Before the Xbox One reveal, people who didn't want Kinect had a good reason to make their voice heard.
In the world where the console is on the market and is made more expensive because you're forced to buy a Kinect with it, it's understandable that you'd want rock-solid support. Especially when rock-solid support was supposedly the upside of the required bundling.
Furthermore, a lot of the people who asked for less focus on Kinect are still requesting a Kinect-less SKU.
There's really not a ton of consumer hypocrisy here.
Yet the Kinect runs through the entire system and design choices were made for Kinect. Whats an xbox one without an Kinect .
Tkf says it right after you
but the real games will be bought and played on the superior PS4.
Your vision is getting clouded..
The Kinect technology is from 2010 so they had plenty of time to create the games needed to convince us it's the new black.
I bought into it, happy I did since my kids have fun. But for real games it sucks, sorry.
So when Microsoft decides to build a new console around the kinect tech and ask people to pay for it as well, then I think it's more than reasonable to ask for games that makes it worth it.
I want it since in my case it would be the main thing that interests me vs the PS4, but the real games will be bought and played on the superior PS4.
As for your problems with your PS4 controllers, return them, warranty should cover it.
I have an xbox one because of Kinect . I don't need a ps4 since it doesn't do anything different than a superior gaming pc. Because after all the real games will be bought and played on a machine that can push 4k and not struggle with 1080p.
That's the way this goes right ?
The original Kinect was introduced in 2010 yes and it was limited in what it can do. We've only had the new Kinect since nov of 2013. Lets see what comes down the pipe for it. There are a few games in which Kinect is fun for the xbox one. I liked dead rising and being able to lure zombies to you by shouting . I also like the px90 work out (although i'm way to fat lol) Kinect sports is also a fun game. Then there is all the xbox menu interaction .I'm sure at e3 we will see more and more uses out of it.
Its the same way I don't fault the ps4 for only having a single exclusive worth playing.
I don't think you could shift all AI to the cloud but perhaps some. Most people tend to react quickly (twitch) to physical stimulus but less quick to other things, like for example a car crash where there is an distinct observe-process-react cycle and more outlandish observations where there is often a 'is this really happening?' thought processes thrown in. These types of slower reactions, along with more complicated crowd behaviours, could perhaps be offloaded.
For me i'm more interested in the simulation never ending. What if in fable 5 I log out of my game to sleep but the world continues on and changes while I sleep with characters doing different things. So when I log back in the world is different than when I left it. A night wouldn't change anything but 3 months or 3 years ?
What if I go to a gym and don't wan to tdo yoga? Is is still amazing value? I get it, you like Kinect 2 but some of us just want great games without paying for a device that we're not going to use. Now Microsoft say great games are coming, but we heard this from
Phil Spencer in 2010 when the original was launched.
Déjà vu?
There are already great games on the xbox one. Exclusive wise you have Ryse , forza , dead rising 3 , titan fall to name a few . I'm sure its similar in great games to its rival platforms.
So whats the real problem ? The xbox one costs $500 and people think it has to do with Kinect ?
It might be Kinect that pushes the price up but we don't know if it is or by how much. Is the whole $100 difference Kinect ? If Kinect is removed can they under cut sony in pricing ? Will they be able to undercut sony enough to get past the mentality that tkf is showing ?
Like I've said a price parity non Kinect xbox one sku wont help ms.
Kinect and xbox one should both become cheaper to make as volumes go up and they start hitting die shrinks . until then bundling and a modest price drop is the smartest way forward.
At some point perhaps the 16nm drop Ms will be able to drop costs enough that no one will think twice about Kinect esp if great games keep droping