Lol it's directed at all of us lolSeeing as how I have thousands of hours into Destiny, I feel that this was at least partially aimed at me.
Yes a large majority of my game time was spent on Destiny. But I'm far from your typical gamer. At the same time, I have followed the gaming industry fairly closely in the past decade so I like to think that I know the market well enough to give an informed opinion.
Shifty pretty much explained things so I don't need to add much else. But I would also like to point out that, you say the most hours played on games were in Destiny and GTAV (and I'd also throw CoD into the mix)... Sony just happens to have marketing rights for all 3 of those games (GTAV not so much, but it was revealed at Sony's conference IIRC). Don't underestimate the importance of marketing rights for large third-party games. It's not a huge hardware selling point, but it does help nonetheless.
But yes, everything Shifty and you wrote is a correct line of thinking, more options will always be better than less options, with the caveat that those options actually have to be good and interesting to the purchaser. I only made that point to just remind people that while everyone has been hating on the lack of exclusives on xbox, everyone is playing the hell out of Halo 2.0. So this idea that xbox exclusives are worn out, or boring or something, is... well a touch hypocritical when that's a majority of what PS4 population is actually playing in droves.
@Shifty Geezer Destiny plays the same on XBO and PS4 btw