Yes, the xbox 360 comes in two discs.
A nice thing is both will probably need a install to play from one disc.
Hope more 360 multiplat devs will start doing it.
Yes, the xbox 360 comes in two discs.
A nice thing is both will probably need a install to play from one disc.
Hope more 360 multiplat devs will start doing it.
Yes, the xbox 360 comes in two discs.
Is this confirmed? Or is the actual game split into two disks while the PS3 version is on one Blu ray because of adequate space?
Some new 360 footage
Hopefully they don't do any face-off with the review code, it's been mentioned on a few sites that the review copies has few frame-rate issues while the retail copies don't have that issue.Dont know hopefully we get a face off article this week from digital foundry or lens of truth. Would be nice to have had a demo on the 360 but im afraid it will come post release next week. Shame i cant get it day one no money poor student so i probably going to maybe rent it somewhere and buy it when dlc comes out and the game dropped to around 40 euro.
and framerate is a joke ;\,
Not even remotely ;] I havent seen analysis before playing this demo, i've only saw some e3 or before e3 gameplay video where i also notice poor framerate, but playing and watching is two different things ;]Placebo then after seeing the analysis?
Game is awesome, graphics are awesome, design is awesome, but camera need some work to be playable not only when enemies are in front of camera and framerate is a joke ;\, but still controls are way more responsive than in GoW 3 [which i find hilarious].
This game really needs more control over camera and framerate optimization to be ultra epic.