Cell about to go into mass production.

Also, even staying at 90nm, the diffrence in die sizes between the ~2000 launch ICs and todays EE+GS is huge, it's mind-boggling to me how Microsoft wants to compete in the long-term using 3rd party ICs. If SCE keeps this up, they're going to bend MS over so badly on their economies of scale and bottom-line profits.

Infact it would appear that SCE/Toshiba are kicking much of the industries ass in scaling the lithography down. They've definatly beasted the Tiawan based founderies.

This is one of the key-points of Sony's strategy: Microsoft has a lot of money in the bank and it is approaching the industry with the wallet wide open and not much regard for cost efficiency ( the Xbox is STILL loosing quite a bit of money for each unit sold while PlayStation 2 has been profitable for a while now ) and Sony plans to keep attacking them on the manufacturing size by pushing the manufacturing costs down as much as it can thanks to the good R&D job that keeps on researching new manufacturing technologies.

Sony plans to have Microsoft outspend them each time trying to catch up or surpass them and with Microsoft policy of using 3rd party produced chips, Microsoft cannot drive the costs down as fast as Sony can...

Sony knows they have less money in the bank than Microsoft and that is why they are playing it smart and aggresively.

Sony as a semiconductor manufacturer is gaining lots of experience from their alliance with Toshiba on PlayStation 2 chips and with IBM and Toshiba on PlayStation 3 chips which is good for all three companies :D
Panajev2001a said:
Vince said:
Panajev2001a said:
jvd you are Italian too ???

There is too many of us, it's obvious we've become overpopulated and are trying to eliminate the excess with crowbars.


naaaah, we all love each other, right ? :cry:

Joseph vinny DeSantis . Oh my catholic middle name is guy .... don't even ask me to spell out my whole name in italian haha
Panajev2001a said:
Sony plans to have Microsoft outspend them each time trying to catch up or surpass them and with Microsoft policy of using 3rd party produced chips, Microsoft cannot drive the costs down as fast as Sony can...

I think this is already being one of the key negociating points for the next xbox implemtation - they will want to IP license rather than purchase chips.
Uhm... IMHO they should buy PVR ( or better the whole IMG Tech ;) ), bring the ex-Cagent people from their WebTV division into the new MS-PVR and get Intel to fab the chips... or someone else with similar manufacturing technology... like... TMSC ;)

It is unlikely they will ask IBM to manufacture the chips though.
I read somewhere that PS2 manufacturing is being moved to China, but the chips are still being manufactured in Japan similar to GCN. I think FIC is handling PS2 manufacturing in China. Actually FIC manufactures the PCBs for PS2, Xbox, and GCN.
Some part of the current PlayStation 2 manufacturing ( like half of it ) was not moved to China as of yet... more will be moved by 2004...

Also the EE+GS combo chip manufactured using 90 nm technology will be produced in Japan as the fabs in China do not have 90 nm lines ready yet...
jvd: "Unless it has the better games ?"

What on earth makes you think that will suddenly start to have anything to do with which console sells most? :p
it's a tough one cuz i don't really have a GF... havent had one IN A WHILE.... a LOOOOONG while

than beg/borrow/steal from someone////or ask jvd...he has in plenty/// :D

BTW, I am really happy for those girls who otherwise would have had to suffer.. :LOL: