Deepak said:how can anyone claim that XB2/GC2 are going to be launched before.....provide any link that suggests it!
They havent even decided CPU/GPU///// At current rate we may see XB2/GC2 in 2010....
I really want to see who MS has opted for CPU/GPU!
Paul said:BS. Sony messed up PS2 didn't they? Lack of Vram, developers complaining about it. Oh and tons of system bugs and problems and look at it, it's litterally CRUSHING everything else.
Your faaaaith in Playstation is strong i see...
How bout you and i take a bet that if PS3 hw is screwed, Sony will not have that much of a success as PS2, provided that MS/Nintendo dont screw themselves.
It's called logic, and it's something I apply
You have like 15 million playstation fans that will buy ps3 REGARDLESS, that's a given you will always have those.
To think that ps3 can magicly fail as you seem to think chap is pretty ignorant
People want "playstation" not Xbox, atleast the mainstream gamer does. That's something you don't understand, and it's why ps2 is destroying the competition.
PS2 was screwed, and MS and Nintendo didn't screw themselves and ps2 is still crushing everything
It's called logic, and it's something I apply
And it is also called logic that Playstation alone will not ensure another crushing victory.
You have like 15 million playstation fans that will buy ps3 REGARDLESS, that's a given you will always have those.
You do know that old Nintendo consoles was selling big time a few many years ago?
To think that ps3 can magicly fail as you seem to think chap is pretty ignorant
No one said it would fail, just that it might not reach the PS2 heights of today.
People want "playstation" not Xbox, atleast the mainstream gamer does. That's something you don't understand, and it's why ps2 is destroying the competition.
And you know better? How "mainstream" are you? Things change overtime, there is no confirmation that "playstation" will crush everything again.
Because they were a little late.
Come on everyone, dont you think its very very silly to proclaim Sony outright victorious with the PS3, when it is not even out yet.
Nintendo's consoles weren't selling as much as psone and ps2 are today, they may have had a bigger marketshare but the market for videogames was alot smaller then.
Which I have already proved you wrong with, ps2 is a screw up big time.
Deepak said:Even in an unlikely scnerio of PS3 being launched in me a single deal MS had made with ATI/NV/Intel/AMD...they can't just pull out XB2 out of thin air....they have to have deals/plans etc to show what they are planning about XB2....when they havent yet begun I can hardly see them launching in 2005...
Not once did I say this, i'm simply saying how big of a fool you are if you think PS3 is going to fail.
Ps2 was out a little late compared to dreamcast and look what happened there, the ps2 hype killed dreamcast. If it wasn't for this, sega would have pulled through
chaphack said:Though im glad you admitted PS2 was a pretty fucked up system.
Though im glad you admitted PS2 was a pretty fucked up system.
-Sega reputation with consumers and developers took a big hit during the disasterous SCD/32X/Saturn years.
-Sega ran out of cash to support the DC.