Borderlands 2 [PS3, X360]

My, how times have changed. It couldn't have been a little over a year ago where people were still bashing DD and screaming from mountain tops that the only way they were going to give up their physical media discs is if they were pried from their cold, dead hands.

With day 1 DD, (especially with things like Steam where it can essentially already be installed and just wait for the timer to run out to be unlocked), the benefits are coming through!

I wish I had that option for the 360, it'd already be downloaded and sitting there waiting for me to push Start.

Well it's definately a matter of trade offs.

I will say this, DD comes down to trust at the end of the day. Do I trust MS to treat me right with regards to that virtual item in the future? Right now that answer is no. They don't seem focused on user experience, just profits. One look at the current dashboard will tell you that I stick to small $10-$20 downloads there.

I trust Steam which is why I'd buy $60 games from them. MS has a long long way to prove to me that they won't screw me over in a couple years by taking the product offline, or not enabling easy transfer from one machine to another. At a user experience level, they just don't 'get it'. Steam on the other hand, is laser focused on user experienced. Night and day difference in what that means when I think 'trust'.

But hey, small miracles, at least I can now keep my username logged in on two consoles at once, WOW, it only took them 7 years to iron that one out :/
Well, psn has caught up and I really like this new option of DD on day 1. My Borderlands 2 is already downloaded on my ps3, just like Steam, am just waiting for it to unlock.
The only platform where I'm truly comfortable with DD is the Vita, simply because carrying around as little extra crap as possible makes sense for a handheld device. Day1 DD games on Steam or PSN on the other hand are still way too expensive. Pay more, get an awful lot less. In most cases at least. I don't really see the appeal of that. Amazon has day 1 shipping anyway, so I don't even have to wait longer.
The only platform where I'm truly comfortable with DD is the Vita, simply because carrying around as little extra crap as possible makes sense for a handheld device. Day1 DD games on Steam or PSN on the other hand are still way too expensive. Pay more, get an awful lot less. In most cases at least. I don't really see the appeal of that. Amazon has day 1 shipping anyway, so I don't even have to wait longer.

Yeah, I don't see the appeal either. Pay full-whack for a game with no possibility of trading it in. Seems an awfully expensive way to do it.

Halo 4 for example. I can preorder this for about £30 in the UK. I'd be able to trade it in for at least £15 after a couple of months play as well. If I bought it DD (and I doubt whether that's even a possibility on XBL at the mo) it would no doubt be £40.

Anyway, that's well off topic. Borderlands 2 appears to have reviewed well. Think I may wait until GOTY edition for this though. I liked Borderlands but nowhere near as much as some of you guys.
I hope Borderlands 2 has a better final boss than Borderlands does. I spent 20 minutes shooting that thing with 95% of the time standing in one spot, holding the trigger down, slowly decreasing its health. I would have run out of ammo ages ago if I didn't have infinite ammo weapons. I also hope they can do better than that retarded twist ending.
I don't get the complaints about the ending. So, we were supposed to be hunting for a rumored vault that nobody exactly knew about but everybody assumed to contain vast treasure.

Turns out, it was an alien prison for a terrible monster that would kill everything and get away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling treasurer hunters!

What am I missing that was so disappointing about the ending?
All I know is I'm hanging onto my copy for the DLC. Made the mistake of selling off the first one before all the DLC was out. The later DLC looked awesome.
I don't get the complaints about the ending. So, we were supposed to be hunting for a rumored vault that nobody exactly knew about but everybody assumed to contain vast treasure.

Turns out, it was an alien prison for a terrible monster that would kill everything and get away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling treasurer hunters! What am I missing that was so disappointing about the ending?

ScoobyDooLands? :p
All I know is I'm hanging onto my copy for the DLC. Made the mistake of selling off the first one before all the DLC was out. The later DLC looked awesome.

I hope you at least held onto it long enough to play Dr. Zed's island. That was tough and the narration was simply hysterical, it was just great.

Yep, definitely keeping this all the way through all the DLC.

+1 to upnorthsox for getting the reference! :)
My, how times have changed. It couldn't have been a little over a year ago where people were still bashing DD and screaming from mountain tops that the only way they were going to give up their physical media discs is if they were pried from their cold, dead hands.

With day 1 DD, (especially with things like Steam where it can essentially already be installed and just wait for the timer to run out to be unlocked), the benefits are coming through!

I wish I had that option for the 360, it'd already be downloaded and sitting there waiting for me to push Start.

You can get pretty close to this benefit by just doing a midnight launch or going to your local 24 hr wal mart and grabbing the game at 12 (I've done this many times for Halo and Gears of War launches). I suppose you might have to factor in some drive time which is why I said pretty close. OTOH the "anticipation factor" will be much better with buying the disc imo (IE, it's more fun to go get a colorful piece of plastic with box art extolling it's virtues and drive home with it imagining how great it is then just hitting "play" or something).

plus some midnight launches i get free (if irrelevant) stuff. got a poster, beenie hat, some other stuff i cant remember at halo reach launch, all for no real reason i suppose. was kind of disappointed with getting nothing at wal mart gears 3 midnight launch, i guess in that case you officially had to pre-order to get the freebies, booo.
I don't get the complaints about the ending. So, we were supposed to be hunting for a rumored vault that nobody exactly knew about but everybody assumed to contain vast treasure.

Turns out, it was an alien prison for a terrible monster that would kill everything and get away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling treasurer hunters!

What am I missing that was so disappointing about the ending?

The boss fight just wasn't very challenging. Or interesting. It just sat there, and you unloaded everything you had. I also felt like they ran out of gas somewhere before the final boss, so it's not just the last boss, more like the last 1 or 2 hours of the game felt kind of "meh" to me. But it's not like Rage, where the end was all LOLWUT.
Borderlands really hits its groove in co-op. Give it a shot if you haven't already.

That's a fair point actually. I don't really go in for co-op/online much so I played it as a single player game, knowing full well it wasn't quite the "full experience". I think most of my gripes with Borderlands was down to the almost non-existent narrative and the fact that the missions were fairly bland. I can imagine that in co-op this becomes less of an issue.
I was speaking with a friend yesterday and he said he really enjoyed Borderlands playing our 3 player coop game online, but didn't get into it in single player at all.
I don't get the complaints about the ending. So, we were supposed to be hunting for a rumored vault that nobody exactly knew about but everybody assumed to contain vast treasure.

Turns out, it was an alien prison for a terrible monster that would kill everything and get away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling treasurer hunters!

What am I missing that was so disappointing about the ending?

A boss that isn't fun, and a plot twist that makes no sense what so ever. Why couldn't all those guys I killed kill the monster, or at least help me? There is no need for a game with this little story to not make sense.
So I'm an Assassin, as it turns out. :D

As am I. :)

I played for only about an hour last night, got to lvl 3 and the part where they turn the electricity back on and then had to call it a night.

Unlike a review that I read, I enjoyed the "reunion" with Claptrap. He's (They're) one of my favorite NPCs in any game.

I wanted to start off the first part playing single player as it seemed like everybody I saw online was already lvl 15 or so, they would have already gotten through the "intro" stages and also they're shared EXP would boost me up too much.

Hopefully, I'll close the gap today or tomorrow and I can join in some co-op goodness this weekend.
"Hey Minion!" LOL!

I saw Brit and xarthna playing, and Robert hopped on and off a few times, but no one else seemed to be on.

I like the Badass perks, where you can augment some of your core attributes. Did BL have something similar? I don't remember.

I want to do co-op because I think you get better weapon drops. I want my elemental sniper rifles!
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I like the Badass perks, where you can augment some of your core attributes. Did BL have something similar? I don't remember.

IIRC, Baddass perks are new. Previously, the more you used a weapon, the greater bonus levels you got with it.

I want to do co-op because I think you get better weapon drops. I want my elemental sniper rifles!

I think you get better weapons with tougher enemies, and playing co-op gives you tougher enemies to balance the fact there are more than one of you playing.