Deano speaketh PS2

I believe Planet side is asking for 1ghz minimum. Just thought you'd be interested in knowing that. But MMOGs are a bit different.
marconelly! said:
Deano, is your title still a secret or can we know some more details about it. At least what genre it is, what platforms, etc... Basic details like that.

Marc.....I think it is SH3....hey Deano, have you begun work on SH3??? Please include an option for playing soundtracks like we have movies in SH2(PC)..
Deepak said:
marconelly! said:
Deano, is your title still a secret or can we know some more details about it. At least what genre it is, what platforms, etc... Basic details like that.

Marc.....I think it is SH3....hey Deano, have you begun work on SH3??? Please include an option for playing soundtracks like we have movies in SH2(PC)..

Word is that SH3PC will come with the soundtrack CD.

BTW, now that we have SH2-plot-appreciation thread, I _STRONGLY_ urge everyone who enjoyed the story to run out now and see Hellraiser V Inferno- before you all roll your eyes, V was not touched in any way by Clive Barker, and it shows. Rather, it seems the entire writing crew were MASSIVE SH fans.. the screenplay to that movie could SO EASILY be a SH game its not even funny (or SH movie for that matter, sub out Pinhead for random Monster X).

Its basically narrated by a 'bad cop' who inflicts passive aggressive pain on everyone around him(cheating on his wife, backstabbing his partner, ignoring his sick parents, etc etc).. well he happens to stumble across the puzzlebox on a case and opens it, thus unleashing a quasi-real-world/dark-world (*cough SH cough*) thing, where all of his acts come back to haunt him... and ofcourse Pinhead extracts the final justice.

I can't stress enough how little this is like a typical horror movie, or Hellraiser for that matter (aside from the box and Pinhead)... its more of an ideal Silent Hill movie with a few cameos ;)


6 was decent as well, but it tried far too hard to one-up the brilliance that was V.
Word is that SH3PC will come with the soundtrack CD.
Zurich, I think that was not officially announced. PS2 version, however is officially confirmed to be coming with Soundtrack Audio CD that, will be given away for free.

Deano is not working for Konami anymore, I think. He's with Eclipse Studios.
marconelly! said:
Word is that SH3PC will come with the soundtrack CD.
Zurich, I think that was not officially announced. PS2 version, however is officially confirmed to be coming with Soundtrack Audio CD that, will be given away for free.

Deano is not working for Konami anymore, I think. He's with Eclipse Studios.

Yep no longer anything to do with Silent Hill, my sources are same as yours. So i'm afraid I'm clueless about SH3/ audio CD etc :)

I can say we tried getting permission for the SH2 Audio CD with SH2PC but run out of time sorting out contracts etc.
Deepak said:
marconelly! said:
Deano, is your title still a secret or can we know some more details about it. At least what genre it is, what platforms, etc... Basic details like that.

Marc.....I think it is SH3....hey Deano, have you begun work on SH3??? Please include an option for playing soundtracks like we have movies in SH2(PC)..

Nope I'm not doing SH3 (it was a possiblity but something else came up...). I can't say what I'm upto except it involves jungles, actually knowing this business theirs no guarentee what I working on now will ever get to completion (something like 8/9 out of 10 titles don't get to completion :( )