BigGamer X said:
Consoles I've owned pretty much all of them. I like them all..... The only thing that upsets me is that rabid fanoyism has really made the PS2 so popular, to the detriment of the other, technically superior consoles. If there ever was a console that didn't need "defending", it's that one. They've already won the "war" so what's the point?
I'll buy whatever console/PC that I happen to like at the time. Backward compatibilty is starting to matter to me alot, and in the next generation I may skip one of the 3 consoles, the one that offers the least amount of backward compatibilty. Whether it's MS, Sony, or Nintendo, it's their decision
errr... i think with the first paragraph u confirmed what was said in the first post... especially the "to the detriment of the other, technically superior consoles" comment... i mean, if PS2 "won" something it's because of how Sony handled the marketing, the time difference in releasing the consoles themselves, how many good games there are on the machine, name recognition, good enough hardware to play games that can sometimes be considered "on par" with the technically superior competition to the untrained eye... that kind of thing, not really "because fanbois are defending it"....
what i think it is, it's the fact that when someone can only afford to purchase one console each generation, that someone feels the need of supporting the thing to ensure that his/her investment is worth his/her hard-earned cash. also, the more recognised is the console, the more support it gets from the developers, which in turn means that more games will be made for it which in turn means that among those many games there are some "great" games. and also i think that the DC ghost is still haunting some people, at the end of the day no one wants his/her only console to be dropped all at once forcing the customer to buy another one so soon after purchasing one.
personally, i have had a NES (now that was when i REALLY had FUN with videogames), an old original Gameboy (same), a Genesis (ok for the time i guess), then i went into the whole PC-gaming thing until i got tired of spending so much fricking money every 6 months to ensure my games played well enough, then a PS2. the only reason i haven't purchased a GC or an Xbox is because PS2 gives me by far enough enjoyment for those 2-3 hours i play a week sometimes...
now i'm just gonna wait until the next generation then i'll see who will deserve my money. so far i have changed every generation, this time, who knows, i think PS3 will have the games i'll be interested the most in, namely Square games. what Konami decides to do also plays a BIG part in my books, since some of the best games this generation have been theirs. also i have been genuinely VERY impressed in the first party Sony titles and the exclusive titles ps2 has. if the situation remains the same, i guess ill just stick with PS3. if "technically superior" consoles come out, who cares, i choose consoles according to the games i enjoy...