British Scientist to End World on Wednesday

"1 in 3 million chance"
I wouldnt be surprised if the Large Hadron Collider had similar odds of destroying the earth.
which IMO is far to risky (ie far more of a danger than terrorism is to me or you).
perhaps this is the reason why theres been no alien lifeforms discovered they all follow the same path
A/ gravity
B/ nuclear
C/ huge particle collider
gameover :)

I'ld prefer them to have spent the money on space exploration + in 50->100 years or so, build the Large Hadron Collider on an asteroid (perhaps it will also destroy the earth even at that distance, but the odds are much reduced).

btw Im in no sense a luddite
but when we have the ppl behind the Large Hadron Collider admitting they dont actually know whats gonna happen, alarm bells must ring for unemotive rational ppl.
Maybe the reason we haven't found any intelligent life in the universe is because once a civilization gets sufficiently advanced they'll build a Hadron collider and obliterate themselves.

Edit: Bah, damn you zed, beating me to it.
If only one of these civilizations could discover warp drive before the reset collider!
but when we have the ppl behind the Large Hadron Collider admitting they dont actually know whats gonna happen, alarm bells must ring for unemotive rational ppl.

Yes, let's make a list of every possible instance where humans did something "big" in which they had no clue what the consequencies might truly be:

Wait, let's not, because I don't have that kind of time before the Mayan calendar runs out -- I have a feeling that list, if printed, using 5pt font on a 1200dpi laser printer, would take about four billion 8.5x14 pages.

People didn't know what would happen with the first nuclear fission experiments (long before the bomb). Nevertheless, they had a good idea of what to expect...

People didn't know what would happen with the first particle accelerator experiments (long before the Hadron collider). Nevertheless, they had a good idea of what to expect...

I'm rather unconvinced that Tesla knew what was going to happen when he started pushing many hundreds of thousands of volts into the atmosphere, but once again, I bet he had a solid idea of what to expect...

Not knowing does not lead you to not doing.

I say turn that bad bastard all the way to "eleven" and watch the 10TeV collision pop out a few hundred red, blue and green quarks and enjoy the fireworks with barbeque and beer. And when the day is done and the planet is still here, rub it in as many people's faces as humanly possible. Insofar as the world "ending later", that argument will never stop. The doomsayers will only extend their "later" date ad-infinitum.

And if we really truly die? So what? I'd rather die in the name of science than in the name of someone's god(s), politics, or greed.
Has anyone else notice a shortage of Reeboks at the shoe stores?

No, but the local KFC was out of chicken last night :oops: It wasn't actually me ordering (or food for me to begin with), but still found it odd...
I'll be in office at that time.

BTW, wasn't there a similar sort of thing shown in Spiderman 2. That scientist was simulating nuclear fusion publicly and things go horribly wrong..then that fireball begins to suck everything.