British Scientist to End World on Wednesday


Mostly Harmless
Well, it may actually take a little longer (4 years) for the snowball to reach the bottom of the mountain. . .

But a handful of scientists believe that the experiment could create a shower of unstable black holes that could ‘eat’ the planet from within, and they are launching last-ditch efforts to halt it in the courts.

One of them, Professor Otto Rossler, a retired German chemist, said he feared the experiment may create a devastating quasar – a mass of energy fuelled by black holes – inside the Earth.

‘Nothing will happen for at least four years,’ he said. ‘Then someone will spot a light ray coming out of the Indian Ocean during the night and no one will be able to explain it.

‘A few weeks later, we will see a similar beam of particles coming out of the soil on the other side of the planet. Then we will know there is a little quasar inside the planet.’
Wasn't the atom bomb supposed to set the atmosphere on fire, burning away all of the breathable air?
Yeah, IIRC before Trinity there was a bet to predict the power. Predictions include dud, 18kt, destruction of New Mexico, and destruction of the Earth. The 18kt prediction won the bet, of course.
Actually there's predictions for the original Trinity test that the entire atmosphere would incinerate. Although later calculation (before the actual test) deemed the possibility to be extremely low.
Yes. I don't recall the exact figure, but for some reason the number "1 in 3 million chance" springs to mind. The idea was that the temperatures created by the atomic bomb would be so high that the gases in the atmosphere would undergo spontaneous fusion, causing a chain reaction and incinerating the entire surface of the Earth.
I wish he'd bring it forward 48 hours, I've got a tedious meeting tomorrow I'd rather not have to go to.
Well, it may actually take a little longer (4 years) for the snowball to reach the bottom of the mountain. . .
But a handful of scientists believe that the experiment could create a shower of unstable black holes that could ‘eat’ the planet from within, and they are launching last-ditch efforts to halt it in the courts.

One of them, Professor Otto Rossler, a retired German chemist, said he feared the experiment may create a devastating quasar – a mass of energy fuelled by black holes – inside the Earth.

‘Nothing will happen for at least four years,’ he said. ‘Then someone will spot a light ray coming out of the Indian Ocean during the night and no one will be able to explain it.

‘A few weeks later, we will see a similar beam of particles coming out of the soil on the other side of the planet. Then we will know there is a little quasar inside the planet.’
Ahh... will it happen before or after the Yellowstone Super Volcano blows, we get hit by a large meteor, a large nearby star goes supernova, or some extremely deadly virus adapts to be transmitted by mosquitoes?
I saw the documentary yesterday and they interviewed prof. Rossler, his theory is plausible except for one thing: (AFAICR) microscopic black holes are not stable and will disappear instantly.
I saw the documentary yesterday and they interviewed prof. Rossler, his theory is plausible except for one thing: (AFAICR) microscopic black holes are not stable and will disappear instantly.

Also: The earth regularly experiences particle collisions with much higher energies in the upper atmosphere.

I just figured out that the current world's biggest super-collider is about 35 miles away from me at Fermilabs last night. :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing what they find, I ALMOST understand what they're looking for. :yep2:
We could drop lawyers, politicians and Ben Stiller in the hole (add 1 favourite unfunny comedian per earths inhabitant). That would make the last 4 years the best in mankinds history.
I just figured out that the current world's biggest super-collider is about 35 miles away from me at Fermilabs last night. :)

I'm really looking forward to seeing what they find, I ALMOST understand what they're looking for. :yep2:

Fermilabs has been going for years already, it discovered plenty in its time but the big discoveries are likely to be made at the CERN LHC now. Thats about 4x longer than the collider at Fermilabs.

First high energy collisions are due to take place this October :D :D :D
The real problem here is the Clinton administration ended the funding for the supercollider in Texas. The Europeans would be so much smugger if the end of the world was caused in Texas, just like they always said it would be. . . .
Nice knowing you all. Once the Higgs Boson is discovered (going to laugh so hard if it isn't) the entire universe is going to reboot.