CELL will be there in PS3!

Deepak - That is all well and good but what that guy doesn't seem to understand is that sony wants to put cell in everything , blue ray players , dvd players , the kitchen sink , tvs , disc mans , ovens , raidos , clocks .... anything u can think of . Thats how they will make thier money back even if it isn't in the ps3 it will be in every product after the ps3 .
I think SONY wont mind launching PS3 in 2007 if somehow they have insider info that suggests that XB2 is also delayed till 2007....
Deepak said:
I think SONY wont mind launching PS3 in 2007 if somehow they have insider info that suggests that XB2 is also delayed till 2007....

Problem is the thing everyone knocks ms for (using off the shelf) Means that they can really launch the xbox 2 next week if they wanted too. So if they had to wait till 2007 before sony launched thier system ms would be happy. Newer gpu's , faster cpu's and more time to make back some money lost on the xbox 1.
Wow, great read Deepak. Reminds me of which, did Hannibal ever write an analys covering that patent?

what the guy does know though is that the money that is being invested into those fabs that will possibly engineer CELL's is a lot. Too much to just cover ordinary CELLs going into consumer electronics. If you're suggesting that Sony has additional money for a different chip for PS3, think again. The PlayStation brand is one of Sony's most profitable (if not) - you bet that the priorities are at the right place. ;)

BTW; how did the date go? :LOL:
jvd....SONY dont care if Cell is not there in TVs/DVDs/CDs/etc(it wont make any difference to sales of these products)...but it has to be there in PS3...PS3 was the reason why SONY partnered with IBM/Toshiba...they are spending billions....SONY's major profit (>50%) comes from PS1/2 sales.....PS3 is where the PROFIT is!!!
It's already confirmed that Cell is going to be in ps3 from numerous 1-3 day old articles, as well as SCEI confirming it themselves..

I would expect a 2005 launch for Japan with a USA in 2006.
I would rather see PS3 launch the same year in Japan and the USA -

If 2006, then Japan March 2006 - fall USA - because a PS3 that comes out in 2006 will have stronger spec than if it comes out 1 year before.
(more memory, higher clock, better Visualizer/GS3, etc)
jvd said:
Deepak - That is all well and good but what that guy doesn't seem to understand is that sony wants to put cell in everything , blue ray players , dvd players , the kitchen sink , tvs , disc mans , ovens , raidos , clocks .... anything u can think of . Thats how they will make thier money back even if it isn't in the ps3 it will be in every product after the ps3 .

Playstation 3 is a major KEY ( or even THE key ) to that startegy ... no wonder why Sony's groups have been reorganizing around SCEI: PlayStation 3 is going to be the media center, the living room's center of gravity, the first killer-app/Trojan Horse for Cell...
some more.....

Sony Talks About Their R&D Efforts at GDC 2003...

Shin'ichi Okamoto, Senior Vice President and CTO of Sony Computer Entertainment said this at GDC2003....

"Along with parallel computing, there's also distributed computing, a concept embodied by the Internet. Right now the 'net is basically a group of PCs connected to servers all connected together (an oversimplification, but it works). In the coming years, the shape of the Internet, Okamoto asserts, is going to change. From 2001 to 2005, we'll be developing what he calls "Internet with appliances." Not just PCs, but mobiles, digital televisions, and game consoles will all connect to their own nooks and crannies of the 'net. And beyond 2005, he hinted that the Internet will be organized into what he called "cells," a project that Sony is working on with IBM and Toshiba. Sadly, he got very vague. "Today I cannot mention more detail of cell processor," he said, noting that it'll be unveiled around 2003 or 2004. He did state, however, that the third generation PlayStation would be based on this technology. That means a PlayStation 3 born and bred to be jacked into the 'net."
Yea guys . The best laid plans of mice and men .... the best laid plans ......

Saying that I'm sure thats what sony wants . I never said sony didn't want to launch it but if the rumors are true and the cell chip wont be ready till 2007 then well. Nintendo and ms can launch early with systems that put the current ones to shame and with good games (they can do it) then the ps3 will be in a big disadvantage.
jvd said:
Yea guys . The best laid plans of mice and men .... the best laid plans ......

Saying that I'm sure thats what sony wants . I never said sony didn't want to launch it but if the rumors are true and the cell chip wont be ready till 2007 then well. Nintendo and ms can launch early with systems that put the current ones to shame and with good games (they can do it) then the ps3 will be in a big disadvantage.

I really can't see Microsoft or Nintendo being in a huge advantage here. In your scenario, all I see happening is 2 Dreamcasts and that's about it. I remember at the time Dreamcast launched, I looked at it and though... "not bad", but deep down, the hype around the next PlayStation grew even bigger being confident that what Sony will deliver in given time will surpass what I saw presented on Dreamcast. I suspect many will feel the same if MS or Nintendo launches first.

The only problem that should be to Sony's concern are the developers. They would need to keep the hype high to ensure that they get that 3rd party support to blow the competition away. And with a later launch, comes better hardware that will inturn blow away consumers. No matter how you put it, I see Sony in a big advantage no matter at what time they choose to launch. Mindshare is a very powerful thing, and it's not on the side of neither Nintendo or Microsoft.
Phil said:
jvd said:
Yea guys . The best laid plans of mice and men .... the best laid plans ......

Saying that I'm sure thats what sony wants . I never said sony didn't want to launch it but if the rumors are true and the cell chip wont be ready till 2007 then well. Nintendo and ms can launch early with systems that put the current ones to shame and with good games (they can do it) then the ps3 will be in a big disadvantage.

I really can't see Microsoft or Nintendo being in a huge advantage here. In your scenario, all I see happening is 2 Dreamcasts and that's about it. I remember at the time Dreamcast launched, I looked at it and though... "not bad", but deep down, the hype around the next PlayStation grew even bigger being confident that what Sony will deliver in given time will surpass what I saw presented on Dreamcast. I suspect many will feel the same if MS or Nintendo launches first.

The only problem that should be to Sony's concern are the developers. They would need to keep the hype high to ensure that they get that 3rd party support to blow the competition away. And with a later launch, comes better hardware that will inturn blow away consumers. No matter how you put it, I see Sony in a big advantage no matter at what time they choose to launch. Mindshare is a very powerful thing, and it's not on the side of neither Nintendo or Microsoft.

So Phil your showing your own stripes now . Your basicly saying there is no way for sony to loose this gen.

They said that about nintendo and sega came out and took half the market share. It can be done again. In my idea above it would be ms or nintendo having at least a year advantage even two years advantage. With a ton of great games. With ms buying a crazy amount of exclusives (which u know they will do). Sony can very well fail. Nintendo and ms are not sega. They have money. Sega did not . Sega was dead when they released the dreamcast (which is a shame) and it still sold very well. Ms and nintendo will go out with the big guns early on to try and take sonys thunder away. And if ms and nintendo hit it right they can have specs close to that of the ps3. Remember its using the same .65nm that it be using in 2005 if its delayed to 2007. Sony wont be able to increase the specs much. If at all .
So Phil your showing your own stripes now . Your basicly saying there is no way for sony to loose this gen.

They said that about nintendo and sega came out and took half the market share. It can be done again. In my idea above it would be ms or nintendo having at least a year advantage even two years advantage. With a ton of great games. With ms buying a crazy amount of exclusives (which u know they will do). Sony can very well fail. Nintendo and ms are not sega. They have money. Sega did not . Sega was dead when they released the dreamcast (which is a shame) and it still sold very well. Ms and nintendo will go out with the big guns early on to try and take sonys thunder away. And if ms and nintendo hit it right they can have specs close to that of the ps3. Remember its using the same .65nm that it be using in 2005 if its delayed to 2007. Sony wont be able to increase the specs much. If at all .

That's not quite what I ment. Of course, I'm not saying that Sony has no chance of failing (that'd be quite ignorant on anyones side to believe that). What I am saying is that Sony has a huge advantage thanks to its mindshare and that it will be very hard to beat them.

If PS3 would launch at a later time, I think developer support would be the most crucial to Sony and with all the mindshare they've got, I'm sure they could keep many developers in line ready for when they launch the next PlayStation. Bearing in mind that Sony isn't stupid, I would be pretty sure that they would not launch more than a year later if even that. Of course, Microsoft has money, but lets be honest here, they've got money now too and their using it, yet it's not making a real significant difference. It's not as if Sony doesn't have any money of their own and I'm sure they won't be afraid to use it to ensure some valuable exluclusives here and there.

I think you're underestimating how powerful mindshare is here. Dreamcast would have sold much better if it weren't for the hype anticipating the PS2's launch. Consumers knew the PS2 was coming - and you bet, if MS and Nintendo launch first, they'll know that a PS3 will be on its way aswell.
Most developers are going multiplatform. When the next generation of consoles are released, I don't think that's going to change anything. If MS or N releases their consoles before PS3, I don't think 3rd parties are going to wait to develop on PS3 considering it's architecture. The only thing the PS3 is going to have if it comes out after the other two is exclusives and both MS and N have those too. I don't think this hypothetical scenario is like what happened with DC.
PC-Engine said:
Most developers are going multiplatform. When the next generation of consoles are released, I don't think that's going to change anything. If MS or N releases their consoles before PS3, I don't think 3rd parties are going to wait to develop on PS3 considering it's architecture. The only thing the PS3 is going to have if it comes out after the other two is exclusives and both MS and N have those too. I don't think this hypothetical scenario is like what happened with DC.

There are going to be people waiting for PlayStation 3... the PlayStation brand IS powerful...

From another thread:

That is also true, they can afford to launch some months after Xbox 2 if this comes with some exclusive 3rd party games, good 1st party titles and better APIs ( more refined thanks to the extra development ) and this would also help them reduce costs on other technologies whcih Sony would want to include in PlayStation 3 like Blu-Ray...

The PlayStation brand is quite powerful and PlayStation 2 is helping it grow even more: they know how to hype the PlayStation 3 and get the word out and the mouth to mouth advertisement going and lots of free advertisement from the press eager to cover new details on Sony's next-generation PlayStation console.

Also, the introduction of a PSTwo (major re-design of the PlayStation 2 ) and a revised/redesigned PSOne would still get quite a bit of sales and publishers would still be inclined to keep development for those two platforms going...

There is no risk involved for them as the PlayStation 3 is supposed to be backward-compatible with PlayStation 2 and PSX ( in order to run PlayStation 2 games it would need an emulated PSX core anyways, unless they embed it too, and then you can re-use that efficiently and accurately emulated PSX core for Software PSX emulation and run the PSX GPU code on the PlayStation 3's GPU like on PlayStation 2 the graphics code is run on the GS IIRC ) so new PlayStation 2 titles would benefit from the increased experience in PlayStation 2 coding across programmers and people would not be scared of buying those games as their money would be invested in software that would not be thrown away when the user changes from PlayStation 2 to PlayStation 3.

By that time PlayStation 2 userbase will be even bigger and making PlayStation 2 games will be cheaper too...

This was a post of mine.
Remember its using the same .65nm that it be using in 2005 if its delayed to 2007. Sony wont be able to increase the specs much. If at all .

No way, if they're going to have 65nm next yr, you can be certain that if they delay to 2007 or beyond it will use 45nm or below... if it's significantly below that number... terascale integration and petaflops come to mind....
There are going to be people waiting for PlayStation 3... the PlayStation brand IS powerful...

Of course there will...there are people waiting for Xbox2 and GCN2 too... ;)

Unlike DC, GCN2 and Xbox2 as with GCN and Xbox will have ALL the major 3rd parties. Most developers are going multiplatform and that's not going to change...
zidane1strife said:
Remember its using the same .65nm that it be using in 2005 if its delayed to 2007. Sony wont be able to increase the specs much. If at all .

No way, if they're going to have 65nm next yr, you can be certain that if they delay to 2007 or beyond it will use 45nm or below... if it's significantly below that number... terascale integration and petaflops come to mind....

Not if they are waiting on the .65 micron . Part of the billions they are investing in cell is going to the .65 micron fabs my friend. It will be the same process.