Destiny 2

Gonna play this on 65" 4k TV in the VIP room in the office tonight! Wohoo!

Hopefully the internet didn't die
To my untrained eye, AA looks better on certain edges (but might be simply from higher resolution), more particle effects, better AF?

About what I expected tbh.
Played the mission, strike then a few hours of PVP with my buddies that I usually run trials with and we didn't lose a single game. I feel like a lot of people that are abusing the god awful meta in D1 now are going to struggle in D2. There's a lot more emphasis on gun skill and it's so incredibly refreshing after playing this awful D1 meta for months. All abilities recharge A LOT slower, TTK is a lot longer (guns as well as abilities do far less damage), and movement speed, while slower, still feels nice IMO.

My only critiques are that the ability re-charge rate is a touch too slow for my taste. It's like on the opposite end of the spectrum from D1. Also the audio for the jumps are a step back IMO... they're too far too quiet.

The campaign and strike were also fun. I'm very hyped for the campaign. There was a lot more to it than what was shown at the reveal. Definitely a big step up from D1.

While I haven't tried it yet, arcstrider looks as bad as bladedancer. There was one moment in a match where someone popped his arcstrider and I made him burn his entire super by floating in the air with my warlock, just like in D1. Maybe he was just terrible with it, I dunno, but I had a good laugh just floating in the air looking down at him.

For weapon loadouts, I found that pulse rifle paired with a handcannon or SMG and/or AR is a good pair. The scout rifle that I had wasn't as effective as PRs IMO. SMG/ARs seem to be pretty similar to me in that they're very effective at close range, but the damage drop off is pretty severe. They are very hard to land anything outside ~30m.

I found myself not grabbing power ammo very often; I had fun just using my primary weapons. The only time I would grab it is if it happened to spawn near me.
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Cant wait...I get my crack in just a few hours.

I saw a youtube guy (mtashed) saying he thinks Gunslinger is the best subclass in the beta. A hunter on top? Too good to be true??!!
I haven't played hunter yet, but all 3 of my buddies were running gunslinger. I played most of the night on Warlock (voidwalker). Then I played the mission and strike on my Titan and got off. First time I did the strike I loaded in right at the end boss which kind of sucked, so I played it again on my Titan.

I thought I would like Dawnblade, but it's not for me. It feels too floaty and slow, and the super isn't as good as I thought... feels a lot like titan hammers, which I also suck at.

I didn't play PVP on my Titan yet, but Sentinel is very fun and versatile in PVE.
To my untrained eye, AA looks better on certain edges (but might be simply from higher resolution), more particle effects, better AF?

About what I expected tbh.
More or less what I saw as well. Was hoping for a touch more.
Dang, i was amazed by the game, annoyed by the aliasing and low res textures, and then kblam! Internet disconnect when Amanda picked me up.

Well I played the mission and a crucible match

Graphics are kind of similar but kind of way better. Very "busy", so much going on.

Crucible feels weird. It's all about teamshotting as one video said, I agree. I dont know any of the nuances yet. You get your grenade and super so infrequently.

It's fun. So far I like D1 crucible better, tee hee. I'll be "that guy".

I see what Datto meant, once again they tuned the abilities way down for PVP which makes PVE less fun, you hardly ever have your nade up in PVE. The graphical effect on skip is way cooler now.

Story is just total garbage now, story has gone completely crap since Vanilla where it was good because it was serious and mysterious. Now it's just some shitty sitcom.

Basically need to play more. It's fun.
Finally able to finish the story mission.


They throw away too much stuff.

* cabal speaks in good English (should be not, according to grimoire in D1)
* you are powerless without light (should be not, according to D1)
* your cutscene and inventory have two different ships
They literally killed Destiny2 for me with this crap. I've feared the impact of their changes since they've shown them and it got even worse. The gun and game mechanics I enjoyed so much are gone, dead and buried.
^^ haha, it begins...

Cycle of Destiny (maybe any MMO)

New expansion/thing comes out, initial wide praise...

Inevitably over time gives way to widespread bitching...

It WILL happen with D2, just waiting for that backlash...

what do you mean about gun mechanics though? It does feel weird for me but I as usual have trouble articulating things...

One thing I noticed is head shots seem like way less of a thing now, for some reason.

Edit: after some more play, production values are really impressive on this. On a bigger TV it would be quite the showcase. The massive scale on the new strike is pretty intense.

Said it before but, I think they're aping Overwatch more, there is more pastel color plus the new objective modes and I'm sure other things I dont know cus I dont play Overwatch.
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Well, well, my biggest concern has been addressed: it feels fresh ! I was so afraid it would feel the same as D1 but no siree, it feels fresh, familiar but as if the flow of a battle is completely different now.
Like how nuanced the Warlock is now. I had become a Titan since Taken King, but I am surprised to be enjoying a Warlock again to the point that I havent played my titan again after the first day.
I like how the Titan is also nuanced and versatile.

The game seems to be very little about supers now, which is wrong, bad , should not happen as Destiny is all about Supers. If super is going to be so rare then it should be devastating ! Which it is not.
The new gameplay seems to all bout ur secondary ability and how you use it well, atleast for Walrocks and Titans, thats the case. Wonder what Hunter does with his Shadestep whihc is pretty puny and meaningless when compared to what Titans and Warlocks get. Hunter should have gotten invisibility or poisoning ability to make it a viable thing.

I wish supers come faster OR have massive damage and power ammo drops faster. Other than that I am very enjoying the game.

PVP is all about guns now as u get your super only once a match(Which is silly, TBH, thats what makes Destiny different) and sometimes you dont get a super at all if u don't get that many kills. Other than that PvP also feels fresh and nice. Not Overwatch nice, not by a looooong stretch but nice enough that I work towards winning all the time.

I am impressed by Bungie here. But they need to rev up some timings and aspects to bring the thrill back ! Its fresh and balanced, but misses the thrill of action, the feeling of Power of D1 !
Oh and it looks stellar and super sharp in 4k. Great job there Bungie :love: . Homecoming makes your jaw drop many times !