Dell to use AMD chips!! (official)


Passenger on Serenity
This is no joke. Dell will be officially using AMD chips.
Intel Corp. shares fell to a three-year low Friday after No. 1 personal computer maker Dell Inc. said it would begin using chips from smaller Intel rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc., whose shares surged.

Dell said that for the first time in more than two decades, Intel will no longer be its sole provider of computer microprocessors, the brains that run computers.
Dell said late Thursday that it will use AMD’s Opteron microprocessors in some high-end corporate server machines. That announcement sealed a long-running on-again, off-again courtship between the two companies.
Yes! Go AMDell.

Come on intel...just roll over and die. :)

It may be Dell, but i'll take anything that involves AMD increasing it's marketshare with a smile. This is once corporate giant i'm more than happy to have monopolise the market. :love:
Just a tactic by Dell to get Intel to release Woodcrest faster, they did the samething with EMT64.

Its good though, no matter what the motives, I like to see AMD doing well and spreading its market share. It makes it only better for the customer.
Sobek said:
It may be Dell, but i'll take anything that involves AMD increasing it's marketshare with a smile. This is once corporate giant i'm more than happy to have monopolise the market. :love:
As a consumer you want to pay more? Because that is what would happen if AMD were to become a monopoly. Not to mention AMD has committed some of its own shady acts in the past.
Skrying said:
Just a tactic by Dell to get Intel to release Woodcrest faster, they did the samething with EMT64.

Its good though, no matter what the motives, I like to see AMD doing well and spreading its market share. It makes it only better for the customer.

4-socket Core-2 wont be available until 2-H 2007. I think this desicion is Dell acepting the reality that AMD will continue dominance in that sector into the medium term. They can jump aboard or loose out to HP, IBM and Sun.
Deja vu, i heard this before. Believe it when i see it!

Regardless the damage may already be done. 3-4 months and Conroe goes into full swing which dominates any chip AMD can pump out now or known for the next 12 months clock for clock. 500 dollar conroe way surpases the 1000 dollar AMD chips let alone the 250 and 300 dollar models. So gaming superiority unfortunetly wont be on AMDs good side anymore. I hope they sell more the Opteron based systems though. If this had happened a year or two ago AMD would be in a much better position in my opinion. Though major OEM sales is good no matter what, but they(Dell) wont sell as many with the threat of Conroe and Merom.
ANova said:
As a consumer you want to pay more? Because that is what would happen if AMD were to become a monopoly. Not to mention AMD has committed some of its own shady acts in the past.

Now i'm not saying this to be a smartalec...but as a consumer who does not have to worry about financial issues, yes, and I more than prepared to pay a premium for quality stuff from AMD.
Neither company should dominate. That is the least ideal situation for the consumer. I want to see the two companies locked in a life and death struggle like ATI and NV lol. Look at the insanity coming out of those two as they rabidly grasp for straws in an attempt to get any edge. :)

In the meantime we have a monstrous selection of cards, with some crazy deals if you look at the right rebranded high end model lol.
SugarCoat said:
Deja vu, i heard this before. Believe it when i see it!

That's interesting, as I've never before heard of Dell officially announcing inside its SEC financial statements that it was going to sell AMD cpus of any description in any product. I think that what you heard before were rumors to the effect that Dell might be picking up AMD. This isn't a rumor, as it comes from Dell itself. AMD has issued a press release about it. It's a fact.

Regardless the damage may already be done. 3-4 months and Conroe goes into full swing which dominates any chip AMD can pump out now or known for the next 12 months clock for clock.

Let me just stop you right here...;) Nobody knows as of this date when Conroe will ship, in what quantities Conroe will ship, and what the real performance of Conroe will be. As well, nobody knows at the moment what cpus and bus technology Conroe will face from AMD when Conroe does ship. Don't you think it might have been a lot smarter for Intel to just go ahead and ship Conroe--instead of shipping a bunch of advance PR about Conroe, instead? Certainly makes me wonder...

I'll remind you that Intel issued the very same kind of pre-shipping advance publicity about Prescott that it has done for Conroe, and Prescott was supposed to blow away Athlon, too. As we all know, the reality was that it was Prescott, not the Athlon, that got blown away in the end--and blown away by Intel itself, no less, after Intel discovered the architecture to be a dead end from a manufacturing perspective.

IMO, talking up Conroe at the moment is exactly like counting your chickens before they hatch...;) Maybe Conroe will be all that you think it is, maybe it won't. Time will tell.
walt, give it up.
Conroe will wup ass, I'll bet you 100 intarweb dollors it will.. take that bet?
WaltC said:
IMO, talking up Conroe at the moment is exactly like counting your chickens before they hatch...;) Maybe Conroe will be all that you think it is, maybe it won't. Time will tell.
I havent personally owned a non-amd computer in a while now. I love the company, but unfortunatly the writing is on the wall. Conroe is going to steam roll over AM2. Ive been following both chips over at the H forums and people who are in the know, are betting on conroe this time out.

Well, as dual Opterons beat dual Xeons at this moment by about 30% in server applications while they're about as fast in synthetic benchmarks (with even a small lead for the Xeons), I sure hope Conroe is about 30% faster than Opterons in those synthetic benchmarks. To level the playing field.


As for the consumer models: anyone who buys something faster than the cheapest one isn't getting any bang for their buck as it stands. Look at the current Semprons:

- All 64 bit
- All with dual-channel HyperTransport support (requires socket 939)
- All with 128 kb L1 cache
- All with support for SSE2 and SSE3

They are only a few percent slower than Athlons (on the same socket) in typical applications, and beat all comparable Intel chips (but the P-M at the same speed, although that one isn't 64 bit) according to their rating. While being about the cheapest you can get.

As soon as AMD updates to DDR2, they will even give a Conroe a good run for the money.
Walt, there are more than enough preliminary benchmarks out there in many catagories showing Conroe's performance. To suggest otherwise is to ignore what's right in front of you.
AMD will respond to Conroe in a timely fashion. AM2 and the new DDR2 Athlon64's are not a response to Conroe.

Conroe is excellent news as Intel will be able to pressure AMD into releasing faster chips sooner like the K8L.
DiGuru said:
Well, as dual Opterons beat dual Xeons at this moment by about 30% in server applications while they're about as fast in synthetic benchmarks (with even a small lead for the Xeons), I sure hope Conroe is about 30% faster than Opterons in those synthetic benchmarks. To level the playing field.


As for the consumer models: anyone who buys something faster than the cheapest one isn't getting any bang for their buck as it stands. Look at the current Semprons:

- All 64 bit
- All with dual-channel HyperTransport support (requires socket 939)
- All with 128 kb L1 cache
- All with support for SSE2 and SSE3

They are only a few percent slower than Athlons (on the same socket) in typical applications, and beat all comparable Intel chips (but the P-M at the same speed, although that one isn't 64 bit) according to their rating. While being about the cheapest you can get.

As soon as AMD updates to DDR2, they will even give a Conroe a good run for the money.

some with 256K L2 (so, difference with 512K athlon is peanuts). they are also low power and 1.6Ghz is much lower than what the core can do.. so big free overclocking.
Yes, that's the chip to get now, even on the "dated" socket 754 (which is not more short-lived than 939, really). on Am2 socket it will be the same thing but with a guaranteed upgrade path to 65nm AMD CPUs.
ANova said:
Walt, there are more than enough preliminary benchmarks out there in many catagories showing Conroe's performance. To suggest otherwise is to ignore what's right in front of you.

Well, what's not in front of me (or the general public) yet, is Conroe. To suggest otherwise is, well, the same as to suggest that "preliminary benchmarks" are the same thing as Conroe itself. I'll wait until I can see the chip instead of some "preliminary benchmarks" which supposedly describe the cpu's performance. My own thought is that if Intel could ship Conroe it would be doing so *now,* well ahead of publishing "preliminary benchmarks" for it. But that's just me...;)
Third parties have gotten ES samples and I very much doubt the final dies will be any different aside from maybe not overclocking as well.

Intel has moved the launch up, it wasn't supposed to debut until late 2006. The main issue holding back the Conroe right now is supply.
ANova said:
Third parties have gotten ES samples and I very much doubt the final dies will be any different aside from maybe not overclocking as well.

Intel has moved the launch up, it wasn't supposed to debut until late 2006. The main issue holding back the Conroe right now is supply.
What puzzles me is why Intel made that PR-action with Conroe ... supposedly that killed any near-term sells of P4 core (except 805D which is nicely priced).
Or, their intention was to persuade everybody not to upgrade to AMD system in near future!?
chavvdarrr said:
What puzzles me is why Intel made that PR-action with Conroe ... supposedly that killed any near-term sells of P4 core (except 805D which is nicely priced).
Or, their intention was to persuade everybody not to upgrade to AMD system in near future!?
Maybe they didnt want to take it in the chin with the dell/amd announcement, so to pre-empt bad news on top of bad news, let some good news slip about conroe. Many analysts are predicting intel is going sub 16. :oops: On top of that cramer doesnt like the stock.
