I've only used Move briefly on MAG, and I didn't get on with it. Others have raved about it. In my improved model, you'd have thumbsticks on both controls for dual-stick movement (move and rotate), and you could use point+shoot for aiming. But I'm not really thinking about that as a control scheme. I'm thinking things like space and orientation between controllers can be used, or pointing near/far into the screen by the triangulation point angling both controllers inwards, or effortless switching between gestures and dual-sticks, combining realism with our favourite interface.
Move + shooter is a very strange combination. Some people can't get used to it. They may never get used to it. Some people pick it up slowly. Some swear by it and wield it like second nature.
I belong to the slow camp. I think it makes KZ3 SP more immersive and interesting (replayed it with Move). For MP, I'd rather shoot myself. But there are people who headshot with Move quickly. Very odd spread of experiences.
Move + RTS is interesting too, but a touchscreen or maybe pad is better.
Overall, I like Move for titles like Sports Champions and Edmund's Quest.