CELL will be there in PS3!

how can anyone claim that XB2/GC2 are going to be launched before.....provide any link that suggests it!

They havent even decided CPU/GPU///// At current rate we may see XB2/GC2 in 2010.... :LOL:

I really want to see who MS has opted for CPU/GPU!
Deepak said:
how can anyone claim that XB2/GC2 are going to be launched before.....provide any link that suggests it!

They havent even decided CPU/GPU///// At current rate we may see XB2/GC2 in 2010.... :LOL:

I really want to see who MS has opted for CPU/GPU!

I thiink what's suggesting that scenario is a press release of MS saying that they won't let Sony have another headstart come next generation - and current reports that suggest that PS3 will launch in 2007 instead of 2005.
Even in an unlikely scnerio of PS3 being launched in 2007.....show me a single deal MS had made with ATI/NV/Intel/AMD...they can't just pull out XB2 out of thin air....they have to have deals/plans etc to show what they are planning about XB2....when they havent yet begun I can hardly see them launching in 2005...
"Mindshare/Brand recognition can only bring you so far IF you screwed up your next system."

BS. Sony messed up PS2 didn't they? Lack of Vram, developers complaining about it. Oh and tons of system bugs and problems and look at it, it's litterally CRUSHING everything else.
The plan is 65 nm, but 45 nm is scheduled to follow as soon as they can so probably they will make the fabs easily upgradable to 45 nm.
Paul said:
BS. Sony messed up PS2 didn't they? Lack of Vram, developers complaining about it. Oh and tons of system bugs and problems and look at it, it's litterally CRUSHING everything else.

Your faaaaith in Playstation is strong i see... :oops:

How bout you and i take a bet that if PS3 hw is screwed, Sony will not have that much of a success as PS2, provided that MS/Nintendo dont screw themselves. :oops:
Your faaaaith in Playstation is strong i see...

How bout you and i take a bet that if PS3 hw is screwed, Sony will not have that much of a success as PS2, provided that MS/Nintendo dont screw themselves.

It's called logic, and it's something I apply.

PS2 was screwed, and MS and Nintendo didn't screw themselves and ps2 is still crushing everything, what's your point?

You have like 15 million playstation fans that will buy ps3 REGARDLESS, that's a given you will always have those. And you have the millions of others that are obviously satisfied with Sony and will look into buying a ps3.

To think that ps3 can magicly fail as you seem to think chap is pretty ignorant.

People want "playstation" not Xbox, atleast the mainstream gamer does. That's something you don't understand, and it's why ps2 is destroying the competition.
It's called logic, and it's something I apply

And it is also called logic that Playstation alone will not ensure another crushing victory.

You have like 15 million playstation fans that will buy ps3 REGARDLESS, that's a given you will always have those.

You do know that old Nintendo consoles was selling big time a few many years ago?

To think that ps3 can magicly fail as you seem to think chap is pretty ignorant

No one said it would fail, just that it might not reach the PS2 heights of today.

People want "playstation" not Xbox, atleast the mainstream gamer does. That's something you don't understand, and it's why ps2 is destroying the competition.

And you know better? How "mainstream" are you? Things change overtime, there is no confirmation that "playstation" will crush everything again.

I forgot this one...

PS2 was screwed, and MS and Nintendo didn't screw themselves and ps2 is still crushing everything

Because they were a little late. ;)

Come on everyone, dont you think its very very silly to proclaim Sony outright victorious with the PS3, when it is not even out yet. Hell, we dont even know the specs the design and preety much everything. That is truly irrational thinking imho. Think with your head, not your heart.... :oops: :LOL: :oops:
It's called logic, and it's something I apply

And it is also called logic that Playstation alone will not ensure another crushing victory.

You have like 15 million playstation fans that will buy ps3 REGARDLESS, that's a given you will always have those.

You do know that old Nintendo consoles was selling big time a few many years ago?

To think that ps3 can magicly fail as you seem to think chap is pretty ignorant

No one said it would fail, just that it might not reach the PS2 heights of today.

People want "playstation" not Xbox, atleast the mainstream gamer does. That's something you don't understand, and it's why ps2 is destroying the competition.

And you know better? How "mainstream" are you? Things change overtime, there is no confirmation that "playstation" will crush everything again.

Nintendo's consoles weren't selling as much as psone and ps2 are today, they may have had a bigger marketshare but the market for videogames was alot smaller then.

We are arguing THIS quote.

"Mindshare/Brand recognition can only bring you so far IF you screwed up your next system."

Which I have already proved you wrong with, ps2 is a screw up big time. And mindshare/brand name is making ps2 crush everything in it's path.
Because they were a little late.

Which means? Going by that ps2 should be selling like crap now because "better" non flawed systems are out, which is not the case. Ps2 was out a little late compared to dreamcast and look what happened there, the ps2 hype killed dreamcast. If it wasn't for this, sega would have pulled through.[/quote]
Come on everyone, dont you think its very very silly to proclaim Sony outright victorious with the PS3, when it is not even out yet.

Not once did I say this, i'm simply saying how big of a fool you are if you think PS3 is going to fail.
Nintendo's consoles weren't selling as much as psone and ps2 are today, they may have had a bigger marketshare but the market for videogames was alot smaller then.

SNES alone sold around 46m hardware and 380m software worldwide. Not bad for a period before the console boom of today.

Which I have already proved you wrong with, ps2 is a screw up big time.

I would have been proven wrong IF only i had said that prior to PS2, but i didnt. So.... :LOL:
Now if Sony is still able to crush the competition with a fucked up PS3 hardware, then i gladly admit i got owned. ;)

Though im glad you admitted PS2 was a pretty fucked up system. :p :oops:
Deepak said:
Even in an unlikely scnerio of PS3 being launched in 2007.....show me a single deal MS had made with ATI/NV/Intel/AMD...they can't just pull out XB2 out of thin air....they have to have deals/plans etc to show what they are planning about XB2....when they havent yet begun I can hardly see them launching in 2005...

I think it's highly speculative at the moment what deals/plans Microsoft/Nintendo have already made. In other words, we just don't know, but it would be wrong to assume that they are sleeping. Also, Xbox took no more than 20 months from it being publicy announced until being launched. If MS goes the same route, I wouldn't think it takes any more time. So, 2005 launch for MS is still quite possible...
Not once did I say this, i'm simply saying how big of a fool you are if you think PS3 is going to fail.

Firstly, you have to find me saying PS3 is only to fail......I think the good logical posters in this topic have never suggested that PS3 will be another runaway success just like that, unlike someone....

Ps2 was out a little late compared to dreamcast and look what happened there, the ps2 hype killed dreamcast. If it wasn't for this, sega would have pulled through

-Sega reputation with consumers and developers took a big hit during the disasterous SCD/32X/Saturn years.
-Sega ran out of cash to support the DC.

Do you see that happening to MS/Nintendo this gen?

Hype/mindshare can only bring you so far IF you screwed up the rest of your cards. :oops:
chaphack said:
Though im glad you admitted PS2 was a pretty fucked up system. :p :oops:

WELL i'm still of the opinion that the hardware itself was ahead of the time when it came out AND for quite a while after it was released.

the only flaw was the total f**k-up from Sony with regards to the documentation and libraries.

...but maybe it's just me...
Though im glad you admitted PS2 was a pretty fucked up system.

That just proves how powerful mindshare is... and after this generation, Sony will be enjoying even more of it.
-Sega reputation with consumers and developers took a big hit during the disasterous SCD/32X/Saturn years.
-Sega ran out of cash to support the DC.

a.) Despite the lack of 3rd party support, Dreamcast had one of the best years in terms of software. This point is moot.

b.) Sega only ran out because sales didn't pick up.

The point is, despite the head start Dreamcast had, MINDSHARE of the next PlayStation console was too big to ensure its success. If that was anything to go by, you bet Nintendo/Microsoft will have it hard even with a headstart. The only thing in favor of MS/Nintendo is the fact that DC had somewhat negativ mindshare among consumers. Nintendo and Microsoft don't have too positiv mindshare either, considering Nintendo is still fighting against their kiddy image and MS enjoying the priviledge of being quite hated among many people and their failure in Japan at least.
i don't believe a minute that next-gen war will be about hardware (Hell ,it's not even truly the case this generation ,except for a handfull of nerds -or more often nuts)

It 'll be more than ever about contents ,design ,fonctionalities ,and marketing.

Both will have a need for strong software developpement tools.This is the only "critical" point.

The same was said with the supernes vs the genesis .

The outcome market was almost split. Even though nintnedo was the only big name back then.

It took ms less than a year to make the xbox. Same thing will happen this time around. The best part of makeing an off the shelf console.

If sony drops the ball and launches in 2007)i still think early 2006) and ms launches in 2005 ... the ps3 will be in big trouble.

Mindshare is alright but there are many brands that were once strong and now are gone or almost dead.

If ms really wants to throw dirt on sony (if sony is coming out in 2007) they could release a xbox 2 with a 2.5ghz p4 , 1gig of ram and a dual r400 gpu with 256megs of ram each. It will be expensive but it be unsurpassed for a good two years before sony can come out with something. That is just one case of ms doing something . The other case could be an xbox 2 in 2005 with halo 2 , half life 2 , doom 3 , quake 4 , full line up of sports , a few rpgs , a few action adventure games . Good strong line up. Very nice