Terrain rendering and post-processing are definitely outstanding in DS
It certainly is pretty good.
But it better be, the landscapes are devoid of almost anything. That frees up so many resources that they better be using it for something. Sort of like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, except there it's trying to recreate the feel of a world that is more reflective of reality than you find in almost all open world games. Here, you have a similar dedication to portraying a dead world where life struggles to survive.
Nevermind that part of the reason for that is that you can't have those level of graphics in an open world (on those respective systems) while also having dense scenes of anything other than landscape...in the case of Death Stranding even so far as to have no vegetation for the most part other than ground cover (which is likely only using shader assets).
Thematically it fits the story the game is trying to tell, so you can't hold it against the game for having vast empty landscapes of the same thing over and over and over again.
After the first hour or so, I find the landscape almost as dull as the gameplay. After you got introduced to the "forest" like biome the landscape got slightly interesting again but that quickly faded with the endless drudgery of it all.
Obviously not my thing. But I do admire their commitment to ensuring that it fits thematically with the story. IE - varied landscapes would be out of place as would most roaming entities (humanity, animals, etc.).
What I find enthralling, however, is the story. And even then the story obviously isn't for everyone. And you basically have to put your brain on pause when immersing yourself in the story as much of it makes no sense, even within the framework set by the games story.
But that said, the human element within the odd story is enthralling for me. But I don't know if I can take the drudgery of the rest of the title I order to experience the story to the end. The only thing that makes it slightly tolerable is the commentary of the person streaming the game.
IMO, this game is perfect proof that Kojima should give up making games and immerse himself into making Serial titles for TV, Netflix, Amazon, someone. I don't think a Movie would do his storytelling justice. 2-3 hours is far too short a timeframe for him to proper tell the kinds of stories he wants to tell.
Would love to see what he could do with a 12, 24, or 64 episode series.