Plugin hybrids are the way to go, and the only way you're going to get Americans off of gas. You've given absolutely ZERO reason why we should switch to pure electric vs electric hybrid/extended range (onboard ICE generator). Basically, it's a car that's electric 90% of the time with a backup emergency gas engine. Whoop-de-do. Why are you against this?
It's probably easier to explain the benefits of the plugin hybrids:
No charging stations needed
No fast-charging of the batteries needed (see charging stations), it's not that i can't be done with todays technology, but it's not necessarily the best for the batteries either.
You only have to pay for the electric range that you need on a daily basis, my daily commute is 30 miles f.e. And batteries are the expensive part.
The ICE can be a really small & simple engine cause it would run only in the range in which it's working efficiently. And it only has to take care of the average energy consumption of the vehicle. Perhaps with a little bit of headroom of course, lets say 60-80 hp ICE for a 150 hp electric motor. Think small motorcycle engine. It wouldn't run most of the time so it wouldn't have to last as long as a regular engine, mileage wise that is.
There are of course a lot of arguments for going all electric instead but there's no competition between the two as i see it. Though imo, the pluginhybrid is something that would work for most people, regions of the world. The pure EV is more of a niche product.
I really like the Project Better Place idea though but i'm not so sure that i would work that well in f.e the US, or Sweden for that matter. It'll probably work in Israel and Denmark though, the two countries that have signed up for it currently.