Borderlands 2 [PS3, X360]

I need to get this Bee shield before they need it. What mission gives it? Or is it a random loot drop?

Go to Mordecai, I guess. He gives you the quest where you have to kill this Radio guy. His name is Hunter Hellquish. Once you kill him and go back to Mordecai to finish the mission: Hunter spawns again and again...he will drop the shield for you.
Got two other legendaries:

Blood of Terramorphous: a relic that gives you 0.5 % health regen per second. (from Terramorphus)

Hellfire: a fire damage SMG (drops from Scorch, the big Spiderant thing found in Frostburn canyon, part of the Firehawk sidequest. once you finish him and finish the mission, he spawns again and again.

Tried to get Vermivorous the Invincible to spawn. He has a chance to drop the legendary hunter class mod...but playing solo: no chance, no chance. I get to the point where a super ultimate badass varkyd spawns...but never got the last spawn :(

I still don't have a Legendary sniper.
The game just skipped ahead from the very start of the game in TVHM to about halfway through it. If this keeps up I'm going to be severely underleveled.
:devilish: More problems. It won't let me use the in-game store (and according to some reports the DLC you've downloaded as well) because it says my network account and my system language aren't the same. What the hell kind of bullshit is that. They have never been the same, and no game has ever made a problem out of it.
Cornsnake, are you playing on XBox or PS3 ?

I haven't come across as glaring of glitches as all the ones you described. I'd be upset if I had those issues. Have you tried copying your save games and then doing a complete re-install of the game? Perhaps something got messed up when it was installed?
Cornsnake, are you playing on XBox or PS3 ?

I haven't come across as glaring of glitches as all the ones you described. I'd be upset if I had those issues. Have you tried copying your save games and then doing a complete re-install of the game? Perhaps something got messed up when it was installed?

I'm on PS3. I've tried searching but I haven't come across anyone with the same problem I have. I think the problem is the game simply isn't asking me if I want to skip missions or not. Even if I only did the very last part of a mission or did the story in the wrong order, it just assumes I've completed them and skips ahead.

I'm not sure if a re-install will fix things since the game was working fine initially. But I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip.

Edit: I've deleted and re-installed everything. It might actually be awhile before I can see if worked since I'm currently well ahead of where we were in co-op. And if I stay ahead it'll probably keep the problem from re-occurring.
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Finished DLC. Only main story missions, spare side missions when they increase lvl cap.

DLC is great! Good story, good setting, good length. Love to drive those hovercrafts.

I did play through without the Bee equipped to make it more intense. Still my gear even without Bee is good. And guess what: found my first legendary sniper! What is crazy: just found it looting a 'normal' red chest, standing around in a room. How cool is that! And what is best, the sniper rifle is ace! It is so good.

It is called Lyuda something. Super accurate, i can precisely shoot a fly at the wall with this thing. Single shot. High magazine. Packs a punch with shock elemental. And you can hold the trigger for auto fire if you need to. A real sniper rifle with full favorite weapon as of now, in combination with Maggie.

I won't spoil the end, but it is highly recommended for loot whores like me :))
My game does not boot anymore after it installed the DLC...... It just hangs on the BL2 logo loading screen.

Looks like nobody else on the offical BL2 site has the same problem zzz
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Watched some mechromancer vids: i feel that this supports my feeling that Zeros top tier sniper tree skill, the crit stacking, is gimped in comparison to the stacking skill of the mechromancer class.

Furthermore: when launching deception it is quite lame that you stop running. And it is dumb that the decoy launches right in front of you, making it highly possible to directly get hit during deception.

Ended my farming session, and I even got some legendaries. And for the first time: got an e-tech weapon...a sniper shooting laser beams, how cool is that!
My game does not boot anymore after it installed the DLC...... It just hangs on the BL2 logo loading screen.

Looks like nobody else on the offical BL2 site has the same problem zzz

That's bad. :cry: Can you still play the regular game if you delete the DLC?

Watched some mechromancer vids: i feel that this supports my feeling that Zeros top tier sniper tree skill, the crit stacking, is gimped in comparison to the stacking skill of the mechromancer class.

Furthermore: when launching deception it is quite lame that you stop running. And it is dumb that the decoy launches right in front of you, making it highly possible to directly get hit during deception.

Ended my farming session, and I even got some legendaries. And for the first time: got an e-tech weapon...a sniper shooting laser beams, how cool is that!

I'm starting to get bored with my Zero character. I feel he is far too limited. You can focus on melee, but only if you have the necessary equipment to support it. And with the frequency your equipment becomes obsolete in PT2 those can be hard to come by. It isn't helped by the fact that there is only one gun that 100% melee damage, the Law pistol. There are also plenty of enemies you can't effectively fight with melee, especially with the amount of health they have in PT2.

You can go with the sniper tree but that makes even worse use of his Deception skill.

And need to have a class mod with health regeneration, or else his survive-ability is simply too low.

His role in co-op seems to be the glasscannon, but the other classes seem to do fine doing damage. In fact it can be hard keep up when Axton pulls out 2 turrets.

I've created a Gunzerker character for playing solo. With his skill I can wield 2 weapons, letting me do loads of damage, and I get 50% of my health back. The difference is night and day between him and Zero. Gunzerking is immediately effective regardless of the situation because every enemy is designed to be shot at with guns. And free health is always nice.

I hope they improve the balance between classes in the future because Zero needs it.
You describe the typical class-based combat game unbalance. In fantasy games, the weapon wielders always have the advantage over the casters because their damage improves with skills, pick-ups, and they don't run out, whereas casters, or other novel combatants, always have some other limit that gets in the way. If casters can run out of energy, weapon wielders should also, but that rarely happens. Whenever I play a class-based game, I'm always excited for the possibilities for novel combat styles, yet invariably end up just shooting/hitting because the alternatives are so ineffective. Any weapon that slows or freezes enemies is always pointless because killing them outright is more effective. A class that uses traps can't deal with mobs and has to resort to shooting/hitting.

It's a real shame. I guess that was a given for Borderlands which is definitely a shooter, but there's loads more scope for interesting play in games that rarely gets realised. All this amazing technology and yet game design remains where it was in the 90s pretty much.
I guess you guys see things a little bit to negative. I use Zero. Played through the game and than in hard mode up to lvl 50, all solo without help, without big trouble. In the end, the game relies a lot on proper gear. Watching youtube and see others take down Terramorphus, I even have the impression that my character is at least as strong, because I take him out faster. Furthermore, saw a vid where a guy kills him solo Zero with just melee.

Some of Zero's skills are to conservative. Maybe it is for good because he already is a strong character. And I do not mind that in such a game, there are easier classes and some classes which are little bit more difficult.

On the other hand, some decisions about Zero's skills seem to be weird and ultimately as a result make people to not use his skills.

But I want to point out that Cunning is a super strong tree. Death Blossom makes Deception important and combined with death mark gives you an strategic edge in most situations. Furthermore, you are able to take half of the sniping tree. As a result, he probably packs the highest damage...

I think they were just a little bit to conservative with Zero, they maybe were afraid that he gets overpowered. But then, Mechromancer seems exactly this in comparison to all classes...overpowered...but who cares as long as the game makes so much fun and is one of the best games I have ever played. 118h in.
Yay, delete of everything except the save game stuff and then reinstall made it work.

As for Zero, I feel he is a bit schizofrenic to play, combining the long range aspect of the sniper rifle with the close combat melee and then having to use class mods to have health regeneration.

I respeced into the cunning tree and the Kunai during Deception is quite good for mid close combat, but currently with rest of the points in the sniper tree. But I am hoping the Bore skill can be interesting with the shotgun I am using to suit the more mid close combat style needed to use the Kunai.
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Yay, delete of everything except the save game stuff and then reinstall made it work.

As for Zero, I feel he is a bit schizofrenic to play, combining the long range aspect of the sniper rifle with the close combat melee and then having to use class mods to have health regeneration.

I respeced into the cunning tree and the Kunai during Deception is quite good for mid close combat, but currently with rest of the points in the sniper tree. But I am hoping the Bore skill can be interesting with the shotgun I am using to suit the more mid close combat style needed to use the Kunai.

I did the same as you. At lvl 42 you get back bore. I also used shotguns quite more: while in deception, wait for < 1 s and shoot the badass in his face often finishes him off.

Furthermore, with sniper Zero I did just hang back and shoot. Problem, that I was constant low on ammo, as I basically could only use my sniper rifle...which is not optimal, but still ok.

With cunning: you are more close as you said, use different weapons like a fine Jacobs shotgun with x10 bullets all close up right in the face while using deception, in an ideal case already pre damaged and marked by the Kunais.

With two fang, I started to use more revolvers. I am in love with Jacobs revolver with reasonable magazine size and base damage. So cunning for me makes Zero gameplay more interesting, as I can still hang back and take out losers with my sniper :)

Btw, there is a skill in Cunning that restores some tiny tiny health while in deception. Although it is not much, I still spec'd it out.
Just want to say: those E-Tec snipers are so cool. The laser beam looks really really nice and differs between weapons and elemental effects.

E-tec bazooka are brutal: have one that shoots two big plasma balls...niiiiiiice!

Even SMGs are cool with E-tec.

I furthermore think that E-tec weapons have a slightly different color and thus an own item tier: it is purple, but a bit darker imo...nice touch if true :)

Ha ha ha, all friends mad at me, want me to play BF3 with them...I want them to play Borderlands 2 with me!

What is graveyard.sav? What does this have to do with me?
When you get hit by the glitch that turns your save into graveyard.sav, upon entering FFYL and then subsequently dying for whatever reason, you will never respawn. You die and go into a free roam camera. If you try to load another character, dashboard, restart your xbox, etc, your save data is completely gone and there is no hope of recovering it at that point, as it is renamed graveyard.sav and is missing the majority of the data it once had.

What?! How did I get this?
The glitch originated with the modding community and may or may not have been accidental. It spread from there, and it passes from the infected player to all other players in the game with said infected player. At this point, it's a terrible chain, and chances are it passed to you through some randoms.

A new very serious bug with the 360 version of the game.