Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2023] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

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I think Alex said it better, Cyberpunk 2077 with RT shadows is running 10% better than Starfield (video timestamped), while also looking subjectively better (with SSR and better reflections). Something is severely wrong with Starfield, Starfield is not even running a single RT effect, yet it runs and looks far worse.

Star Citizen also sometimes looks very similar in terms of visual style. With the Ryzen 7800X3D I'm running at 32 fps on Lorville in a wide-view urban environment. Currently Loville is the heaviest place when it comes to CPU requirements.
What are some examples of these "elite developers" who shipped games up to your arbitrary standards? I can't think of anything in 2004 launching at native 4k/120fps/ultra and looking like a generational leap from the previous gen, but I do recall a lot of 720p/~50fps games on high end pcs. Sometimes I seriously wonder if you've ever played the games you're holding up on period hardware.
Performance in and of itself isn't the issue. The titles in 2004 that were demanding were offering a visual experience that was far beyond prior games. These newer titles, despite the tech they are pushing, look worse than prior titles that run much better.
oh yeah the lazy devs of today would never achieve anything like “stencil shadows” or “release a demo after the fact that uses hdr intemediate buffers”. Virtual texturing, virtual geometry, real time gi with both screen space and world space caches, gpu driven rendering, fine grained per tri real-time culling… all kids stuff by comparison I guess. :rolleyes:

If you want to talk about familiarizing yourself with the techniques, I would suggest implementing a hl2 era forward renderer in dx9 and then implementing literally any modern technique in dx12 or vulkan.
oh yea false equivalencies and what nots. You mean the same virtual textures that was talked about in 2008 built on the work of John Carmack with mega textures? That virtual textures right?

Please, like I said, go familiarize your self. There's a huge difference when you build on someone else's work to when you build the foundation on which others even have a foot to stand.
That virtual textures ?
Yes, which shipped in the 2010s, not “the late 90s or early 2000s”… Rage (an extremely impressive game!) was also widely maligned by players for running too slow, having too low res of textures, etc. Modern techniques like virtual texturing are more difficult than older approaches.

are you just mad carmack retired? There are tons of people to idolize today instead.
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Yes, which shipped in the 2010s, not “the late 90s or early 2000s”… are you just mad carmack retired? There are tons of people to idolize today instead.
You’re joking right? After dismissing the work of the 3d graphics pioneers of yesteryear, you’re now trying to play semantics on when the feature shipped in the game like that’s the point I was trying to get across? Nice straw man but if you want to straw man better, you’d have actually used the period when they actually started working on implementation. Obviously you wouldn’t do that because it only draw attention to your massive own goal. Like I said, go familiarize yourself with some of the impressive accomplishments of the pioneers of that era so that you can discuss the topic intelligently.
The proof is in the pudding. Many of the elite devs from the early 2000s and late 90s played a huge role in authoring many of the techniques that are built upon today. They worked with serious hardware resource scarcity that brought about innovation as a necessity for advancement. Something newer devs don't contend with to the same degree. Has tech become more complex? Perhaps but, the man power has scaled along with it.
Technology doesn't scale with man-hours. You can throw more artists and generate more art, but you can't arbitrarily throw more software engineers and get more out of complex system. The reason previous geneerations of hardawre were tapped so hard was it was the work of one or two people who new every line of code and every byte of RAM. That's not possible any more. Complexd, relatively inefficient systems have to be linked together.
Interactivity and physics have certainly declined in comparison to older games with the exception of a few developers/studios(Nintendo for example with Zelda).
Meaning what? DEva aren't as good, or the market does respond as well to complex systems as it does pretty visuals?
Everyone is subject to criticism for their work...As you said, there are other constraints but at the end of the day, people are paying for their work.
It's fine to criticise the product objectively. It's not fine to make unfounded assumptions about the reasons why and what the devs are doing. If a local councillor makes a dumb decision about traffic, we can fairly judge them as dumb, but if a game engine doesn't work as we imagine it should without any experience how to obtain performance from the hardware+software stacks they are presented with, we can't fairly point to the devs as being inadequate.

No-one saying don't criticise - indeed the intention is a decent tech-driven thread on the difference in modern gaming over previous generations - but don't go accusing the devs of this or that unless you know for a fact they are doing it wrong and there are obvious solutions they should be using instead.

"This game looks poor" - fine
"The devs suck" - not fine
There have been a few presentations over the years from developers explaining why their jobs are hard. Nixxes had one recently on their PC port experience and there were a few good talks on job systems / multithreading in the PS3/PS4 era. I would love to see a modern take on that explaining bottlenecks in current platforms and why it’s so hard to get more out of the hardware. Looking just at the end results it’s easy to assume that devs could be doing more.
Nice straw man but if you want to straw man better, you’d have actually used the period when they actually started working on implementation.
By that arbitrary standard virtual geometry/Reyes approaches are 90s tech, half life 2 and doom 3 are from the 60s-80s, along with todays Monte Carlo path tracing… every rendering advancement is a refinement, advancement, and optimization of work that stated decades earlier, sometimes by the same individuals.

There is no break in continuity between the great engineering of the 90s and 2000s and the great engineering of today. A poster on this very forum was publicly publishing on cutting edge modern techniques back when RAGE was in development!

There are more seams and rough edges today because the tech is more complex, the code base is larger, the target platforms are more varied, and everything is more work all around.

Seems like Starfield is quite inefficient with how it utilizes ExecuteIndirect and creates multiple back-to-back calls creating bubbles in the GPU instead of properly batching them.
Technology doesn't scale with man-hours. You can throw more artists and generate more art, but you can't arbitrarily throw more software engineers and get more out of complex system.
And yet companies do it all the time…. There is a tipping point where you start to get negative progress due to too many cooks in kitchen. However I think the additional man hours are needed as the scope of the project increases. At least, that is my experience. If it wasn’t needed, why are the teams not the same size as they were in the ps360 era?

It's fine to criticise the product objectively. It's not fine to make unfounded assumptions about the reasons why and what the devs are doing.
Yet certain YouTube outlets often celebrated on here speculate on developer reasoning all the time…. So is it ok for them to do it?
If a local councillor makes a dumb decision about traffic, we can fairly judge them as dumb, but if a game engine doesn't work as we imagine it should without any experience how to obtain performance from the hardware+software stacks they are presented with, we can't fairly point to the devs as being inadequate.
Using your own logic against you, if we can’t criticize a dev due to lack of knowledge, we also can’t criticize a local councillor for the same reason. What do we know about council business after all?
No-one saying don't criticise - indeed the intention is a decent tech-driven thread on the difference in modern gaming over previous generations - but don't go accusing the devs of this or that unless you know for a fact they are doing it wrong and there are obvious solutions they should be using instead.

"This game looks poor" - fine
"The devs suck" - not fine
I don’t think anyone is saying devs suck but we are criticizing their implementations. Personally, I do not think the level of talent is as high as it was in the past for a variety of reasons. For example, better paying options with better work life balance is one of those many reasons. At the end of the day, your work is a reflection of you. If a group of devs release a product that performs poorly and looks poorly, it’s not controversial to see criticism. If they release a string of consecutive products that look and perform poorly, it says a lot about the a lot about the group…. Thats just life I guess and no one is immune from it. Everyone is subject to criticism.
By that arbitrary standard virtual geometry/Reyes approaches are 90s tech, half life 2 and doom 3 are from the 60s-80s, along with todays Monte Carlo path tracing… every rendering advancement is a refinement, advancement, and optimization of work that stated decades earlier, sometimes by the same individuals.

There is no break in continuity between the great engineering of the 90s and 2000s and the great engineering of today. A poster on this very forum was publicly publishing on cutting edge modern techniques back when RAGE was in development!
Ahh so now you acknowledge that devs in that era did something of note? Anyway, of course there’s no break in continuity. The early 90s and 2000s is when we saw a rapid adoption and of 3d graphics in games. This is why the era gets so much reverence because a whole host of pioneering was needed to get 3d games working on the hardware of the time.
There are more seams and rough edges today because the tech is more complex, the code base is larger, the target platforms are more varied, and everything is more work all around.
I don’t agree with this at all. I think what determines the state of a product is craftsmanship not complexity. If it were complexity, all studios should release shoddy work however, this is not the case. Some studios refuse to release products that don’t meet a certain standard of quality. Nintendo for example, or certain Sony studios, Id tech, etc. Then we have other studios who have no regard for craftsmanship…. EA studios like respawn for example, Bethesda, CD Projekt Red, etc.
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Ahh so now you acknowledge that devs in that era did something of note?

He never said they didn't. What you're trying to do here is frame @cwjs' comments as if he's made a climb down and been forced to accept you're right and he's wrong about about something, like some kind of political spin job.

It's a bad faith form of argumentation, and almost anyone here reading your back and forths will see it immediately. You're not going to win an argument here that way.

I don’t agree with this at all. I think what determines the state of a product is craftsmanship not complexity.

A craftsman can't do great work without the right tools, the right materials, enough time, a suitable environment to work, and good enough direction with regards to what it is he's supposed to be crafting.

Game development is a combination of increasingly complex and specialised practices, combined with growing development teams and budgets demanding more and more from project management.

Abstraction can help - perhaps an API, or middleware, or a 3rd party engine. But complexity + abstraction inevitably increases the chances of unforeseen issues impacting on the outcome.

This is the reality of it.

Then we have other studios who have no regard for craftsmanship…. EA studios like respawn for example, Bethesda, CD Projekt Red, etc.

This is the antithesis of the kind of conversation we should be having here. Stating your opinion once is one thing, but simply stating and restating a negative opinion in a derogatory way again and again and again and again is exasperating for those of us who want something better than "these people suck, and we know they suck because I judge their work to suck, and because their work sucks they suck."
Is it really unreasonable to consider titles like Immortals to offer a subpar visual and performance experience and not a good candidate for comparison to titles like Far Cry and Doom 3?
Compare budgets, talents, studio development time etc. just because they are priced the same doesn’t mean they have equal investment
Just jumping in here but another issue I find when people bring up the "good old days" is there's bias involved as tend to only really remember the good (and maybe a few hilariously bad). A lot more than Far Cry and Doom 3 (or HL2 or etc.) was released in 2004 as an example, most of which was utterly forgettable these days.
Is it really unreasonable to consider titles like Immortals to offer a subpar visual and performance experience and not a good candidate for comparison to titles like Far Cry and Doom 3?
Just keep in mind that id and Crytek are dev studios known to push technical boundaries. Ascendant Studios is a new studio comprised of many former Telltale Games devs. Telltale was the opposite end of the tech spectrum (relatively unambitious 3D [not that there’s anything wrong with that] point and click adventures games vs. cutting-edge FPS games). id and Crytek licensed their game engines. Telltale did not (save for one game).
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