things I've still never gotten are a void Fusion (I suppose not as wanted now that VoG is less useful) and a arc LMG. Or it may be an arc sniper the Quartermaster sells, I cant remember.

The Hand Cannon the vendor sells seems worthless with it's 5 clip. No more Field Scout at the vendor was clearly Bungie's attempt to nerf vendor weapons.

BTW, I do think they handled keeping VoG somewhat relevant poorly. The fact that it only drops 300 weapons for example. Maybe eventually I will need to start running it again for shards. Then again I guess there's not really time in the week to have two relevant raids concurrently.

I'm actually rather enjoying the 331 Pulse I got from a drop (it's the SGZYS or whatever), I've been playing with it since it's still the only 331 primary I yet have, (still tend to use 300 VoC and Fatebringer a lot as well) and it's actually been pretty fun. Not sure how good it will be even at 331 (I think I have it up to 306 currently). I'm not sure still whether it's a good weapon, it seems like it actually could be decent though.

It's a testament to this game that I end up enjoying most weapons. For example I used to really hate playing with Hand Cannons, but I forced myself to use them since I think along with scouts they are the most effective weapon. Anyways I found myself eventually at least somewhat enjoying them.

Probably the primary weapon I enjoy the least now is the Vex Mythoclast, and it's weird feedback (no satisfying crit hit feedback, etc). If history is any indication though I could probably grow to like it too.
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After second run of "chalice cheese" I usually ask: are we doing the chalice cheese again?
If the answer is a "yes", I leave the fireteam. It's idiotic beyond reason.

I also wonder why people want to fight on the left side. Is being bombarded by knights while you're DPSing so attractive?
The hallway down under is definitely the way to go.

If we are to use the old formula, 300-80= 220 and 331-80 = 251. that's a 14.1% increase in damage from attack alone.
I have an auto rifle that's basically an Atheon's Epilogue Clone with 72 rounds, Perfect balance, hip fire accuracy, and glass half full, loving this AR so far.
It deals ~ 70 or so compared to AE's ~61 so that's for sure a ~14% increase

I also found Vex to be still very viable in Crota runs. If I run the sword (which relieves me from Ice breaking Knights or Gjallahorning Crota), I usually switch to the Vex because it allows me to down Knights much faster than any other primary. Suros might be good, but I havn't tried it yet.

On a lighter note I've gotten 2 gloves, 2 chests, and a boot for my 3 hunters. I should be fully on my way to 32 next week. Received my boots on the very last loot point (bridge) for this week. Lucky me :p.
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Nightfall loot fairly sucky again this a arc 331 fusion I think (and I'm drowning in Fusion's) and a 331 shotgun (I have no use for shotguns whatsoever in PVE).

I forgot Xur is tonight already. How time flies. I suspect he'll have Gjallahorn refurb, since he had IB last week, I suspect Bungie will make sure to offer the other premier weapon this week. That's obviously a must, yet I have crap all glimmer, like everybody. Will have to farm I suppose.

Bungie greatly decreased resources farming, yet now their changes have bascally introduced glimmer farming. Sigh. Although too be fair, I personally still have yet to actually have to farm glimmer. I've been hanging around only 1-3k lately though. Hell I've been waiting for gunsmith to sell blue fusions for the Pi bounty..if he does I will not have the glimmer to buy them!

Things have gotten more difficult, I used to solo everything including nightfalls (though those were never easy). Now I get help on not only nightfall, but weekly, and hell I had trouble even completing daily when they're the new missions.
I've beaten Crota from the left and by slightly different variations of the middle method. Using either method, we beat him fairly easily. But I agree with Strange... the middle method seems to be the way to go. Odd that most of the videos and people I've played with want to do it from the left.

I got lucky on my first 2 runs of the CE raid, but my third and fourth...not so much. I got the boots 3x, so I still need the helmet or chest piece.
The CE raid helmets look very nice btw. Guy on my friends list got the warlock helmet... so jealous.
I wouldn't mind too much getting redundant raid gear...for me radiant shards are my limiter, moreso than that last piece of gear which I expect to get well before I have enough shards to upgrade it anyway. So redundant gear=shards.

Looks like it's going to be super difficult to stat shop gear though because shards supply is much tighter than VoG. I'll be low intellect forever.

About left...the first time I finally beat Crota we did it from left, the first time I've tried from left. Of course, it does not mean there's a correlation. We probably won more because our swordbearer was very good.

If you dont do left, you'd still have one person on left sniping knights right?

That seems to me the advantage of left, 4-5 people that can control the knights. Run to middle for Ogres of course.
If you do it from the left, taking out every knight ASAP is important because they can take people out real quick and it can be a big distraction from taking out the swordbearer or DPSing Crota. But if everyone is on the same page and knights are taken out quickly without much distraction, then the left method is fine.

If you do it from the middle and the sword wielder jumps up on the left or right side, then you just need 1 guy to snipe the knights on whatever side the sword wielder runs to. You basically just have to take the heat away from the sword wielder. The advantage of this method is basically everyone is safe from the knights and you can take out the swordbearer quickly and do DPS to Crota without any distractions.

Third method I've done from the middle is probably the worst tbh, but our team was very coordinated and our timing was on point. The method I'm talking about is the one where I beat Crota for the first time and I explained on the last page where we had snipers stay up top on both sides to take care of all of the knights. The sword wielder jumps on the debris on the lower level and jumps straight at crota as everyone else DPSs Crota and take down his shield just in time for the sword wielder.

Like I said, I beat Crota from the left twice and from the middle 3 times. As long as the whole team are on the same page, then either way works fine. I just think the middle method is better. But with that said, I've never been the sword wielder before.
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If you have the sole sniper stand on the balcony (which is immune from all attacks except the ogres and occasionally the crota that comes over, but easily avoidable) what he does is he headshots all 4 knights so they're left with 1 headshot to kill. The sole sniper then LEAVES THEM ALONE.

The sniper then only has to kill the the knights once the swordbearer picks up the sword, and voila, the swordbearer is knight-free.
Nobody has to watch any balcony and kill them on sight. Problem solved.
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Murmur is pretty cool ! Are the new strikes only in playlists and not on map? I played one in the vanguard ROC playlist but couldn' find them on the map. Do I need to clear all bounties by Eris or something?
got new shoes from Vanguard. Upgraded my exotic guantlets with an exotic shard (dismantled the Invective). Focussing on getting the chest armour now. need marks but I would prefer doing the new strikes.

But doesn't having to buy gear to level up mean almost all will look the same as I did not see like 20 armours on sale, its just two with various colour schemes. :-/
Xurbie has heavy ammo synth. that's nice. Got about 30 case it's a while til he gets them again.

I think I have most of his exotics that he can refurb this week, but only ~1k glimmer. And I honestly use very few exotics, although I kind of feel like I'm missing out on some good weapons. It's almost always just IB or Gjallahorn taking the slot. Or Patience and Time, pretty much only on arc burn strikes, because it's my only arc sniper.

Also I can just buy 331 P&T, but I'm debating. As I said, I really don't use it except on arc burn strikes, so I'm kinda on the fence whether it's worth 17 coins just to get the 331 version.

I should probably just shard about 15 300 cap exotics guns that I never use anyway. I kinda hate sharding even legendaries though, let alone exotics.

If Bungie just gave us more vault space it'd be less of an issue.
I dont see much else worth buying from the vendor though so I probably will. I cant recall though but I think he may have a arc LMG. As much insane time as I've spent playing this game, two things I've still never gotten are a void Fusion (I suppose not as wanted now that VoG is less useful) and a arc LMG. Or it may be an arc sniper the Quartermaster sells, I cant remember.

Got a Void "Trolley Problem" a few days ago and an Arc version today. It seems to be the new 77Wizard but neither had the Accelerated Coils perk.

The Hand Cannon the vendor sells seems worthless with it's 5 clip. No more Field Scout at the vendor was clearly Bungie's attempt to nerf vendor weapons.

I'm seriously puzzled about the new Vanguard weapons in the shop. No new ShadowPrice and the Autos are weak. The Handcannon looks like a joke too. The good Pulse seems to be only available through Crucible.
Don't really get why they even sell the Shotgun. Are there people which use them in PvE vs. Fusion/Sniper? Makes more sense to only sell them through the Crucible/Faction shops.

I'm actually rather enjoying the 331 Pulse I got from a drop (it's the SGZYS or whatever), I've been playing with it since it's still the only 331 primary I yet have, (still tend to use 300 VoC and Fatebringer a lot as well) and it's actually been pretty fun. Not sure how good it will be even at 331 (I think I have it up to 306 currently). I'm not sure still whether it's a good weapon, it seems like it actually could be decent though.

Have the 123 Syzygy but don't really like it. Too uncontrolled/lack of ammo/small damage.

Did the Weekly30 Solo today and had less problems than the last time with Solar Burn. The Wizards played "nice" and died reasonable quick. But I also have real problems with the new TDB/30 missions. Most I only seem to get through with luck or/and a few deaths. Gave up on the last Urn quest at lv30 though. I'm not really good with the sword and jumping around in that limited environment.
I cleared the Crota raid last night for the first time. Didn't have a freakin clue what was going on, but I had a good team that communicated well. At first, it seemed just like VoG in terms of drops - nothing but energy. Then when we beat Crota, I kind of hit the jackpot. Got Deathsinger's Gaze helmet and Black Hammer and a bunch of shards.

One thing that's clear is that I need a good workhorse primary. My Suros is good, but I need other exotics equipped so I'd prefer a good legendary hand cannon (my trusty Lord High Fixer is getting a bit long in the tooth) or scout rifle. Normally I would go straight for The Devil You Don't, but I share everyone's concern about the 5 round mag and no field scout perk.

What are your thoughts on the Badger CCL versus the Another NiTC vendor scout rifles?
Wow , wow : Just got an exotic Helm "Apothesys Veil", a Legendary Weapon "Secret Handshake", Upgraded my Sunbreakers and got another Legendary Helm ! Thats a shower of gifts by Destiny suddenly :D ! Woot Woot !

I think I will stay with my Sunbreaker Gauntlets and let Apothesys Veil be....maybe it will come handy sometime later or I might disassemble it.
Today was a good good day :D !
I guess there are real Crota cheeses beginning to seep out. It's something about the fireteam leader has to quit out or unplug his modem just when Crota drops to one knee, then he will be stuck there.

Seems the timing is probably tough though, I have seen one attempt in person and it didn't work.

So far I'm still putting it in the category of more pain in the ass than it's worth, because I think the timing is pretty difficult. But we'll see if people start getting it down,.
P&T is cool and all, but I really wish Xur would offer IB or Gjallarhorn again. Those two weapons are super helpful for the CE raid.

Black Hammer seems to be a very skill-based weapon. If you can't land 3 consecutive crits quickly, it's a pretty mediocre weapon. But if you can aim . . . . LOL!

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I really like Truth. It may not hit as hard as Gjallarhorn, but the aggressive tracking makes it very easy to fire and maneuver.
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Yeah that Crota cheese is super easy and spreading like fire. That's what my group did tonight. The timing isn't hard like I feared.

I think it may be much easier to do this cheese on X1 than other platforms, because on X1 it's easy to go into the OS and quit the game live, where on other platforms I think you will have to unplug your modem or something. I could be totally wrong on that but it's what I'm guessing so far. Anyway on X1 it's very easy. Just the host has to minimize the game to the dashboard, hit the menu button, highlight quit, and quit right when Crota goes to a knee (or people in the raid can yell at him when to quit), He will be stuck there forever. You just kill swordbearer and hack defenseless Crota to death . Put a couple people on boomer duty to prevent deaths and thus oversouls in the meantime. it's easily doable in one sword, but if not you can wait for a 2nd swordbearer. You invite the host back before killing crota so he can participate in the loot. It also means you can easily do crota with only 4-5 people. Hell probably less.

Wonder how long they will take to patch it. As we were discussing it took them a long time to patch Atheon cheese and even longer for Templar.

But to me this is different, it's much easier than the Atheon cheese, and templar wasn't the final boss so it wasn't the same level of gravity imo.

Anyways I got Song of Ir Yut from crota mainly, which is cool cause it's finally that arc LMG I've wanted for so long.

My Shard situation continues to be awful though. I'm getting more energy than shards. Currently I have one raid gear upgrade locked in (which i wish I had back in case I find raid gear with better stats) and 3 radiant shards beyond that. Very pitiful shard situation.

I currently have 22 radiant energy and 3 shards, and I'm done raiding for this week (well there's the bridge chest outstanding on my other character if I can pick it up). Oy oy oy. It's going to be a long slog to 32 at this rate.
If you're crotas bane rank 4. I'm not going to do that. I'm not even rank 1 as I never pursued it.

Hopefully when I start getting more redundant raid gear it'll help. i already have 2 of the boots, although I'm keeping them since I eventually want 2 32's. But for example now if I get a 3rd boots I can get some shards from them.

Bungie done goofed making the deathsinger or whatever part loot free. Now people realy dont want to play that part, especially since it's pretty difficult imo, and they just spread crota checkpoint around (or steal it). Bungie made a whole section of their raid irrelevant. They need to patch it to at least drop some mats. At least.

BTW from ads on Destiny LFG it seems sometimes 80-90% of people are advertising or wanting Crota checkpoint.

I think people are so lazy, they just want to do the boss only, preferably cheesed, so they get what they consider the best loot of the raid on about 20 minutes or less. Lazy lazy lazy. I guess they dont even want to bother with the rest of the raid. They probably all spend their time playing PVP. Lamers.
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I did another minor weapon testing, at 306 attack the Syzygy got 250 crit hits on level 30 fallen. After applying an upgrade to 318, it got 263 crit on the same.

So, ~4% more attack in this case netted ~5% more damage.

I'm coming to think the gun just isn't very good. It's pretty fun and will fool you into thinking it's good versus trash mobs, but it just doesn't pack the punch needed against yellow bar enemies in tough situations is my current opinion.

Still on the fence about buying Another NITC. I forgot it's only kinect damage too, another major drawback vs VoC in the raid. For now I think I will continue waiting so I can continue to buy resources with my marks. I hope some good 331 primary drops for me next week. Since they cant come in CE, that means either a lucky blue-turned purple or actual purple cube (very rare), a cryptarch level, a vanguard level,or nightfall basically, or I guess occasionally the weekly can drop something, but rarely. It's not that many chances.

ROFL, Hunters aint got no time for cocky Titans

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