Current Generation Games Analysis Technical Discussion [2023] [XBSX|S, PS5, PC]

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AMD hasn't responded to Tim's inquiry in a week. He asked them if they could clarify the "No response" comment to Gamers Nexus and straight up also asked them if they block DLSS and other solutions, and so far, he hasn't received an answer.

He also notes that around 63% of games with DLSS support also support FSR but only 25% of games supporting FSR support DLSS.

AMD hasn't responded to Tim's inquiry in a week. He asked them if they could clarify the "No response" comment to Gamers Nexus and straight up also asked them if they block DLSS and other solutions, and so far, he hasn't received an answer.

He also notes that around 63% of games with DLSS support also support FSR but only 25% of games supporting FSR support DLSS.

So only 63% of games with DLSS support all gamers while 100% of FSR games support all gamers? ;)

So only 63% of games with DLSS support all gamers while 100% of FSR games support all gamers? ;)


Kudos to HBU for this though. I saw a clip of their Q&A a few days ago (which was probably recorded just as this all started) and they felt AMD's statement was 'ambiguous' which got a little roll-eyes from me, but they persisted in trying to get clarity and this is the result. Didn't know about Boundary which apparently had DLSS removed after the AMD sponsorship, yikes.

Also while it was brought up before that people don't want devs being 'hassled' over this, and that of course is true, these kinds of deals indicate that unless this is known, they - or at least their publishers - may end up being the mistaken focus of the ire due to missing features. For example, since the RE2 Remake, the two biggest criticisms of the Resident Evil Remake releases on PC have been their weak TAA solution, and the low quality RT reflections. Capcom has gotten lots of critique for dragging their heels on DLSS support, and while ultimately they are indeed responsible as they signed this agreement which could have had this restrictive language in it at the time, it's kind of funny that they may have been prevented from actually addressing these long standing complaints (in some fashion) by both their management + AMD.

I mean sure they have other issues (the copy protection disaster of Village) that are absolutely of their own doing, but people have wondered wtf can't they improve these obvious detriments in the PC versions over the years - maybe they were contractually obligated not to?

(Also like the framing by Tim at the end, echoing my utter amazement at what hell AMD was thinking? They really didn't think people would put 1+1 together and notice this trend? Just baffling.)
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AMD hasn't responded to Tim's inquiry in a week. He asked them if they could clarify the "No response" comment to Gamers Nexus and straight up also asked them if they block DLSS and other solutions, and so far, he hasn't received an answer.

He also notes that around 63% of games with DLSS support also support FSR but only 25% of games supporting FSR support DLSS.

Excellent summary of the situation and surely puts to rest any claim of HUB being an AMD mouthpiece. They were pretty scathing!
Didn't know about Boundary which apparently had DLSS removed after the AMD sponsorship, yikes.

It's much worse, they ditched RT too.

I suspect DLSS is just one facet of this sh!tstorm, and RT, at least where it doesn't already have an AMD friendly console implementation is also actively discouraged or banned. And where a console implementation exists, going beyond it likely receives the same treatment. And unlike with DLSS this behaviour would negatively impact AMD users as well as Nvidia users.
MLID with their finger on the pulse as usual

mlid said:
I just think people some times have a few days in a row that are slow news days and decide to pull complete nonsense out of their ass. That's all I can say. And it's just a new low in journalism. It's terrible, and just some of the worst reporting I've ever seen. I think I'm most disappointed in people even talking about it.

So Gamers Nexus, PC Gamer, Digital Foundry, Hardware Unboxed - were all just having 'slow news days' and have all combined to reach a 'new low in journalism'.

Way to go guys, burn every remaining bridge!

It's much worse, they ditched RT too.

I suspect DLSS is just one facet of this sh!tstorm, and RT, at least where it doesn't already have an AMD friendly console implementation is also actively discouraged or banned. And where a console implementation exists, going beyond it likely receives the same treatment. And unlike with DLSS this behaviour would negatively impact AMD users as well as Nvidia users.
Boundary was on my list of games to buy. However, not after they made this AMD deal which resulted in slimmed down technology. This could have been so interesting technically. Anyway, I can still watch the nice looking benchmark with heavy raytracing and DLSS.
He also notes that around 63% of games with DLSS support also support FSR but only 25% of games supporting FSR support DLSS.
That's not surprising given that DLSS doesn't cover all GPUs and platforms, so it has to be coupled with an alternative solution like FSR.
That's not surprising given that DLSS doesn't cover all GPUs and platforms, so it has to be coupled with an alternative solution like FSR.
Well yea, but the point is that Nvidia isn't trying to compromise the experience of others when doing these deals. I feel the main difference is simply that Nvidia wouldn't feel the need to when their solution is simply superior. Because dont think for a second they'd be above doing something like this if put in the same situation as AMD.
Holy shit, they finally patched Uncharted PC to fix the mouse issues

Naughty Dog said:

UNCHARTED: Legacy of Thieves PC Version 1.4 Release Notes​

  • Improvement to address camera jitter experienced by some mouse and keyboard users
  • Added a new menu option to allow users to adjust the smoothing level of mouse movement (Options > Controls > Mouse Smoothing)
  • Added new Audio Compatibility options (Options > Audio > Compatibility)
    • Output Mode: Adjust which sounds are played through the OS spatial sound driver. Select different settings if you experience muffled, missing, or unusually quiet audio. If you are experiencing abnormally quiet music or dialogue during cutscenes, for example, try the Spatial mode instead of the Hybrid default.
    • Latency: Adjust the short period of delay between when a sound effect is requested and when it plays. Higher latency improves reliability of audio playback, especially on lower spec CPUs. Increase this value if you are experiencing pops, clicks, or distorted sound. Higher latencies also resolve issues with audio interfaces configured with large buffer sizes and some wireless headphones. Note: You must restart the game for the change to take effect.
There's gonna be a lot of platform warring nonsense on this one. lol

Looking forward to the technical analysis stuff nonetheless. Should be super interesting.

Is there still no word on whether this supports DirectStorage?
Yea, Alex said it was confirmed on his tweet as well as Nixxes supporting RTAO as well as shadows and reflections.
Remnant II is one of the first fully released Unreal Engine 5 games so I was incredibly curious to see how it would perform on a variety of hardware. The game features Nanite, but not Lumen, and the game devs say the game is optimized around upscaling rather than tweaking normal graphics settings. Let's find out how Remnant 2 on PC performs!

Seems like the cpu becomes more of a bottleneck as you increase resolution. I'm really curious how draw call submission works with nanite. Is it possible that increasing resolution dramatically increases draw calls because of the geometry processing/culling? Or maybe it's tied to those shadow maps, which I think are very expensive. You can't turn them off, only to low from the video.

Edit: Wish this guy had looked at a few different scenes, maybe one that was visually a lot more complex, so we could see if this is even close to the worst case.
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I'm reading that the shadow quality really can have a huge performance impact, so besides upscaling that's probably the first thing people would want to play around with.

I'm wondering if this is a rude awakening for PC players that nanite and virtual shadow maps will be very expensive. I have no reference point that I can really measure against in real games. I really don't want to claim poorly optimized unless I see some profiling, or real evidence. Could be another case where gamers are so blind to normal issues like shadow pop-in, LOD pop-in and limited geometry that they don't really notice the benefits of the new tech, so in their mind it's poor performing. Seeing impressions that the game doesn't "look that great," but so far what I've seen there are some really complex looking areas. Some of the artwork isn't AAA quality, so there are plain areas with overgrown streets and rusted cars, but even in those scenes there's a stability to the image that I can appreciate.
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