Chevy Volt - Electric Car

I don't know what you're driving
Actually, usually my bicycle (weather permitting) these days... (and, ironically, could have done with some downforce a week ago)

but that lift is likely caused by negative pressure as the airflow comes from the front windsreen; its probably negligable in comparison the the downforce from the windscreen.
Oh, quite likely. The windscreen is quite raked though and is almost at the same angle as the bonnet.
I wonder what they are doing for safety issues in these vehicles. Considering that laptops and certain rumors it seems that there still might be a way to go for mitigating these issues. Of course regular cars catch fire still...
Yeah, I'm just wondering how many redundant safety features the batteries will have. As they use a lot of very toxic and very hazardous materials.

And some accidents you just won't be able to prevent the batteries from rupturing.

Then again, battery technology isn't exactly my strong suite, so maybe everything in the ones used here is completely safe and non-toxic.

SB some of the batteries are hardly toxic at all. Many LiION batteries can be disposed of in a regular landfill. I meant the tendency to combust that is a problem for someone driving down the road :)
The new Li-polymere batteries won't bust, that was the older Li-ion flavour.

There are loads of safety measures concerning batteries etc., but as always there's no way to make anything 101% safe.