drpepper said:What they should have done here, at Carleton University, is dedicate an entire course on memory managment and theory. After first year there were still students who didn't know the difference between "pass by reference" and "pass by copying". Bah! Now I know why I switched programs.
yikes... we learned that in just a 100 level C++ course in engineering. They've since switched to Java as I gather that 90% of the first years absolutely hated the course, but I don't think it was because of C++ specifically.
People didn't even know what a heap or stack was...
shocking... Actually, here at the UofAlberta, EEs have to learn assembly, and we're not exactly focused on building general software. It's pretty much a course intro to the MC68000. Later we use that knowledge to teach ourselves how to use the PIC for the project course.