Bubbles troubles take the next one.


Ok, so now I know why I'm still having some grief with Bubbles and can only run her at 1440Mhz stably....when I put my Zalman on my CPU I shifted the northbridge cooler which I think borked the AS5 on it's effectiveness. I have to pull it and put some proper cheapy white thermal gunk on it.

Question: is there any way to pull it off and remount it without pulling my mobo? It's on by pullpins, is it possible to pull those and yank the bugger off or will I bork it up more?

Oh, and I was going to add some cooling to me southbridge when I was in there...just 'cause. :)
I said, "SCREW IT!!!", and ripped her mobo out and got the northbridge re-installed and threw an old cooler on the southbridge.

Now I'm just too chickenshit to test if that fixed it or not. :oops:
Sounds mo' betta!

I kinda had to post here so Digi wouldn't come off as talking to himself .... :oops:

So is 2100 the default speed of Bubbles or do you have the multiplier dropped?
And just to keep talking to meself so I don't go cursing in real-life... :rolleyes:

I wedged a small fan I got from Snipe in between my CPU cooler & viddy card aimed at my northbridge since it was very hot to the touch. I felt all clever and good about it since it seemed to work well, then turned off Bubbles and closed her up....

...and then she wouldn't boot.

Total dead stick, nada, nothing. I went thru all the basics, emergency procedures, and lucky voodoo rituals to no avail.

Then I jiggled the heatsink a bit and she booted right up. :rolleyes:

I think it's time I face the inevitable, the Zalman 7000cu just was never intended for the NF7-S and trying to force it to work may just be the cause of all me griefs.

I'm going to throw on a cooler that Snipe sent me when he sent me the engineering sample fans (cool fans; lil and quiet but strong!) and see if that doesn't bring some stability back for me....I'm just getting sooo tired of tearing out my mobo though that I think I'll mow the lawn and clean my house first! (And those are not two of my fave activities. :? )

After a really rotten day yesterday I was happily surprised to find out that I didn't have to pull my mobo to put on the new heatsink, it fit in right between the Zalman mounting brackets. The new heatsink is a CoolJag that Snipe sent me to try and I'm nothing but flat-out impressed. This heatsink may not look like much, but the way it's put together is righteous and it works great! :D

I don't have the stock fan on it, Snipe also sent me a couple of engineering sample 60mm fans....one deep and one thin. I put the deep one on the heatsink and the thin one I superglued to me northbridge cooler since I got room now after getting rid of the Zalman.

It don't look as pretty to me, (hey, I thought the Zalman was a gorgeous cooler), but it works a whole lot better...I haven't crashed once at 10.5x200 so far and I've been torturing the bejeebus out of her since last night.

Happy-happy, joy-joy...methinks it's fixed. 8)
More talking to myself, but at least then next time I have a problem or want to remember what I did I'm only a short search away... ;)

I'd read somewhere that some NF7-S rev2 had a glitch where if you used the third memory slot it could bork the bios saving occassionally, and I think I've had that problem since I installed the mobo.

As part of me fix-her-up I put both sticks in the first two slots. I sacrifice duel-channel memory but I gain stability.

How much performance does dual-channel memory really add? (And yeah I know I spelt dual/duel two different ways...I can never remember which is right so I'm hedging my bets)

Bubs is running nice. She's idling at 36c and after running the Prime95 torture test for an hour yesterday she only got up to 41.5c. (And she was on 41.5c for about 40 minutes nice and stable)

I ran the mixed test after that with no errors, things is looking welly. :)
I am sooooo happy about how she's running right now, I haven't had a single crash since installing the Jag! She's been running 10.5x200 the whole time on 24/7 and I've been bouncing around between games lately just trying to crash her....and she's been a freaking rock. :D

Thank you Snipe, thank you so much. Stability is such a blessed gift. :)

As soon as I get a break in downloading I think I'll start to see how fast I can make her go now, but I ain't in no rush....2.1Ghz seems plenty fast for all the games I'm currently playing. 8)
digitalwanderer said:
How much performance does dual-channel memory really add?
Not all that much on a64s as I recall... 10-15% maybe? (Overall, that is.)

You should be able to find out from some socket 7xx and 9xx series CPU reviews.
All the console talk is depressing me since I don't have an HDTV yet, so I thought I'd relate a Bubbles scare.

I had a friend over with her laptop hooked into my network to transfer some stuff, (she'd missed "House"), when one of my cats jumped onto my desk. There was a small "thud-CRACKLE!" sound from the vicinity of Bubbles, and suddenly there was the "WEEEEE-OOOOH!!!! WEEEEE-OOOOH!!!! WEEEEE-OOOOH!!!! WEEEEE-OOOOH!!!" of the thermal alarm blaring out and all the puppies woke up in a panic as I panicked. :?

It turned out the fan I'd superglued to the northbridge cooler had just fallen off and shattered it's blades on the X800 TT's memory coolers. I had plugged it into the CPU fan pinner on the mobo rather than the CPU fan so the PC thought my CPU fan had died. (Even though it hadn't)

Fan replaced, she never even crashed during the excitement....GODS I LOVE MY COMPUTER!!!!! :D
Just got this off me camera finally...Bubbles new CPU cooler and tie-tied on northbridge cooler:

RussSchultz said:
You should de-dust it.
:rolleyes: (<--- Not intended towards you though Russ, just life in general)

Two "funny" things about your comment:

1 Someone at EB posted damn near the same exact comment after I posted the same pict.

2 That IS after I had just dusted her out

martrox said:
DW....Maybe you need Megamaid........ ;)
Damn it, I AM the Megamaid around here! :?

We have ionic breezes in our house so all our dust is "sticky" now, the picture you see is after I had taken out the mobo, blown her off with a can of compressed air, then went to work with an old toothbrush to get off the built up crap that the air wouldn't move!

That IS Bubbles clean, as clean as she gets. I think of my PC like the MFalcon; it doesn't matter how she looks on the outside, it's what's under the hood that counts. ;)
Damn that is one dusty ass PC. digi with all these threads you have of bubbles...I think its time you got bubbles 2.0.... ;)