Billy Idol
Hopefully this game is like Dragons Dogma!
I think capcom said its a mixed between Dragon's dogma and monster hunter.Hopefully this game is like Dragons Dogma!
In such a small and confined space this is the least I expected, but looks like the dream of a 1080p res is dead since they aimed for 60fps. Gameplay wise except for the dragon fight, poking at bear pig mofos while traversing stairs are really not my thing.
I thought they were aiming for 1080@60?
Only 60fps has been confirmed. resolution hasn't been conformed yet but the general talk seems to be to be of 720p. NO one's sure as no one knows.
Funny enough , 900p is what I heard the game is running at currently.
That's making some significant assumptions not relevant to this thread. We are not going to assume any game on PS4 will be 1080p unless held back by XB1. If Deep Down is 720p or 900p, or 540p, or 1080p, at this point we have to take that to be the developers design choice relevant to the console it's known to be releasing on. All we need to discuss here is what resolution the game will be and what impact that'll have on the experience.I guess that would make sense if this was a timed exclusive. Otherwise there is no need to cut back the feature set.
The actual fighting looks rather lackluster. All he seems to do is poke with his spear or cast spells. Also unless the pig things miss him every single time, there doesn't seem to be any feedback on your character from being hit by those massive blows.
That's because he is parrying them.
That's making some significant assumptions not relevant to this thread. We are not going to assume any game on PS4 will be 1080p unless held back by XB1.
Deep Down MIGHT be released on XB1 but MS will have to change its policies with F2P.
I doubt it anyway since Sony is co-developing it.