Crimson Skies - Incompatible w/ Newer VidCards. Requesting Tech Info - So I Can Fix!

Woot this is great news I will email timeslip and tell him that the readers of b3d pcgames forum (especially swayee who likes it rough ive heard) will gladly have sex with him as a thankyou for getting this game working

See what your missing out on Demirug.....
Nice, I may have to try digging up my copy of Crimson Skies, if I even still have it. That was a fun game and nice to know I can go back and play it now if I wanted.

Hi Davros!
I just wanted to say that this is not Demirug's fault as the real problem was more than the D3DPTEXTURECAPS_NONPOW2CONDITIONAL matter, LOOOOL

So blame NVidia once again for wrong error info... What NVidia technicians couldn't do, Timeslip did IN 24 HOURS!!!

Quote from Timeslip:

even though crimson skies only uses directx 6 for graphics, it attempts to create a directdraw 7 interface just to check that you have it installed, which my wrapper didn't support. I've fixed that, fixed the divide-by-zero startup crash, checked that the text fix works, and added a few more options like 32 bit rendering and custom resolutions.
I wasnt blameing the fault on Demirug, just saying he could of fixed it and had sex with the pc games forum readers
Yep, haven't played CS in a long time and wanted to give it a shot nowadays. No luck with the same problems. I have GTX 275. Then I was wondering that could it be the same for Worms World Party, because I have some struggle with that title too?

Anyways, this sucks. I wanna play a game, the way it was meant to be played..
I tried the fix but no luck. I also have XP (SP3). Guess I'll try if reinstalling and such might work.

I found this fix, I tried it at my Phenom X3 + Nvidia 9600GSO and it works great!!!
I don't know who made this, but his work is excellent.

Download the file (3.2 MB) here:

or here:

These are the fixes included, as they appear in the readme.txt file:

Crimson skies fix by timeslip

XX Installation instructions XX

Extract into your crimson skies installation directory, overwriting crimson.exe. (Make a backup first in case you want to uninstall later.)

If you want to change the default options, open csfix.ini in a text editor and modify the appropriate lines.

XX Fixes XX

= Crash on startup with a divide by zero error

This appears to be an application bug, caused by the designers assuming that processors would never exceed a certain speed. Fixed by disabling the high performance counter check, forcing crimson skies to fall back onto a counter that doesn't tick over so quickly. Running in win95 compatibility mode also fixes it, although at a performance penalty.

= Blocky text, in game crashes when text is displayed

This is a collection of several application bugs, first a broken check for non power of two texture support, and next in the games response if it decides that support does not exist. Fixed by supplying the game with a fake collection of caps flags. Using the software renderer is an alternative fix.

= Flickering textures during fading, banding on textures with smooth colour gradients

This was caused by a deliberate design decision by both nvidia and ati to remove dithering support on their DX10 class hardware. An understandable move, as it makes no difference to 32 bit render targets (which pretty much every game made in the last 5 years or so uses,) and just adds to transistor count. It does cause a degradation in appearance on any old games which render in 16 bit though, and on top of that dithering was also switched off in the drivers, meaning e.g. that anyone with a 6000 or 7000 series card installing a driver release made after the 8000 series launch will also loose dithering support. Fixed by forcing crimson skies to use a 32 bit render target.

Since this causes corruption of the into screen, this option is disabled by default.

= Generic crashes/lockups

Many old games have threading issues which can cause random lockups or crashes on systems with multi-core processors. I've not seen crimson skies do so, but better safe than sorry, since it can't really make proper use of a multi-core processor anyway.

= safedisc

Not actually something I originally set out to do, but as it turned out I had to strip off the safedisc protection in order to make some of the modifications to the exe. It's no great loss, as it's removal improves startup time and fixes issues with some cd drives anyway. (Plus you get to play the game without the CD in, if you've made a full install.)
I run CS on my PC with windows XP sp2, it runs nice!
I found a patch that corrects the "blocky text" menu problem and other like in-game crashes. Someone told me that they were caused by non-power-of-two textures in the original game.
There are several copies of that patch, choose a server and download it:

The file is named fix_CS_2009 and is only 3 MB. Read the "readme first!!!" file and you'll be shooting zeppelins again.
Try it, and then tell me if it was right!