Sorry for bailing last night, NRP. Vodka caught up with me quicker than I expected but it was fun. Thanks for the help .
I found what looks to be a pretty decent incendiary sniper, if anyone wants it. It's for level 9 or higher. 37% chance to ignite, LOL!
By the way, co-op is where it's at for good weapons. I played some co-op with Scott and Robert and found two of my best weapons so far: high damage and high ROF caustic sniper and assault rifle. Love these weapons so far. They do chew through ammo though.
billy you should be playing on xbox so we can all coop
So ?Cool, I have it on Xbox as well but don't have anyone playing the game on my friendlist.
Can I add you guys ?
My GT is xUselessoulx
I finally saved Roland. Apparently, the secret was turning off the Xbox and going for lunch. LOL! Came back after a few hours and slaughtered WAr-DEN.
Seriously though, I recommend stocking up on shock weapons and grenades. Corrosive weapons work well too. Don't even try to use fire or conventional weapons on those Hyperion a-holes.
Imo Co-op is the decisive factor for this game, Physx or no Physx.
So ?