Claimed: Oblivion coming to PS3, Nov 6 (launch?)

I still think it's Oblivion. It fits every hint OPM has given, it is officially still secret, and it's just been rumoured so strongly, and for so long now, and not just from people at Ziff. But I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks, if not earlier.
I´d be sold if it is Diablo 3 :)

Just dreaming...
I heard there was a Diablo in the making somewhere. Which wouldn't be surprising. It's a title frequently used as a reference point for games of that ilk, so someone somewhere is going to want to capitalise on that fame.
There's a whole pile of software in development for the PS3. I think it's safe to say that there are at least 200 of them. So, in effect, all rumors could be true. :) We just don't know. What I do know, is that a game that scores that high, in a genre that has few competitors, is a likely candidate for a port. But what rumor relates to which, and what game OPM is going to reveal, I wouldn't dare comment on.
I still think it's Oblivion. It fits every hint OPM has given, it is officially still secret, and it's just been rumoured so strongly, and for so long now, and not just from people at Ziff. But I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks, if not earlier.

No, officially it doesn't exist at all.

Oblivion on the PS3 is a rumor. No one at Bethesda has confirmed such a game at any level. Officially speaking Bethesda has only denied the rumor.

In fact, according to this interview with Bethesda's Pete Hines there isn't anyone there who could work on a PS3 port of the game.

And what’s next the Bethesda team? According to Pete, once the game is shipped the team will be split into groups. One group will focus on support for Oblivion such as patches, updates, and expansions. Another group will focus on the next Elder Scrolls game. And finally one group will be working on Fallout 3.

So, either you assume that Pete Hines is lying, or you accept that Bethesda simply doesn't have a team available to work on a PS3 port of Oblivion.
No, officially it doesn't exist at all.

Officially there are "no announced plans". Well, duh ;) It "being officially secret" obviously depends on its existence in the first place, but if it does exist, then it still secret at the moment. We've seen people speculate before on games we already know about (Bladestorm, Genji), but this is supposed to be a game we haven't heard of yet (officially, at least).

In fact, according to this interview with Bethesda's Pete Hines there isn't anyone there who could work on a PS3 port of the game.

So, either you assume that Pete Hines is lying, or you accept that Bethesda simply doesn't have a team available to work on a PS3 port of Oblivion.

I would say it would be a job for that Oblivion team. If it's in-house. Just a guess.

I know you adamantly believe the rumours are not true, and that's fair enough. We'll see in a couple of weeks.
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seriously, oddworld..? is that a such an important franchise still?
the psx games where very nice but the xbox incarnation was dull.
the other oddworld game (action game ) was nice but not to say megaspectacular
It may not be an important franchise, but I'm sure Sony as well as a lot of PS enthusiasts would consider it another feather in their collective caps to have another game exclusive, especially one that had previously been MS's that had previously been Sony's. The prodigal returns.

I suppose you'd have to imagine the awe and shock value of being able to keep a project like this completely under wraps for a year and a half and then suddenly not only unveiling a new Oddworld, but wait, it's now a Sony exclusive.

This may be the significance of the statement:
However, I can confirm that the title taking [Oblivions'] place will surely not let PS3 owners down!
I still think it's Oblivion. It fits every hint OPM has given, it is officially still secret, and it's just been rumoured so strongly, and for so long now, and not just from people at Ziff. But I guess we'll find out in a couple of weeks, if not earlier.
OPM smugly asserts that it's a game we have not and will not hear of until their November issue.
This week, they have provided a couple of clues in their podcast: the game is five words long and that it is a launch game that you have "not heard of and won't hear of until the November issue of OPM" hits the shelves.
Seems like they are brazenly confident that they've got a secret that no one will ever guess, but of course you could easily still be right and I could be reading too much into this and OPM is just referring to an 'official' secret.

But here are some intriguing things to keep in mind:
1. Oddworld claims to be looking to go to new media for improved gameplay.
2. Closes most operations in the US and links with animation, technology houses in Asia.
3. Believes new direction will lead to higher quality games with faster turn around.
4. Oddworld drops off the face of the earth in March 2005
5. Oddworld reappears 2 weeks before PS3 launch.
6. Two weeks before PS3 launch Lorne Lanning is given precedence in giving keynote at GameCity 2006, a conference where Sony appears to have top billing. (This seems quite odd to be given such a privilege as there has been absolutely no news on this guy for a year and a half)
7. The title of his keynote has four words; "The Appetite for Escape." Precede it as they do all their titles with "Oddworld" and you match the criteria for the five word title.
8. Oddworld has a new site about to go live:
9. The keynote speech will deal with the characters and stories that helped form the base of the Oddworld franchise.

While the title "The Appetite for Escape" serves as a good title for a speech about immersive gameplay, "Oddworld: The Appetite for Escape" makes pretty good sense for an Oddworld title when considering similar titling with "Oddworld: Abe's Exodus" and the appetite may somehow refer to the Glukkon's appetite for Abe and his Mudokon brethren.

And one last important note: Remember I was correct on my last prediction.
*Follows DopeyFish's lead and begins to edit and delete past predictions, especially the one about the PS3 getting a coffee cup heater/holder and a built in waffle iron* :LOL:
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No, officially it doesn't exist at all.
Yeah, this is my philosophy, like Assassin's Creed. Until it's announced, it doesn't exist, even with evidence suggesting otherwise. As long as you're not in any need to know before an official announcement that something is due (maybe you're placing a bet on it?) there's no need to assume one way or another. Detective work is fun and all, but second guessing announcements doesn't serve any other purpose than that and I think people should be coy about unofficial release expectations.

So, either you assume that Pete Hines is lying, or you accept that Bethesda simply doesn't have a team available to work on a PS3 port of Oblivion.
The only logical conclusion is PS3 is getting the sequel! :p

Or it could be that since March, there's been a change of plan. IIRC Oblivion was in development for PS3 in the beginning. There was huge debate why it wasn't coming for PS3 which centered around XB360 having an HDD (before the Core was known about). Perhaps Bethesda awakened the old project seeing as the workload wouldn't be too much for the expected returns? Improved assets could also be provided as an upgrade for PC gamers or whatever.

I don't think this comment is conclusive proof that Oblivion won't be coming to PS3.
There are now ramblings about a significantly reduced price for the 360 version. The guy claims to have the scoop from a store clerk. The current price is 50€ and, according to this, soon to drop to 25€.

edited bits: this could be just one chain clearing out stock/luring people of course.
The only logical conclusion is PS3 is getting the sequel! :p

Which Bethesda has already said is coming to the 360, and the game probably won't ship until 2010. Hooray?

Or it could be that since March, there's been a change of plan. IIRC Oblivion was in development for PS3 in the beginning. There was huge debate why it wasn't coming for PS3 which centered around XB360 having an HDD (before the Core was known about). Perhaps Bethesda awakened the old project seeing as the workload wouldn't be too much for the expected returns? Improved assets could also be provided as an upgrade for PC gamers or whatever.

I don't think this comment is conclusive proof that Oblivion won't be coming to PS3.

Or it could be you're just wishfully thinking.
Or it could be you're just wishfully thinking.
I didn't say it was coming to PS3 (and as for wishful thinking, I'm not wishing it does. Oblivion bored me and I don't have shares in Bethesda to profit from a wider market for their software). I was saying that comment from 6 months ago might not be indicative of current events. Kinda like Sony announcing dual HDMI for PS3, then changing their minds and dropping it, then changing their minds and adding it back in. The fact in March they had no intention of bringing Oblivion to PS3 is no guarentee at all that they still don't intend to port it.
Kinda cross-posting from gaf and relaying the information from another forum(IGN).
It looks like this November title is indeed Oblivion.

Some guy on the ign insider PS3 forum says he got the mag today and that game is Oblivion.

He also said:

"It says here PS3 gets a new quest line which takes an extra 10-20 hours to complete."

"New faction called Knights of the Nine basically the opposite of Dark Brotherhood."

of course we will we have to wait for official confirmation, but OPM is said to reveal the title on todays podcast (RadioOPM) at 6pm eastern today.

credit to Kbsmoker for the find. But I'll be waiting for something more official as I said.
Some new content and updates, apparently. But that's all they give away on the podcast. 'rumour' mongering - vindicated! ;)
It's a great game, enjoy :smile:

For sony and the people who havent played it, yup. For me its a different story. I'll just say the game really wasnt for me I guess, didnt really get into it as much as others did.
Some new content and updates, apparently. But that's all they give away on the podcast.
I wonder if theres any graphical changes or any other minor differences like load times. 'rumour' mongering - vindicated! ;)
Yup. I think somebody owes the whole thread an apology. :LOL:
Not going to name any names, but I'm sure he knows who he is.
Ha, now the big question will be, how much size will it take up on the BluRay disc ... :LOL: