The ghosting is better, RR face smearing is better and the road boiling in the distance when driving is better aswell. They all still happen but they feel less noticable to me. I'm not sure about performance improvements, it hasn't gone backwards that's about all I can say on that.

I'm not sure if it's the new restir method but when looking at a darker area then spinning around quickly to look at a brighter area there is noticeable temporal accumulation lag as the area brightens up, It never seemed this noticeable to me in 2.0.

I didn't have any keybind problems.
Ghosting is hugely better from the testing I've just done. To the point where I'd say it's no longer an issue worth mentioning.

That said I did notice that PT seems to reduce the amount of light that reflects onto surrounding surfaces vs RT, at least in some instances. My main test case is that big coloured cylinder in the middle of the city that changes colour - the one they used to show off RR originally. Previously with PT and RR it would change the colour of the entire surrounding environment each time it changed colour - and it still does with RT and RR. But with PT enabled the environment now remains a single colour and brighter overall.

That said, the graphics still generally look considerably better to me with PT enabled. It's subtle insofar as I can't point to anything specific that's different. But after multiple flicks back and forth I can confidently say that PT just looks significantly more impressive / like a pre-rendered movie than RT which still looks quite gamey to me.
Uh update 2.1 performance optimizations are magical...

I forgot to switch power profile from power saver (max 50% cpu clock) to balanced... And I didn't realize it at all.

The game runs fine.

I was just kinda confused why the initial loading is much longer than usual.

Oh and this update made the ultra plus config mod uneccesary, for me
Since this patch the game runs 10 to 15 % faster for me. I can't yet say whether this has been achieved at the cost of some graphical losses.

First the performance increase due RR and now this. They've managed to get a lot more performance out of it since the first path tracing update.
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Here they discuss whether pathtracing was better before 2.1 or not.:

My thoughts on 2.1's pathtracing

Okay so, the ghosting is gone — that's great. CDPR has switched from ReLAX and RTXDI, to using just ReSTIR.

I was playing with ReSTIR for a while before 2.1 released (you'll see the old commands in old versions of the mod)... While it doesn't have ghosting:
  1. it's slower than the 2.0 path tracing (it's running at half-res, which isn't necessarily bad)
  2. it's lower detail (imo)
  3. it's blotchy in some lighting conditions, especially at lower fps
  4. we can't control rays/bounces
  5. it can't be made super fast like the previous Fast versions

I'm keen to hear people's thoughts and experiences. I'm on the fence about disabling ReSTIR and re-enabling the tweaked ultra+ PT from 2.0. For these reasons:
  1. on high end systems at DLSS quality, there is barely any noise or ghosting (see the front page video)
  2. on lower end systems, Fast PT can be made... actually fast, and people seemed to appreciate this
  3. on Full... idk... maybe ReSTIR is appropriate here?

What I am seeing is that ghosting has been significantly reduced or minimized and Ultra performance looks decent.

Glass still does not work properly with path tracing and I would also like the particle effects to be included in path tracing. I hope these improvements will follow.
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Hey cdpr hasn't fixed the bug (oversight?) where you can fast travel in FIRESTARTER mission.

So this basically allows you to have songbird as follower, everywhere on the night city. She even gets into passanger seat properly when you drive a car (must steal tho, as car summon is disabled in Firestarter).

Radio also disabled.

But Its seems everything else is working fine.
Ghosting is hugely better from the testing I've just done. To the point where I'd say it's no longer an issue worth mentioning.
Either my game is bugged or we have very different standards. Ghosting is still very noticeable but not quite as bad as before. I'd still rather play with it off because it's still ruinous to the overall image quality.
Either my game is bugged or we have very different standards. Ghosting is still very noticeable but not quite as bad as before. I'd still rather play with it off because it's still ruinous to the overall image quality.
Maybe different resolution and frame rate?
3440x1440. Either DLSS Quality or DLAA. The moment I flip the Path Tracing switch, I see ghosting.

I play on a 4090+13900K+32GB RAM.

I'm at 3840x1600 with DLSS Performance running at around 60-70fps in my test areas with FG.

I'd be curious to see a video of what ghosting you're referring to. Perhaps I'm just looking in the wrong places. My test area (described above) was previously terrible in terms of ghosting. I'm reasonably forgiving of minor graphical imperfections but this was instantly noticeable and distracting to me. Now in the same area I would say that ghosting is >90% resolved, which for me puts it into the nit-pick category. Regardless, though, even before 2.1 the ghosting only shows up in specific circumstances, not everywhere, and the general significant improvement that PT otherwise brings to the overall realism of the graphics is worth the trade-off IMO.
I'll have to take a closer look at it again but in 2.1 ghosting was not a problem when playing on my plasma. The artifacts that came with walking passengers were not ghosting but other things like slower calculating light conditions. With this update there were no more trailing artifacts that existed previously.

Any comparisons of ReSTIR yet?
There is a video but more material would be better.

The biggest difference I see is at 1:13 where the wall texture is missing in the mirroring. The shadows are also too strong in the reflection.
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Differences mostly inconsequential
I don't think they are, when actually playing and moving somewhat quickly i'm noticing the lighting delay alot and I am kind of happy i finished it with the old PT mode. Even that area with the coloured lighting they used to show how RR made the whole area change colour when I ran through there the other day it seemed to be like the old none RR way again i.e the lighting wasn't colouring the walls/ground etc again and I did have RR on. I havn't been back to look at it properly to confirm that observation though.

I'm kinda in a weird spot, I think the old heavier ghosting in general distracted me less than the new slower lighting. Kinda wish we could choose which method to use.
Even that area with the coloured lighting they used to show how RR made the whole area change colour when I ran through there the other day it seemed to be like the old none RR way again i.e the lighting wasn't colouring the walls/ground etc again and I did have RR on. I havn't been back to look at it properly to confirm that observation though.

You're totally correct on this. I tested that same area multiple times and the area lighting change is gone. It's still there with regular RT and RR though.
I don't really understand what you mean. Just made this shot. The colors could change a little faster but they still appear.

I don't really understand what you mean. Just made this shot. The colors could change a little faster but they still appear.
The part I was talking about is the one they used to show RR, i'll link the video timestamped. I probably shouldn't have said not colouring the walls/floor because yes it still does, it's just no where near as vibrant/noticable again. The current version with PT and DLSS/FG/RR all on looked closer to the 3rd slice without RR on. @pjbliverpool seemed to agree, i'll try grab some video and do a better comparison but I don't have a video editor so I'll probably just have to throw them up as 2 seperate videos.

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Some of the car mods are pretty good visually. I'm not sure if they are replacing the sounds though because the lambo sounds annoying like the sound is from the base game supercar.
