thats way easier than I was thinking. i noticed you didn't need a commendation on the gloves but I didn't notice that was true for the boots too. Since I have two chars, one is extremely close to a vanguard level, the other is like 1700 Rep away, but it'll still be pretty easy with only needing two.
And as you note, with an exotic you dont need any commendation.
Yeah, I saw with my own eyes the level 31's in the new raid, I didn't notice 32's, but you say they are there (later presumably) as well.
It's odd how Bungie level marks the activities. I guess it was the same in VoG too, 26 raid had up to 28 enemies IIRC. It's not like the raid level is the max level of any enemies in it.
And oh yeah I forgot to mention my last post the first/only loot checkpoint we got this morning in the new raid, I only got two radiant shards. I think everybody just got mats (but not positive), maybe it is a mats only checkpoint.
Nah, 32 is "currently" mathematically impossible.
32 requires 3 raid gear and 63 radiant shards(3 upgrades each requiring 7 shards per gear), with 1 exotic. Exotic is easy to come by, the 3 raid gear pieces is more based on luck, but the 63 radiant shards is another story.
The fact that you need 63 radiant shards mean you HAVE to let Eris hit LV4 to be able to buy radiant shards, and that's not happening on day 1 or even day 2. I am at ~800/1000 reputation after the first day.
At the current pace it's probably going to take until day 5~7 or so.
With that out of the way you're not going to average 21 radiant shards per raid run across 3 characters.
By week 2 there will start to be LV32s I believe.
Or perhaps the final boss being a giant floating crystal that did absolutely nothing, other than take a couple of rockets to 'kill' and the mission to end like any other.
Hmm, I remember the crystal attacking though.
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