Cross platform game IGN scores PS3 vs 360

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For the record, and this isn't addressed to anyone in particular, but please refrain from claiming that SONY overhyped the PS3, or they lied about 2x performance or whatever -- especially from launch titles! This machine is expected to last for another 10yrs, so how about putting down the pitchforks and give the damn thing a chance!!! Jeez, it's only been out a few days!:rolleyes:
So we should be happy that Sony is giving us a potential for great future and discredit Xbox 360 as a rival console even though the latter gives as the same or even superior gaming experience? It doesn't have 2x worse specs either.

heliosphere - you are absolutely right:D
Haha. Stop looking at me! I just want to make sure that these arguments are balanced, fair, and valid.;)

Balanced? Fair? Valid? And you follow that up by spewing Sony PR about the system 'lasting for 10 years'?

This was an interesting thread until people with an obvious emotional investment in the PS3 swooped in.
Balanced? Fair? Valid? And you follow that up by spewing Sony PR about the system 'lasting for 10 years'?
Well, I'm sorry, but the PS1/PSOne lasted 10yrs. I have every reason to believe the PS2/PSTwo will as well. So yeah, I think this one is beyond the PR talk. Any reason why you'd think otherwise?

RancidLunchmeat said:
This was an interesting thread until people with an obvious emotional investment in the PS3 swooped in.
Dude, don't act like people don't have preferences here! I know who cheers for what camp, and I except it. It's human nature, and it's fine. I was simply offering a different view to the debate. I'm sorry if it wasn't in line with what you wanted to hear, but that's why you have the ability to quote what you don't agree with, and address it. Not attack the PS3/SONY fans, like we're the ones starting the fire! It's a healthy debate...that's all.
So we should be happy that Sony is giving us a potential for great future and discredit Xbox 360 as a rival console even though the latter gives as the same or even superior gaming experience? It doesn't have 2x worse specs either
No. I was addressing the people who bought into the PR hype, because they're ready to cast their stone at SONY, when the machine's only been around a couple of weeks. I was merely suggesting that they hold onto that stone, and give the PS3 a chance to really showcase itself. And I don't think I suggested anywhere that we should discredit the 360. Care to elaborate?
This is silly

The Sony apologists are really stretching here.

Xbox VS PS2

Even 1st gen port on the Xbox looked and ran better than on the PS2.

It's obvious that there is very little if any performance difference in the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The 360 may even eek out the perfomance crown based on better dev tools and more efficient architexture.
The machine hasn't 'only been around a few weeks'. We're talking about game comparisons here, and the developers that produced those games had the PS3 for just long if not longer than they had the 360 to work on.

Yet, in spite of this, the PS3 games are getting hammered. They are either getting hammered in a direct comparison (as in the 360 games are simply better), or they are possibly being judged tougher.

If they are being judged tougher, it could be because the reviewers expected more based upon comments from Sony and the developers themselves.

You come into this thread and throw up your Pro-Sony Shield of Wielding +5, saying any expectations for the PS3 to perform better than the 360 are unfair because 1) The PS3 has 'only been out a few days' and 2) It's unfair to hold game developers accountable for the statements made by Sony.

The first has been addressed above, the second seems to conveniently forget that many of these developers made PR statements prior to the release of the PS3 about how powerful the console was and how great it was.

Finally, it doesn't really matter if its 'unfair' to the developers that expectations were raised by somebody other than themselves. They need to either perform to those expectations anyway, or they need to suffer as a result of failing to meet those expectations, or they need to find another platform to develop on.
Well, I'm sorry, but the PS1/PSOne lasted 10yrs.
Come on, it wasn't considered as a primary gaming platform in 2001 or later, so you're stretching "lasting" of PS1 a bit too much.
No. I was addressing the people who bought into the PR hype, because they're ready to cast their stone at SONY, when the machine's only been around a couple of weeks. I was merely suggesting that they hold onto that stone, and give the PS3 a chance to really showcase itself. And I don't think I suggested anywhere that we should discredit the 360. Care to elaborate?
You said that we shouldn't accuse Sony of false PR. Sony's PR was focused around discrediting Xbox 360 as a next-gen platform. Is it enough? (I still think that graphics in PS3 games shouldn't be rated harsher though)
@ RancidLunchmeat: I said that SONY should not be crucified for whatever caused the PS3 ports of those titles discussed earlier, to be inferior to their 360 counterparts. AFAIK, the dev's haven't commented on why the PS3 versions are lacking, whether it's lack in experience with the final devkit, or whether it's lack in time, we really don't know the truth, so the rest is just speculation. I'm not trying to discredit the 360 versions at all, I'm just saying that you're so ready to shoot SONY for a poor port that someone else made!

SONY provided the console, it's up to the dev's to make their codes sing in harmony with the machine. Yes, M$ are better with the software (no brainer, given their experience) but if some dev's are to be believed, SONY is doing much better this time around support wise.

@ aselto: Dude, I didn't say that the PS1 dominated that 10yrs. No. I said it lasted 10yrs. Don't get it twisted. Also, I was addressing the people that took the PR as gospel. Maybe I wasn't clear, but what I meant was: If you are gonna believe the SONY PR statements, then at least give them/dev's a chance to give you their best. But don't just look at launch games, and then cast your vote! That's dumber than you believing the PR statements in the first place!

@ scooby: Hmmm...can you explain that one to me please? SONY gives me the console. EA makes a crappy port. I shoot SONY?
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@ scooby: Hmmm...can you explain that one to me please?

Just go watch E3 2005.

Basically your point amounts to this: Sony should be able to say whatever crap they want because nobody should be stupid enough to believe PR. Well, the fact is people DO believe PR, and you can be sure that Sony's PR negatively impated the sales of their competitors. Now, if that PR turns out to be false, they deserve all backlash that they recieve.
This is silly

The Sony apologists are really stretching here.

Xbox VS PS2

Even 1st gen port on the Xbox looked and ran better than on the PS2.

It's obvious that there is very little if any performance difference in the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

The 360 may even eek out the perfomance crown based on better dev tools and more efficient architexture.
I agree.They are trying too hard but i feel them.After all the propaganda about the xbox 1.5 and the ps3 that would have graphics like these Cg trailers(gundam anyone) that went on for about 2 years it's hard to accept reality,the reality that says that not only are the best looking games of the year xbox 360 games(like GoW and Viva Pinata) but that every multiplatform game looks better on the 360 and many developers are delaying their games so as to save face and i bet that still when the delayed launch ps3 games get released they will still look and run worse than their xbox360 versions.

Wasn't the ps3 launch supposed to not be a rushed one??Weren't,even the original, ps3 development kits supposed to be much higher-speced than xbox360 original dev.kits(with dual 6800 and everything).I don't see anything surpassing kameo and PGR3 on the ps3 launch.Wasn't for example RR6 a psp port cause "Namco didn't care" and wasn't the ps3 RR supposed to be the "real" next generation RR??Even there there is a very small difference(if at all).

DOA3 killed just about every ps2 game when the xbox was released and no fps on the ps2 ever came close to what Halo had to offer with its vast battlegrounds.How is this situatio similar,i have no idea.

Anyway now that the," xbox360+ graphics" on games like CoD3, argumement is dead we'll be hearing lost of excuses.

Let's see how the next bunch of big multiplatform titles will fare on both the 360 and the ps3(games like RE5,Assasin's creed,GTAVI and more) and how will the exclusives compare...
Aren't some of you a bit hard on the ps3 launch games ?.

I was under the impression that RidgeRacer supported 1080P on ps3 ?. And that Cod3 was rendered on a lower resolution on 360 ?.

It might not be the best launch ever and it might not reflect the "hype" but wich launch did ?.

I will go out on a limb here and say that the most of us here at B3d are consumers and competition is suppose to be a good thing for consumers.
RR7 is jaggier on the ps3 and so what if it runs at 1080p??that's its crowning achievement for a game tha namco was really focusing unlike the 360 version.

There has been no proof that CoD3 runs on a lower resolution on the 360.Some shitty german site wrote that and joystic reproduced it but i didn't see this anywhere else UNLIKE the case with PGR3 that was all over the place.According to every reviewer the ps3 version looks worse and runs much worse.They are all lying i guess,just like they are lying for every multiplatform game.It's a conspiracy really....
RR7 is jaggier on the ps3 and so what if it runs at 1080p??that's its crowning achievement for a game tha namco was really focusing unlike the 360 version.

There has been no proof that CoD3 runs on a lower resolution on the 360.Some shitty german site wrote that and joystic reproduced it but i didn't see this anywhere else UNLIKE the case with PGR3 that was all over the place.According to every reviewer the ps3 version looks worse and runs much worse.They are all lying i guess,just like they are lying for every multiplatform game.It's a conspiracy really....

So i guess you are not interested in the technical aspects of the games, i won't argue with you about the reviews they are clearly running better on 360. No conspiracy there.
@ fulcizombie: You're trashing a console based on launch titles? Good going there champ. Out of curiousity, do you see a difference between Gears and PDZ? Yes? Guess what. The PS3 will too age, and will too get better as time goes by, as developers get better aquainted with the console.

But I guess you won't be getting a PS3, because by your standards, it's already shown you the best it can do, because you've seen the scores for the launch titles! Good for you!
Aren't some of you a bit hard on the ps3 launch games ?.

I was under the impression that RidgeRacer supported 1080P on ps3 ?. And that Cod3 was rendered on a lower resolution on 360 ?.

It might not be the best launch ever and it might not reflect the "hype" but wich launch did ?.

I will go out on a limb here and say that the most of us here at B3d are consumers and competition is suppose to be a good thing for consumers.

Why is 1080p such a big issue especially over 720p/1080i? Everything else being equal then yes, but now Sony got people thinking with a mindset that resolution can be used a sole tool of measurement of the graphical prowess of its hardware or just games themselves.

1080p is ripe for abuse and has become just a marketing phrase in the realm of gaming. I see plenty of developers cutting back on AA, AF, texture quality and other features just to check the 1080p check box.
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