Carnage Rules!
The first game i played(in fact i tried to play) after Catalyst 15.7 was Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. I'm using R9 270X and Windows 8.1. (All of the driver settings are default) I ran the game yesterday and i saw weird artifacts on the screen. Taking a screenshot or record the gameplay video is meaningless because the image that taken from the frame buffer is very clear so i'm gonna try to describe them(it's very hard for me): There are some blue or violet(or the same color of the area) boxes flickering on the screen and the number of boxes increase when i move, or turn left or right. When i stop the move the character, most of the artifacts disappear. After playing couple of minutes stopping the movement doesn't help. It seems like pure hardware error a lot. I quitted from the game and tried another game(Dirt:Rally) i didn't see any artifacts.
I started to think and i remembered that i encountered some problems with Wolfenstein: The New Order. Here's the thread:
But they wasn't horrible as i saw yesterday.
I rolled back to Catalyst 14.12(I preferred to stay away from the betas) and i the problem solved. There's no graphical corruption(even common problems like z-fighting or texture flickering)
Here's my questions:
1/Was it a hardware error that some drivers can easily mask and some of them can't? I'm asking this because it seems like very hardware problem.
2/Has anyone seen the same or similar problem? Is my card the only one that troubles Wolf:Old Blood with Cat 15.7?
I started to think and i remembered that i encountered some problems with Wolfenstein: The New Order. Here's the thread:
But they wasn't horrible as i saw yesterday.
I rolled back to Catalyst 14.12(I preferred to stay away from the betas) and i the problem solved. There's no graphical corruption(even common problems like z-fighting or texture flickering)
Here's my questions:
1/Was it a hardware error that some drivers can easily mask and some of them can't? I'm asking this because it seems like very hardware problem.
2/Has anyone seen the same or similar problem? Is my card the only one that troubles Wolf:Old Blood with Cat 15.7?