BigGamer X
errr... i think with the first paragraph u confirmed what was said in the first post... especially the "to the detriment of the other, technically superior consoles" comment... i mean, if PS2 "won" something it's because of how Sony handled the marketing, the time difference in releasing the consoles themselves, how many good games there are on the machine, name recognition, good enough hardware to play games that can sometimes be considered "on par" with the technically superior competition to the untrained eye... that kind of thing, not really "because fanbois are defending it"....
Right, marketing, most consumers lack of knowledge of hardware power (and what it does), game avialibity, and being first have helped Sony the most. However, some people do go by "word of mouth". Some people can't decide for themselves whether to go GC/XBOX/PS2 and I am sure some GCs and XBOXs have gone unsold due to the popularity of PS2 FANBOYS, not the console itself.
It's that small percentage of people that bought PS2 because they were misinformed by fanboys telling outright LIES that bothers me. (there are alot of people out there that think PS2 is the most powerful yet
But how many PS2s were bought by parents who don't have a clue? My own sister/niece made that mistake. PS2 was "popular" at school, so they thought PS2 was the way to go. Later, they saw some of my xbox games and said WOW! GC was very highly thought of too, after seeing the games. When they first saw it before I turned it on they had laughed........all based off of it's perception, not off of what it really has to offer.
Not everybody that buys consoles hangs out on the internet and understands what each console REALLY has to offer. You would be surprised about the number of people that buy mostly on REPUTATION, and fanboys can really mess these people up by telling them lies. (these are the clueless people that just want what's "Best", even though there really is no "best" console, they end up buying the "popular" one, even if it doesn't really suit them the best.)
Consoles aren't important purchases such as cars, houses, ect. So people tend not to do much research before they buy. This leads to word of mouth (fanboys can warp truth from reality) being a more major factor. I work with the "common" people so I know alot about them, I am one of them. However, I don't like relying on what other people have to say, I do my own research and buy what I know I will really like, because money doesn't grow on trees.