CryTek vs. id & Valve

All beaten by Ultima Underworld. that game came out at the time the wolf3d demo was realeased. I still have a copy of PCFormat which shows the two being released a month after another.

UU even allowed for flat shaded surfaces or textures depending on your systems power.

Ultima Underworld was great, however, it was built on the engine developed for System Shock. However, for storyline I still liked System Shock better. C'mon it has LASERS...LASERS MAN. ;)

And I still love how the aiming reticle was independant of the screen. IE - you could move while simultaneously aiming for spot you weren't looking directly at. Granted it's not something that would work even remotely well in a fast paced FPS. But for the more slow paced RPGish action that was System Shock it was freaking awesome.

all those shooters.. none of them were 3D, UU was.

System Shock was.. I don't know.. I just never got in to it.. UU and UU2 however.. man .. "The door is A Jar"

But I've got to admit that was the time when I spent weekends playing with a friend trying to get through a good rpg
Ok, can I see a show of hands for the people who've had their lives heavily impacted by Hover Tank? (I hadn't heard of the game until this thread heh). And the same for Ultima Underworld.

I raise my hand for System Shock and the two Ultima Underworld games.
SS was scary before anything else, really... and you actually had to learn the lizardmen's language in Underworld I, for real, I don't think any game had anything similar to that... The game's concepts were way ahead its time.

But Doom deserves credit too, as well as Wolfenstein, because they weren't only FPS games, but fast paced action games with very fast engines.

Also, SS came later and the engine was more advanced then the UUW games.
Indeed. I believe I may have killed the thread with the power of that video. Muahhahahaha.
OMG, I watched that whole thing and I think I ended up frying most of my remaining brain cells.

But from what I take from that bit...


No John Carmack???

Wolf3D rocked hard for the time it came out. I actually bought a gamepad just to play it. There was no such thing as keyboard and mouse back then for action games. :D

Which brings back memories of Doom 3... And getting my arse handed to me badly by someone using a keyboard and mouse while I was using a gamepad. And thus taking the time to learn to use a keyboard an mouse. Except using the RDFG layout rather than the more common WASD. More useable configurable keys around the main hand this way. ;)

SB, Wolf3D played perfectly fine with kb + mouse AFAICR. Or do you mean you didn't want to play it that way?
Don't forget the HL1 Source Engine was based on tada a modified Quake Engine ;) and Valve got all their knowledge by makeing Modifications for it so yeah ID had the bigest impact by starting the Modification Community, and that brought alot of smart guys to the Table and basicly helped them to get their own ideas out to the Public.
ID still gives that knowledge away freelie by releasing their sources to the public regular after the EOL of it.
Crytek is a very intresting Company, because of it's multicultural touch jesus the're working so many People from so many Nations just look @ their Website and see all the Guys and Girls.
And yeah you see Yerli also said that he worked on a Modification based on Unreal (does somebody know wich mod he actually worked on ?).
Engine wise i would say the Tech Engine and Unreal are the versatilest and most licensed Engines existing, but the're alot of new Engines showing up on the floor and Cryengine2 is one of the most compeling ones but it's still very young and first has to Prove itself in the Market especialy as it's mainly done for Outdor stuff and all Games that have been released so far with it showed that special use case like FarCry, Crysis and next FarCry 2 so let's wait and see what exciting ideas maybe their Mod Community come up with.
Another very interesting Engine that wasn't named yet is Gamebryo, actually it's used in many titles today but many don't know it hehe, another Engine that really shouldn't get out of the Focus even if it isn't talked alot of anymore (but it's the most used on a daily base Worldwide via 3Dmark) is definately the MaxFX-Engine wich new Development status we should see with Alan Wake soon.
Every of those has their very own Rendering Look and Feel as one for example mentioned here Tech Engines Clay Look and Feel another interesting Look and Feel i would say is the Plastic one from Monoliths new Lithtech Engine used in F.E.A.R. Vales evolved Source Engine has a very own Look and Feel too that is hard to define for me it feels like it's more in the comic section the Characters doesn't really look Real even if they Act like being Humans, strange to define it for me in words hehe. CryEngine2 tries to be the most Photorealisticst Engine but the Characters still look not quiet there yet :)
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Another very interesting Engine that wasn't named yet is Gamebryo, actually it's used in many titles today but many don't know it hehe
I have never seen anything special done with their engine. Everything seems underperforming when compared to similar visuals on other engines. I believe that is partly why it wasn't mentioned. B3D did an interview with them quite some time ago. I don't mean to imply that good games have not been made with it, just that the visuals of those games are no impressive given the performance.
SB, Wolf3D played perfectly fine with kb + mouse AFAICR. Or do you mean you didn't want to play it that way?

No, meaning KB and mouse was an alien concept to (I would have said everyone until I saw your post) just about everyone at the time.

Keyboard and mouse only started to become a factor with Doom and didn't start to become a standard until Quake/Descent.

True there was mouse and keyboard for Ultima Underworld 1&2 and System Shock but that was a different sort of implementation and not the same as that used in current FPS gaming.

Well it was my uncle who played it first and I just played the same way, that's how I got into it initially.
I didn't use mouse+KB for FPS games until Quake. And that was because mouselook arrived.
I've been pwning people with my l33t mouse skillz when Quake started to get popular. For a while, that is... :)
I didn't use mouse+KB for FPS games until Quake. And that was because mouselook arrived.

Sadly enough I didn't use a mouse+kb until Q2 demo first came out. I used the worst key combination too in Q1 I remember how hard it was to kill the flying wizard/worm guys when they were above you strafing while trying to look up until you cross hair randomly managed to come across them :)