CELL will be there in PS3!

Panajev2001a said:
The DRAM is IMHO embedded... one of the hints is that I do not really see them having an off-chip bus that is 1,024 bits wide ;)


The DMAC controls accesses by the PU and the APUs to the data and applications stored in the shared DRAM.

Reading this "shared" and how they talk about the DRAM HW enhancement for the HW sandboxes, etc... I cannot but think e-DRAM ( especially with all those "shared DRAM" comments ).

65 nm manufacturing technology should also allow for a transistor' budget which allows for e-DRAM being implemented.

IBM was doing research with e-DRAM and when talking about their BlueGene project they mentioned how one of the revolutions of Cellular Computing was solving the memory speed vs CPU speed bottleneck by integrating e-DRAM, thanks to also its smaller cell size compared to SRAM...

e-DRAM thanks to its huge bandwidth is a good solution to keep processor's performance high if you can afford it ( also I don ot believe that the PEs oherwise take THAT ultra much of transistor logic and that there is space for e-DRAMconsidering the transistor budget for a 65 nm process [IBM had a page with some figures with projections of e-DRAM and other things] )...

Sorry if this post seems to jump from one thing to the other and then back and forth... :(

Ah, yes, after studying more of the diagrams I would agree that the DRAM being referred to is most likely eDRAM. Figure 8 has no DRAM shown on it, and the description for it erroneously referrs to the PUs as PEs. I also overlooked the DMAC labeled on each PU/VS.

In previous diagrams, the DRAM is shown as existing above the PUs. One would then be led to think that the large box of Figure 8 is representing complete PE, containing two PUs and two VSs, with presumably 64 MB of eDRAM included in the package, and connected to the DMACs of each PU/VS.

If this were the PS3 design, the following observations might be made:

The Video output connects the CRT controllers of the PE to a video output interface, and the I/O chip provides an interface for the PE to the rest of the system and the network. The "external memory" is probably regular SDR or DDR DRAM, connected to the I/O chip for this "graphics" PE, the hard disk controller, and the DVD drive controller (probably using a "northbridge" PE for the latter two, since I doubt they will have cell-based drive controllers by then). The peripheral bus probably leads to the input controller PE, network interface PE, and sound engine PE.

The more I think about it, the more elegant it seems, for an enclosed system at least. I don't ever see it catching on for an entire network (well, I could see it replacing Bluetooth, that's about it).

Even if this is the case, however, we are still left with a few concerns. It is unknown whether or not Sony can make an operating system/programming language/compiler capable of exposing all the potential of the Cell system. Having a single ISA is all well and good, but I personally don't know anyone who programs in assembly, and I can't imagine making a large commercial video game without a good set of software tools to do it with. Sony has been criticized in the past for the difficulty of programming for the Playstation architecture. Cell could be better or worse, and the track record doesn't look good.

The other question, is how good those pixel engines will be. We'll have to see how many shading operations they're capable of per clock, and also what kind of clock speeds the eDRAM will allow the chip to operate at. Once that's known (which won't be for a while, obviously) we'll have a better idea of what a game console powered by Cell might be capable of.

I must say, I am starting to see why NVIDIA is so impressed with their design. Microsoft said "lets take what's available (P3 processor, standard graphics chip, etc.) and make it work". Sony is saying "lets take what will work the best (unified instruction set, high bandwidth), and make it available".
The other question, is how good those pixel engines will be. We'll have to see how many shading operations they're capable of per clock
It's not pixel engines that do any shading in that patent though - it's the PU's sitting in front of them. And performance would be half of the BE if we followed the patent blindly. :p
This performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production.

I am still waiting for my motion pictured games.

LOL :LOL: Chap you can stop waiting. Even if the performance of PS2 is comparable to those GWS in motion picture production, the final outputs you see on your TV or cinema are not the result of those GWS, they are from renderfarm working nights and days. GWS is use for test render and compositing, but mostly for content creation.

If you insist on waiting for your motion pictured games, then I recommend Monster Inc on your beloved PS2 ;)
and also what kind of clock speeds the eDRAM will allow the chip to operate at.

Each APUs each has its own local memory, so you can decouple your eDRAM clock speed from the the APUs.

In previous diagrams, the DRAM is shown as existing above the PUs. One would then be led to think that the large box of Figure 8 is representing complete PE, containing two PUs and two VSs, with presumably 64 MB of eDRAM included in the package, and connected to the DMACs of each PU/VS.

Lets keep the notation consistent here.

A PE described in that Patent consist of one PU, DMAC and several APUs. The modified PE with image cache and pixel engine and CRT, they call it visualiser.

Anyway it would be interesting to compare the concept of this architecture with NV30 vertex processor.
So, I take it that XBox Next and GameCube2 won't have any advanced graphics to speak of? If so, then why aren't you talking about the plathora of pitfalls they could have.

I would like to talk about them IF only i knew what is going at MS/Nintendo. Lets see, Official PS3 Topic has 100 over replies, so much so than the rest. And why is that?

Oh yes, since SCE's out there right now uptalking PS3... oh wait...

You sure are right. Not long from the PS2 launch, they started dreaming about 1000x performance. Sure that is some lofty goal, but its still hype. 1000 is no small amount to normal readers.

Go to Japan and see just how what they're doing on their BB Network is.

Why should i go Japan? Im the consumer, they crapped alot about online lifestyle and what has happened so far? Nothing.
AFAIK, SoNet in Japan is just another online ISP, i have not heard mentions about cool download-on-demand entertainment services.

Again, your twisting their words to suit your biased needs:

(a) It doesn't say "ultimate rendering processor". It says "Ultimate incarnation of this concept" - which their probobly refering to the massive 48GB/sec of onboard sustainable bandwith. Way to spin...
(b) Last time I checked there were PS2 games in HDTV/Progressive resolutions with a growing library.
(c) Games like SH3 or Doom3 are approaching 2000 level entry graphics. Of course their going to uptalk their product. Just like nVidia does here:

No. YOU are the one twisting the words.
a)Massive spassive. Whats the use when the graphics look far from unrivaled. Misleading, hype, disappointment.
b)480p = EDTV, not HDTV. Too bad it is juuussst growing when the older 3mpps DC had most games in 480p.
c)Come on, when they mentioned movie quality 3D back then, did you seriously and honestly expected the games to look just like SH3 cutscenes.. And why is Doom3 doing there.

Whoa... alright. But, to answer your no-existent remark - games like MGS2: SoL and The Getaway are very Cinimatic and do push this convergent feld forward. As has Max Payne, et al.

Oh please....stop the generosity....thats what i call the Word Game. Lets be honest pal...please.

Chappers, give me a break. Name me a 3D card today that nativly supports NURBS. And then name me one that did back in 2000, just a bit beyond DX7's rather primative hardwired T&L front-end.

I only know of one PS2 game that outright uses HOS and that is SSX. Ok my mistake here. Since we know PS2 is good at 3D transform.

Why don't you crusade againts nVidia's PR?

I will leave that to you.
Like you said, im biased against PS2. And why is that? Because i was much more looking forward to PS2 than some GF256. I am a true blue console gamer. After all the hype, the actual PS2 system .... you know the rest.

What part of this is wrong? The GS is faster in raw specs than basically any workstation of it's time, how is this any diffrent than how Microsoft claimed 4.0GPixel/sec for the XBox? So much hype... oh wait.

Why? Did you not read the quote?

Lets read it over again:
In the past, this level of real-time performance was only achieved when using very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations. However, with the design of the new Graphics Synthesizer, this high quality image is now available for in-home computer entertainment applications.

Obvious that Sony wanted to mislead people by proclaimnig PS2 can do realtime visuals that are comparable to ones done by dedicated graphics workstation...now now...whats the first thing that comes to you mind when you see "dedicated gfx ws"? Thats right, prerendered CG quality graphics....

Wow again, how can I argue with this form of brilliance. Would you like a recommendation for MENSA?

Thank you but im no match for the supercomputer of a PS2.

Is it hype because nobody else has eleced to utilize it?

Precisely. Wow! So PS2 can do high level reactive AI. Now which games have that?

How is playing GTAo_Ox not like being in a movie with it's open ended gameplay and story? Or ICO or MGS2 or The Getaway? Want me to go on?

Please do....
Either you have real low low low expectations or you love playing the Word Game.

Lets read the phrase again, "Imagine walking into the screen and experiencing a movie in real-time... this is the world we are about to enter."

Now can anyone honestly, cross your heart and hope to die, take that as being GTA only quality graphics....please stop the denial...
V3 said:
LOL :LOL: Chap you can stop waiting. Even if the performance of PS2 is comparable to those GWS in motion picture production, the final outputs you see on your TV or cinema are not the result of those GWS, they are from renderfarm working nights and days. GWS is use for test render and compositing, but mostly for content creation.

If you insist on waiting for your motion pictured games, then I recommend Monster Inc on your beloved PS2 ;)

I was just being sacarstic...guessed it didnt sound right on an internet board. :oops:
Oh my.. :rolleyes:

Obvious that Sony wanted to mislead people by proclaimnig PS2 can do realtime visuals that are comparable to ones done by dedicated graphics workstation...now now...whats the first thing that comes to you mind when you see "dedicated gfx ws"? Thats right, prerendered CG quality graphics....

The only thing that is misleading is your conclusion. Where does it say CG quality graphics? The word is perception Chap. You probably think Sony promised the world and left you disappointed - to many others, obviously, they did not and that's why PS2 is continueing to outsell the competition, no matter how disappointed you are. Sorry to say, but your ignorance does seem to be in a strict minority here. Heh, funny thing is, if Sony had promised that PS2 would be able to clean up your bedroom for you, I wouldn't doubt a second that you'd believe every word and be disappointed upon finding out that it in fact can't. That's pretty sad actually.

BTW; doesn't this board have some sort of age or IQ restriction?
Ahh, i expected someone to do the "now where exactly is blah blah blah" thingie.

this level of real-time performance was only achieved when using very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations. However, with the design of the new Graphics Synthesizer, this high quality image is now available for in-home computer entertainment applications.

Please read that over and over again. Digest. Think. Ponder. Then tell me what it implies.

If you like to do the exact stuff, so when Kutaragi, himself, said that PS3 will not use CELL as the CPU, not only recently, but few months back too, does that mean PS3 will not have CELL?

Lastly, I like to clarify that i am disappointed with the PS2 HW, not the gaming portion. So thats that.

And i would like you to stay out of this little discussion im having with Vince. :oops:
chaphack said:
I would like to talk about them IF only i knew what is going at MS/Nintendo. Lets see, Official PS3 Topic has 100 over replies, so much so than the rest. And why is that?
Chaphack: Why do you think PS3 thread has so much more replies than Xbox2 and GC2? That's because not so many are interested in MS (and Nintendo) next generation consoles.
PS3 is generating so much interest and already, so it would be difficult for MS to surpass the (fan generated) hype and pre-publicity Sony is getting.
And that's all because there are so many satisfied PS2 users that are really looking forward what Sony has next up their sleeves.
Why should i go Japan? Im the consumer, they crapped alot about online lifestyle and what has happened so far? Nothing.
AFAIK, SoNet in Japan is just another online ISP, i have not heard mentions about cool download-on-demand entertainment services.
Broadband penetration is still relatively low in most parts of the world, so it would not have been profitable at all for Sony to invest massively in on-line services this generation.
I only know of one PS2 game that outright uses HOS and that is SSX. Ok my mistake here. Since we know PS2 is good at 3D transform.
Well, World Rally Championship is one athor title that comes to my mind. I'm sure there are many more (Smuggler's Run?)
im biased against PS2. And why is that? Because i was much more looking forward to PS2 than some GF256. I am a true blue console gamer. After all the hype, the actual PS2 system .... you know the rest
But why on earth are you still crying about it on forums? PS2 launched years ago, one would think you'd be over it already, moved to one of the other consoles and playing happily with their games.
You have no-one but yourself to blame for generating the hype inside your head.
Obvious that Sony wanted to mislead people by proclaimnig PS2 can do realtime visuals that are comparable to ones done by dedicated graphics workstation...now now...whats the first thing that comes to you mind when you see "dedicated gfx ws"? Thats right, prerendered CG quality graphics....
Dedicated workstation even today can't do 'realtime moviestyle graphics'. I believe (i might be wrong), during PS2 launch era REALTIME workstation graphics were lower quality than what PS2 is showing.
Please read that over and over again. Digest. Think. Ponder. Then tell me what it implies.

I didn't ask what he implies - I asked where does it say CG quality graphics? You see, the problem with implying is that everyone will imply something else. You obviously implied that Kutaragi promised the world, when to me, what he said pretty much justified what I got and how it compares to the PCs out at the time and what they delievered. So I ask again, where does it say CG quality graphics [in realtime]?

And i would like you to stay out of this little discussion im having with Vince.

May I remind that this is not your personal playground. This is a public messagebaord - if you wish to have a private discussion with Vince, I'm sure you can do this some place else (or by PM).
When this is applied to the processing of geometric and perspective transformations normally used in the calculation of 3D computer graphics (3DCG), the peak calculation performance reaches 66 million polygons per second. This performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production.
Now, now, please put concentrate and tell me the secret behind THE WORDS!
What secret?
SGI stations around that time didn't push more then a couple of dozen milion polys/s. And that's all I see it say...
Or maybe I should run it through a speech synthesizer and play it backwards looking for devil's messages in it? :oops:
Phil dear,

very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations does not sound like some gamer PC.

However, with the design of the new Graphics Synthesizer, this high quality image is now available for in-home computer entertainment applications.
which pretty much says it all. With GS in PS2, you can get the power and realtime performance of very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations in your home.

So what do you usually do with high power high performance graphics

Thats the beauty of Sony hype, they give you large neutral words and ambiguous statements, which implies something yet doesnt blatantly point that out. Please be honest, do you think that is just IT?

Maybe you like to ask your friends what they think of such a statement? Maybe if you try visiting other forums and seek a non chap views on this?
Chaphack: Why do you think PS3 thread has so much more replies than Xbox2 and GC2? That's because not so many are interested in MS (and Nintendo) next generation consoles.

Are you sure? Or maybe it is just little to no information about XB2 and GC2 to talk about?

PS3 is generating so much interest and already, so it would be difficult for MS to surpass the (fan generated) hype and pre-publicity Sony is getting.

That is why i always said around here, that this time, they better fulfil their hype train. Else its PS2 all over again.

Broadband penetration is still relatively low in most parts of the world, so it would not have been profitable at all for Sony to invest massively in on-line services this generation.

Maybe it was wiser for them to know their limitations and STFU, then to let all the big promises shink to oblivion?

PS2 launched years ago, one would think you'd be over it already, moved to one of the other consoles and playing happily with their games

Im not crying about that now. Im just stating im cautious about any Sony hype from then on. But of course some guys had to ignite the spark and i couldnt let the flames burn me away, can i?

Dedicated workstation even today can't do 'realtime moviestyle graphics'

Which makes me wonder what makes Sony think they could do that with the PS2.
Fafalada said:
When this is applied to the processing of geometric and perspective transformations normally used in the calculation of 3D computer graphics (3DCG), the peak calculation performance reaches 66 million polygons per second. This performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production.
Now, now, please put concentrate and tell me the secret behind THE WORDS!
What secret?
SGI stations around that time didn't push more then a couple of dozen milion polys/s. And that's all I see it say...
Or maybe I should run it through a speech synthesizer and play it backwards looking for devil's messages in it? :oops:

Hey! I deleted that post b4 you quoted it! Never fear, i shall answer that...

This performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production

Since PS2 is cheap, did any movie studio used it for their productions back then? In 1999/2000, CGW 3D cards alone, cost around hundreds to a few thousand iirc, you can really go high end with tons of memory and additional cpus/gpus. .


:p Thanks to cockles
chaphack said:
Phil dear,

very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations does not sound like some gamer PC.

However, with the design of the new Graphics Synthesizer, this high quality image is now available for in-home computer entertainment applications.
which pretty much says it all. With GS in PS2, you can get the power and realtime performance of very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations in your home.

So what do you usually do with high power high performance graphics

Thats the beauty of Sony hype, they give you large neutral words and ambiguous statements, which implies something yet doesnt blatantly point that out. Please be honest, do you think that is just IT?

Maybe you like to ask your friends what they think of such a statement? Maybe if you try visiting other forums and seek a non chap views on this?

To be honest, I really can't be bothered. Seems to me, you're the only one bothered by it actually. Go on and speculate on what he implied - I much rather use that time and enjoy the things that are out. BTW; once you find me that quote that says what PS2 will deliever rather than what is implied, come back, okay? Don't bother before that, as it holds no ground, dear. :oops:

Since PS2 is cheap, did any movie studio used it for their productions back then? SGI 3D cards alone, cost around hundreds to a few thousand iirc and you can really go high end with tons of memory.

Show me how to replace a SGI with a PS2 and I might do it, okay? :oops:
Show me how to replace a SGI with a PS2 and I might do it, okay?

Dont look at me, Sony thinks PS2 performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production <-- is that the quote you are looking for?

George Lucas must have fallen for the hype train too, remember that SW comment he made? :LOL:


chaphack said:
That is why i always said around here, that this time, they better fulfil their hype train. Else its PS2 all over again.
Maybe it was wiser for them to know their limitations and STFU, then to let all the big promises shink to oblivion?
Im not crying about that now. Im just stating im cautious about any Sony hype from then on. But of course some guys had to ignite the spark and i couldnt let the flames burn me away, can i?
Sony is in no way responsible fulfilling some hype it has not itself generated. You can't say either, that they should correct every misleading hype that is generated in for example these forums.
If it' sPS2 all over again, it will be a huge success again!

It's still possible that PS2 will be the 'entertainment hub' Sony visioned. At least in some parts of the world.
You can't exactly claim, that xbox is the online gaming revolution MS hyped it to be, can you. Even the MS advertised 'Online Ready Out Of The Box' xbox was not true. Off-the-shelf xbox is no more online ready than PS2. You still have to 'activate' the xbox online capability by paying money to MS. It is in no way different in consumer point of view than buing the similarily priced Network Adapter for PS2.

And yes chaphack, you should just let the flames burn you away. Just like they did with poor old chap... :oops:
Dont look at me, Sony thinks PS2 performance is comparable with that of high-end graphics workstations (GWS) used in motion picture production

What, first you imply that "very expensive, high performance, dedicated graphics workstations" means CG quality graphics in realtime - and now you're implying that because PS2's performance was comparable with that of high-end GWS that it can be used as a substitute in motion picture productions? It's funny seeing you blame Sony for 'supposedly' implying something stupid that really isn't there but in your mind... :oops:
What's funny is that yet again Chap ruined a whole thread with his childish behaviour.... :rolleyes:

and what's even funnier is that people still try to make him understand things when it's clear there's no room in his head for different (=objective)point of views... :rolleyes:
Why don't the mods ban him already.

I'm a newbie in these forums, and already it seems chap is taking way too much attention from more sensible postings. Whe I started reading these threads, I was amazed how much of the postings are from this same person, and how almost none of them bring no constructive subjects to discussions at all.

I mean, chap is almost in every thread, posting those same things over and over again.
Is chap some dark alter ego of a mod or something.

I agree it is sometimes funny to read how he bangs his head on the wall, but it soon gets old.

I'm not going to reply to chap any more, time is better spent reading the more informative posts that fortunately are still to be found.