Controversial game reviews in console history


B3D Yoddha
I remember Shenmue (DC) was originally awarded 7 something score initially by IGN and later it was changed (why?) to 9.7 I think.

Now God Hand (PS2) has got an astonishing 3/10 from IGN but user reviews seem to rate it much higher. Has anyone played it? Any review?

Has there been any other such controversial reviews (+ve or -ve) for any console present or past?
I could have sworn IGN gave God Hand a 6.8. I was just looking at the reviews a few days ago. Maybe I'm crazy... I don't see why they would drop it so much lower though. Typically, user reviews are much higher than the "professional" reviews.
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6.8, really?:???:

Actually God Hand has got fairly decent reviews from other site, e.g. Gamespot gave it 8/10. But IGN's score of 3/10 is too low compared to any other site's review.
What first comes to mind is Daily Radar's perfect 5.0 review of Legend of Dragoon. Remember that game? Sony's crappy ripoff of Final Fantasy? That was one of many articles that killed Daily Radar's credibility among gamers.

Daily Radar's "Majora's Mask" review even received the prestigious "Reviewer's Tilt" award from Old Man Murray for this awesome quote:

To live life is to don a mask each and every day. Our true selves are seldom exposed to the world at large; to show everything to the people we must share our existences with would be to risk the ultimate rejection. We are what we think others want to see, and we live our lives doing this each and every day until it's impossible to tell where the mask ends and we begin. A mere decoration becomes a metaphor for humanity's hard time on planet Earth. We are the masks we wear.
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I could have sworn IGN gave God Hand a 6.8. I was just looking at the reviews a few days ago. Maybe I'm crazy... I don't see why they would drop it so much lower though. Typically, user reviews are much higher than the "professional" reviews.

I remember that too :???:
I remember that UG&G received a really low score from 1up, EGM and OPM. Later it was known that Jeremy Parish made the review for the 3 gaming publications, kinda unfair if you ask me. Ghost and Goblins has always been hard and all, but 3 media outlets asking the same guy to do a review of the same game made his bias spread.
I remember a couple of magazines getting hold of Rise of the Robots early and gave it glowing reviews........for what turned out to be one of the worst games of all time!

Currently, I notice that Just Cause seems to be rather polarised - reviews seem to vary from Brilliant to buggy POS.
I could have sworn IGN gave God Hand a 6.8. I was just looking at the reviews a few days ago. Maybe I'm crazy... I don't see why they would drop it so much lower though. Typically, user reviews are much higher than the "professional" reviews.

IGN later changed their score for DK (on the N64 I believe).
Doom III getting a good rating from anyone is blasphemy. Other than the graphics the game was horrible IMO.

I agree. This is a common occurrence now. People become so convinced that a game is going to be good, they immediately give the game a super high score before their excitement has a chance to wear off and disappointment sets in.

Another example is Oblivion. This game received universally stellar scores despite being just an OK RPG with pretty graphics. It also utterly failed to live up to all the promises of "Radiant AI". In retrospect, lots of people are saying Morrowind was better. I haven't tried Morrowind so I can't say.
I don't know on the D3 thing... seems a popular past time to bash id/Carmack. I didn't enjoy D3 much (as I am a picky FPS gamer), but I know a lot of typical people who really liked it. My dad, for one, loved it. Why? Because it was very similar to traditional Doom, just new graphics. He dislikes how FPS have gone away from twitch/scary/mindless shooters and just liked the pick up, shoot everything approach. Basically retro gaming with updated graphics. As Doom is a huge IP and aims to please a vast gamut of gamers it is not surprising that more hardcore gamers would be turned off. There are a lot of very, very popular games because they appeal to the likes of many on a casual level but are a big let down to those looking for more, better, and greater in regards to genre development.

I won't argue that Doom 3 is the pinnicle of FPS gaming by any means, but it isn't as bad IMO as many make it out to be. It is a scary (to many), visceral shooter with (at the time) technically excellent graphics. It is also polished in many ways, whereas many lesser FPS try to do more but achieve less. It ain't HL2, Farcry, Fear, etc... but for a twitch, mindless shooter (vintage DOOM) it executes really well.

While I and many would have liked a more modern Doom in regards to gameplay (and not just upgraded graphics) I know a lot of people who liked the "Just Play DOOM (TM)" approach and felt a lot of nastolgia.

Like many games, it comes down to what you come into the game wanting and expecting.

Of course in the bigger picture the question is: How important are graphics to a game? For games relying on immersion and have gameplay that leans heavily on graphical techniques it is important. Of course you can have great graphics and a great core game, but for a game looking for a specific experience and lacking the graphical umpf to deliver it can destroy the execution/impression. Hind sight is always 20/20 as games that take such approach are always easier to spot for what they were: immersive experiences for their time, but fall flat on modern gamers. Of course many gamers pay for the first 20 or so hours, not thousands of hours or how a game will hold up 4 years later. I can think of a number of great older games that the poor graphics destroy the experience now but were great for their time (most of the old football games are unbearable, regardless of the gameplay value).
Shenmue's IGN score didn't change, if I recall. Its Gamespot score was the one which was changed from 6.8 initially to 7.8 after a lot of email feedback criticizing the review.

Gamespot also gave a controversial 6.8 review score to NiGHTS into Dreams.
It was Gamespot who changed the score. Kasavin (SP?) had a discussion about that on a video, I beleive an E3 and he pledged that they would never change a score again.