So since this Topic is heavily discussed in both Resetera and Neogafs respective Threads although with a lot of trolling and and half knowledge, is anyone intrested discussing it here perhaps a bit more civilized ?
If you not know what the heck i am talking about (what i doubt

) - This here is already dividing Console and PC Players even more than before you could say:
So they made this Video about Comparing PS5 and a ~5 Year old PC ( ~GTX 1070 / Ryzen R3 3300) with
certain Games .. And they only look into 120FPS Modes on those Games.
To cut things short they come to the Conclusion that the beforementioned PC is about comparable with a PS5.
Note the Titel of the Video has been changed to the currently one -
"PlayStation 5 120FPS Mode vs. PC 120FPS: Benchmarks & Graphics Quality Comparison"
before it was someting like:
500$ PC vs PS5
.. they changed it because of backlash. So only their updated Title gave information that its only 120FPS modes that are compared so theres that..
Furthermore they seemed oblivious to the Fact (or straight up ignored it) that on i think all those Games tested
(Dirt 5, Borderland 3 and Devil May Cry 5) PS5 actually is running higher on average than 1080p (since dynamic Res from 900p to 1440p with 900p seen very rarely) but still tested PC with looked 1080p so all their fancy fps Graphs are wortheless.
there are more Points to mention but maybe we start arguing and approuch those then ..
So whats your take on this Video ?